IDF lookouts said they saw unusual activity along the Gaza border before the October 7 attack, but their commanders told them to stop bothering them,


Diamond Member
May 12, 2022
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Whole thing reeks of some kind of an inside job of some sorts. Or just looking the other way and allowing it to happen. For political purposes. I mean, just look at what’s happening now. Nobody in the world even the Muslim countries are doing anything about Israel’s operations and Gazza. It’s gotten so out of control that with the death toll nobody cares. You could have the IDF do the most evil thing possible and at this point, you’re just gonna have the nonstop polarized responses so nothing matters. You’re just gonna have people who support Israel or Palestine and not so many common sense in between neutral people. The end goal for Israel is seemingly the idea of “greater Israel” taking land and they’re not doing this in the American Democratic style. It’s this very conservative Jewish theocratic style.

Makes absolutely no sense that in the most monitored area of the world a small area by the way that all of these Hamas people just broke in on oct 7 and rampage through various areas for hours on end. Makes no sense. And that’s what people in Israel are saying.

Israeli citizens are the loudest critics and there’s so many of them questioning How did October 7 happen. Was it a some sort of a false flag??

Potentially the idea is that higher-ups in the Israeli government were willing to sacrifice even some of their own people to pursue this political Jewish theocratic ideology of grabbing as much land as possible for Jewish settlements. And it’s not even like they’re doing this in some kind of an American democratic or liberal style. It’s about supremacy.

Maybe after all the smoke clears, we will actually see a different Israeli government one that believes in American style democracy. Only time will tell.
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It is my understanding that it was so common to see stuff every day that folks got complacent and turned a deaf ear.
But this one was big. It’s not just that a bunch of criminal Hamas trash got over the border and started rampaging. They were doing it for hours on end. And in Israel people have machine guns walking around in public. Every inch of that border is monitored. It’s probably the most monitored area in the world.

So this thing doesn’t smell right
Tell us more about this mind-boggling concept you've just created, Jackson:

The "democratic style" through which the british colonies and the United States grabbed the homeland of the natives.

:confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:
Whole thing reeks of some kind of an inside job of some sorts. Or just looking the other way and allowing it to happen. For political purposes. I mean, just look at what’s happening now. Nobody in the world even the Muslim countries are doing anything about Israel’s operations and Gazza. It’s gotten so out of control that with the death toll nobody cares. You could have the IDF do the most evil thing possible and at this point, you’re just gonna have the nonstop polarized responses so nothing matters. You’re just gonna have people who support Israel or Palestine and not so many common sense in between neutral people. The end goal for Israel is seemingly the idea of “greater Israel” taking land and they’re not doing this in the American Democratic style. It’s this very conservative Jewish theocratic style.

Makes absolutely no sense that in the most monitored area of the world a small area by the way that all of these Hamas people just broke in on oct 7 and rampage through various areas for hours on end. Makes no sense. And that’s what people in Israel are saying.

Israeli citizens are the loudest critics and there’s so many of them questioning How did October 7 happen. Was it a some sort of a false flag??

Potentially the idea is that higher-ups in the Israeli government were willing to sacrifice even some of their own people to pursue this political Jewish theocratic ideology of grabbing as much land as possible for Jewish settlements. And it’s not even like they’re doing this in some kind of an American democratic or liberal style. It’s about supremacy.

Maybe after all the smoke clears, we will actually see a different Israeli government one that believes in American style democracy. Only time will tell.
That is the worst thing they could become with our dysfunctional government headed up by a vegetable and cackling clown.
Tell us more about this mind-boggling concept you've just created, Jackson:

The "democratic style" through which the british colonies and the United States grabbed the homeland of the natives.

:confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:
Ok Jose the big point is it’s the Israeli soldiers and citizens calling out October 7 for possibly being some kind of a false flag. That the October 7 attack occurred in the most monitored area in the world has to be a red flag, even to you.

