I'd like to report a murder: Megyn Kelly delivers most brutal takedown EVER of a Trump-hater

Good luck with that

LOL I gave you PLaintiff's brief. Too many big words? Not that it would make any difference anyway, your hate drives your clueless ramblings
Why would I need luck? The case was already decided.

I asked you and your response clearly shows you don’t know. Copy/paste is not demonstrative of knowledge.
Why would I need luck? The case was already decided.

I asked you and your response clearly shows you don’t know. Copy/paste is not demonstrative of knowledge.
Got it. Too many big words for you. No problem, you can listen to the lawyers explain it you this week.
You are not comprehending. Of course you can TELL a bank whatever you want but, THEY are lending the money and it's up to THEM to VERIFY what you have told them. You can't be this dense can you?

I can believe how many DemoKKKrats don't understand this very simple fact!
This is what gets Candy's motor running

They always forget that banks have their own assessment team. They don't take anybody's word for it. Their people assess the property or whatever and place a value on it. The process goes from there. All loans were repaid with interest so nobody got defrauded.
It doesn't matter what the bank's assessment team thinks. Dopetard committed fraud that why the jury CONVICTED him on all 34 counts, Iggy.

Your feelings hurt because your assbuddy was convicted mean nothing, silly boy.
It doesn't matter what the bank's assessment team thinks. Dopetard committed fraud that why the jury CONVICTED him on all 34 counts, Iggy.

Your feelings hurt because your assbuddy was convicted mean nothing, silly boy.
In legal reality it does and that’s what the appeals will conclude
No one is empowered to carry the torch for wrongdoings to a couple of banks when the banks themselves experienced no harm and did not pursue charges
The theoretical that this could have maybe possibly evolved into harm to the banks has no standing as a function of law and appeals will rule so.
Clearly you never read it. The more you avoid the issue, the more obvious its become.

Sauer also reiterated arguments made at trial that banks wanted to work with the Trump Organization, did their own due diligence and found no fraud.

“They did do their own due diligence,” Sauer said. “The uncontradicted testimony in the summary judgment record is ‘Everything we did was independent; we didn’t rely on the numbers.’”

New York’s Deputy Solicitor General Judith Vale argued on the state’s behalf that the law gives the attorney general “broad” discretion, but two justices interrupted her opening remarks to ask whether there are any other examples of the state suing “equally sophisticated partners” in such a manner.

“Because I’ve gone through the case that you’ve cited, and all of them always involved consumer protection aspect — it involved protection of the market,” Justice David Friedman said.


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