I Think That Kamala Harris Has A Chance to Win This Election

It's very tiny but only because she's a black woman. If she were to win though, I don't believe that by fraud would be an absolute guarantee like Biden. It would just depend on the circumstances. However, with all the indictments and two assassination attempts I still believe that the democrats basically handed Trump the election. For the sake of our country I'm hoping and praying that I'm right.
You really think racism might work to prevent her from being President? Do you think Republican use it out loud or just a major subtext? I admit, I spoke with a Republican Trump supporter I met for the first time, last week, who said to me, "If we don't keep that n##### bitch out of office, we may all be needing our weapons to kill snakes". This came right after, discussing my having to shoot a Cotton Mouth Moccasin, that had taken an interest in me and my kayak, on the river, I had just gotten off of. We had not been discussing politics, yet he felt comfortable, expressing this thought, out of the blue. Having no polite reason to confront or insult this generous country man of similar age, a blacksmith by trade, that was giving me a ride back to my Jeep, 20 miles by road, out of his way, my response was "She is an interesting person, isn't she." Yet, I knew where I was, and that this was probably a common sentiment in the area of otherwise normal, generous God-fearing church going country folk. And, this was not like when a local politico sought me out, to train the militia nut-balls he was involved with, while Obama was running for office, yet the language was the same and sentiment the same. In that instance, I did become very forceful when I rejected, both forcefully and insultingly, prompting calls from people that knew me, urging me to take no physical actions against the man. Assuring me his threats to my safety and that of my family would not be pursued in any way.

So, is there (at the least) an undercurrent racism purposely used or advantaged by the campaign? Yes. Will it make the difference? No. I am positive, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he will not be re-elected. Too many people, know who they are dealing with.
You really think racism might work to prevent her from being President? Do you think Republican use it out loud or just a major subtext? I admit, I spoke with a Republican Trump supporter I met for the first time, last week, who said to me, "If we don't keep that n##### bitch out of office, we may all be needing our weapons to kill snakes". This came right after, discussing my having to shoot a Cotton Mouth Moccasin, that had taken an interest in me and my kayak, on the river, I had just gotten off of. We had not been discussing politics, yet he felt comfortable, expressing this thought, out of the blue. Having no polite reason to confront or insult this generous country man of similar age, a blacksmith by trade, that was giving me a ride back to my Jeep, 20 miles by road, out of his way, my response was "She is an interesting person, isn't she." Yet, I knew where I was, and that this was probably a common sentiment in the area of otherwise normal, generous God-fearing church going country folk. And, this was not like when a local politico sought me out, to train the militia nut-balls he was involved with, while Obama was running for office, yet the language was the same and sentiment the same. In that instance, I did become very forceful when I rejected, both forcefully and insultingly, prompting calls from people that knew me, urging me to take no physical actions against the man. Assuring me his threats to my safety and that of my family would not be pursued in any way.

So, is there (at the least) an undercurrent racism purposely used or advantaged by the campaign? Yes. Will it make the difference? No. I am positive, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he will not be re-elected. Too many people, know who they are dealing with.

Racism is you left loon's wedge
Racism is you left loon's wedge
I hear that claim on here, all the time. It just does not comport with the people I meet, here in West Tennessee, a predominantly RED State. Is your experience different, with people you meet, by happenstance where you travel? Or is it just a Republican talking point? When was the last time you actually talked to someone independent or, as you like to use, from the left?
It's very tiny but only because she's a black woman.

Then Kammy is really in trouble because her mother was an Indian and her father was only half Jamaican. That makes her at least 75% caucasian. And I'm not even sure whether the half of her father that was Jamaican was true Jamaican or half African, so it is uncertain whether she is any % black!

Kamala is dark-skinned, that is all we know, and every people around the equatorial region is dark skinned, but not necessarily African (black).
Then Kammy is really in trouble because her mother was an Indian and her father was only half Jamaican. That makes her at least 75% caucasian. And I'm not even sure whether the half of her father that was Jamaican was true Jamaican or half African, so it is uncertain whether she is any % black!

Kamala is dark-skinned, that is all we know, and every people around the equatorial region is dark skinned, but not necessarily African (black).

I know, but to the left she's black and that's a good enough reason to vote for her for them.
You really think racism might work to prevent her from being President? Do you think Republican use it out loud or just a major subtext? I admit, I spoke with a Republican Trump supporter I met for the first time, last week, who said to me, "If we don't keep that n##### bitch out of office, we may all be needing our weapons to kill snakes". This came right after, discussing my having to shoot a Cotton Mouth Moccasin, that had taken an interest in me and my kayak, on the river, I had just gotten off of. We had not been discussing politics, yet he felt comfortable, expressing this thought, out of the blue. Having no polite reason to confront or insult this generous country man of similar age, a blacksmith by trade, that was giving me a ride back to my Jeep, 20 miles by road, out of his way, my response was "She is an interesting person, isn't she." Yet, I knew where I was, and that this was probably a common sentiment in the area of otherwise normal, generous God-fearing church going country folk. And, this was not like when a local politico sought me out, to train the militia nut-balls he was involved with, while Obama was running for office, yet the language was the same and sentiment the same. In that instance, I did become very forceful when I rejected, both forcefully and insultingly, prompting calls from people that knew me, urging me to take no physical actions against the man. Assuring me his threats to my safety and that of my family would not be pursued in any way.

So, is there (at the least) an undercurrent racism purposely used or advantaged by the campaign? Yes. Will it make the difference? No. I am positive, beyond the shadow of a doubt, he will not be re-elected. Too many people, know who they are dealing with.
I’d like to say I’m surprised but I’m not.

It happened a while back--before Harris was even VP--I was sitting at my office one day at one of our locations up north and a guy says, “A black woman had an abortion. Crime stoppers sent her $1,000 for preventing a felony.” My heart sank because this was one of my co-workers.

He’s still with the company. Thankfully, I don’t have to deal with him any more.

Its just sad.
Well we're totally fugged if she does. This nation can't endure another four years like the last four
Yup. Democrats have already pushed us over the edge. The country is in free fall. We can only hope that we land on a ledge instead of falling all of the way down to the bottom. While I'm not a great fan of Trump he is the only thing which could stop our fall down the cliff. If Harris wins the country will be finished off.

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