To your point 200 years ago, the Tribes of America were just as brutal or kind or tolerant as the Americans or English. Indians owned slaves to Jose.

It’s now 2024…In 2024 All American citizens are equal. Doesn’t matter if somebody is black, white or Native American. That is the massive difference to. We don’t have a two states in one situation. in America, we have a second amendment that all citizens are protected by. The right to bear arms. That’s not the case in Israel, where Jewish settlers walk around with machine guns in the West Bank, but the Palestinian to live there aren’t allowed to do that. The Jewish settlers have access to better roads and healthcare.

This is not even the will of the Jewish people in Israel it’s because of their conservative theocratic government

Jose they are blatantly obvious differences between the American government and the Israeli government. Interfaith marriages
Are outlawed in Israel. Those marriages have to be performed outside of Israel.
Originally posted by Andy_Jackson
It’s now 2024…In 2024 All American citizens are equal. Doesn’t matter if somebody is black, white or Native American. That is the massive difference to. We don’t have a two states in one situation.

I think I got it now.

You're saying that in the past the US was a racist state as brutal as Israel is now, but the country went though a long-term historic process that culminated in the dismantlement of the last vestiges of America's ethnocratic past in the 60's.

If my interpretation is correct, I fully agree with your idea even though the term "democratic style (of colonization)" is a bit bizarre and oxymoronic : )
It’s now 2024…In 2024 All American citizens are equal. Doesn’t matter if somebody is black, white or Native American.
This is also true in Israel.
The right to bear arms. That’s not the case in Israel, where Jewish settlers walk around with machine guns in the West Bank, but the Palestinian to live there aren’t allowed to do that.
There is no right to bear arms in Israel. All Israeli citizens (regardless of ethnic identity) can hold a gun license (pistol only) if they fulfill the necessary requirements. Rifles are restricted to military personnel. One of the requirements for the license is to have completed military service. Service is obligatory for Jews, optional for Arabs. Many Arab Israelis choose not to serve, so there will be a disparity in numbers. Non-citizens are not eligible for gun licenses.
The Jewish settlers have access to better roads and healthcare.
Incorrect. All Israeli citizens have access to the same services. Palestinian healthcare is the responsibility of government of Palestine. Quality of healthcare varies between countries. Shrug.
Interfaith marriages are outlawed in Israel. Those marriages have to be performed outside of Israel.
"Outlawed" isn't correct language. Interfaith marriages aren't illegal or anything. It is just that marriages in Israel can only be performed by religious authorities. Interestingly, it is actually a leftover of Ottoman law that confines marriage under the auspices of the various religious authorities. All civil marriages performed out of country are recognized by Israel. (You can even be married over Zoom!)

I apologize for this off-topic post, but didn't want shallow misunderstandings of Israeli society to stand without response.
Tell us more about this mind-boggling concept you've just created, Jackson:

The "democratic style" through which the british colonies and the United States grabbed the homeland of the natives.

:confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84: :confused-84:

They stole the homeland of the Turks?
Originally posted by Toddsterpatriot
They stole the homeland of the Turks?

1 The native americans didn't even have the concept of land ownership so they didn't have any rights over the land they inhabited.

2 The Bantu peoples never created any national state in the territory of South Africa so they had no right to claim that territory as their own.

3 The arabs of Palestine were ruled by a multi-ethnic, multi-national empire so they didn't have the right to protect their homeland from european colonists.

etc, etc...

Every ethnocracy in human History managed to "find" some sort of convoluted, spurious way to deny the rights of the native people over their own historic homeland.

We all know this already, Toddster... Surprise us with something we still don't know.
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1 The native americans didn't even have the concept of land ownership so they didn't have any rights over the land they inhabited.

2 The Bantu peoples never created any national state in the territory of South Africa so they had no right to claim that territory as their own.

3 The arabs of Palestine were ruled by a multi-ethnic, multi-national empire so they didn't have the right to protect their homeland from european colonists.

etc, etc...

Every ethnocracy in human History managed to "find" some sort of convoluted, spurious way to deny the rights of the native people over their own historic homeland.

We all know this already, Toddster... Surprise us with something we still don't know.

Poor Arabs, keep getting their asses kicked by the Jews.

They should whine some more.
I think I got it now.

You're saying that in the past the US was a racist state as brutal as Israel is now, but the country went though a long-term historic process that culminated in the dismantlement of the last vestiges of America's ethnocratic past in the 60's.

If my interpretation is correct, I fully agree with your idea even though the term "democratic style (of colonization)" is a bit bizarre and oxymoronic : )
That’s not my view. Well it’s actually historical fact that slavery and racism were worldwide issues not only unique to America.

Not only unique to America. America is one of the most liberal countries of the world. It’s not an ethnic state. We have a large immigration population going back many years.
This is also true in Israel.

There is no right to bear arms in Israel. All Israeli citizens (regardless of ethnic identity) can hold a gun license (pistol only) if they fulfill the necessary requirements. Rifles are restricted to military personnel. One of the requirements for the license is to have completed military service. Service is obligatory for Jews, optional for Arabs. Many Arab Israelis choose not to serve, so there will be a disparity in numbers. Non-citizens are not eligible for gun licenses.

Incorrect. All Israeli citizens have access to the same services. Palestinian healthcare is the responsibility of government of Palestine. Quality of healthcare varies between countries. Shrug.

"Outlawed" isn't correct language. Interfaith marriages aren't illegal or anything. It is just that marriages in Israel can only be performed by religious authorities. Interestingly, it is actually a leftover of Ottoman law that confines marriage under the auspices of the various religious authorities. All civil marriages performed out of country are recognized by Israel. (You can even be married over Zoom!)

I apologize for this off-topic post, but didn't want shallow misunderstandings of Israeli society to stand without response.
My posts are according to what people in Israel are saying. Same thing with the original post it’s straight from Israeli people. Israeli newspapers are probably the most critical of Israel gov policy in the entire world. Even more than the American left.

Palestine is not a country. Not even close. They lack an Air Force, they lack a navy. They lack any semblance of an actual country. Hell, even the two Palestinian territories have governments that have been at odds with each other. UnLike say Canada America or Mexico Palestinians literally rely on Israel allowing goods and services into their country. It’s a two state in one situation… very bizarre. Nothing like what we see in America.

Are you attempting to say that Palestinians living in the West Bank are not under Israeli rule ….Because they certainly are. Israel is the overlord. Now you talk about this so-called “Palestinian government”, my friend. It’s a government that’s not backed by anything. There’s no Palestinian military like there is the Israeli military. it’s a bizarre situation. You have the two states in one reality Israel controls the water and supplies in Palestine. They are effectively the overlords.

The point is I don’t dance around words. I don’t lie. It is a fact that Jewish settlers in the West Bank carry machine guns. There’s been video evidence of it. The Palestinians don’t have access to those kind of weapons. We don’t need to play a word game here.

Yes, that’s exactly what I said about marriage in Israel. I said exactly what you’re saying. Again I’m not here for gotcha moments or word games. I’ll repeat what I said my friend. Interfaith marriage is not allowed in Israel. The marriage ceremony has to be performed outside of the country. Sure there’s interfaith couples living in Israel. They have that in Saudi Arabia too. It is the Israeli Jewish theocratic government that chooses to have that law. They are choosing to do that. Never mind carrying on some kind of an ottoman system. It’s their choice. They don’t have to do that. They could have a system similar to what modern day Turkey or America has where interfaith Marriages can be performed right inside of the country. They choose not to have that though.

now one of the great problems I see here. Is this military law Israel where Arab Muslims or Christian’s Don’t have to serve. I say Muslims or Christians because there’s millions of Arab Jews, who are citizens of Israel they are Arab. They come from Arab countries. Their ancestors going back many centuries are Arab and spoke Arabic and had Arab customs and still do.

It’s obviously going to create a big problem. Same thing with Israel telling orthodox Jews they don’t have to serve in the military. They need to figure that out. They need to have one unified country. Much better to have one unified military that way you don’t continue this ridiculous status quo where there’s been attacks and racism from both sides for decades on end. It has to stop. Something has to change and a good idea is to have a draft where every person living in Israel and the Palestine territories have to serve the military. They need to have one state again though…. The current status quo has proven to be a disaster year after year.

It’s not an American style democracy in Israel . I’m sure you can understand this. In America, you have equal rights and equal laws for everybody. We don’t have a situation where people in Arizona control the water or the supplies into New Mexico. That is what it’s like in Israel, where the powers in Israel control the supply routes into Palestine. Israel dictated to Gazza that they were not allowed to have an airport. That’s totally different from America. We don’t have a situation where New York State tells Pennsylvania that you guys can’t have an airport. These are completely different situations.

A lot of people in Israel want one state same with the Palestinians. Often the racists from both sides oppose this and make the racist claim that “well they can’t live together.” Fact is Muslims and Jews live together peacefully in America and in Canada. And throughout many countries in history.

I’m not against Israel. I stand with many many Israeli people who simply want a change for the better.
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Palestine is not a country. Not even close. They lack an Air Force, they lack a navy. They lack any semblance of an actual country.
I agree Palestine is not (yet) a country. Of the four requirements for statehood, they are certainly missing one and sketch on another. (Having a military is not a requirement).
UnLike say Canada America or Mexico Palestinians literally rely on Israel allowing goods and services into their country.
Well Canada and the US do rely on each other quite a bit in the trade of goods and services. It is no different in Palestine. It is a popular notion that Israel controls "everything in and out" but that is not strictly true.
Are you attempting to say that Palestinians living in the West Bank are not under Israeli rule
This is exactly what I am saying. Palestinian citizens are citizens of Palestine and are under the authority of the government of Palestine. Palestine provides all government services to its citizens. Israel provides security control (made necessary by Arab terrorism).

We (we, as in the people in the west) need to stop complaining about Israel and start demanding that the government of Palestine start acting like a proper government: end the corruption, police the terrorist groups, make a peace treaty with Israel.
The point is I don’t dance around words. I don’t lie. It is a fact that Jewish settlers in the West Bank carry machine guns. There’s been video evidence of it.
Most of those with rifles/long guns in Judea and Samaria (Area C) are reservists. Part of the military.
The Palestinians don’t have access to those kind of weapons.
Lol. There are ~400,000 guns in the hands of Palestinians.
now one of the great problems I see here. Is this military law Israel where Arab Muslims or Christian’s Don’t have to serve.
Yes. The reason is to prevent forcing them to go to war against their own extended family or locations to which they have ties. Did you know that those who DO serve are explicitly stationed to avoid such concerns?
It’s not an American style democracy in Israel .
It doesn't have to be "American-style" to be a democracy. (American arrogance, ugh).
In America, you have equal rights and equal laws for everybody.
As is true in Israel. (Not true in Palestine).
We don’t have a situation where people in Arizona control the water or the supplies into New Mexico. That is what it’s like in Israel, where the powers in Israel control the supply routes into Palestine. Israel dictated to Gazza that they were not allowed to have an airport. That’s totally different from America. We don’t have a situation where New York State tells Pennsylvania that you guys can’t have an airport. These are completely different situations.
It is certainly possible for two separate states to have trade agreements and water agreements.

With water, its rather the norm. Three billion people access water that crosses national boundaries. There is an international water convention, as well as numerous water agreements between specific countries. Canada and the US have one.

Trade agreements which address supply routes are also common among nations.

The airport (its actually the airspace) is a security concern. It is a blockade of the airspace specifically because Gaza is using the airspace to launch attacks at Israel. Attacks stop, airspace will no longer be blockaded.

Of course, none of this suggests that a one-state solution can't be implemented, I'm just addressing your apparent argument that a one-state solution MUST be implemented.

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