IDF preps for ground strike

Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself

The civilians of southern Israel wish them much luck and sucess in their struggle against the relentless enemy.
Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own a military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself
As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.

This story is just another in a long line of false flag operations. Just a made up, BS report (like the killing of the 3 teens). Israel wants to attack Gaza again, so they make this crap up to justify their aggression.

From your own link:
...30 drills which are digging down to search for the tunnels based on intelligence information.

Notice they don't say what that "intelligence information" says, or who its from, or how they got the information. How convenient.

And just what are the results of these "30 drills"?

From your own link:
However, currently there are still no results to show for the efforts.

Why am I not surprised?

Shoe any prood that the blockade is illegal, asshole.

As long as they support terror, the blockade is both moral, justified, AND legal.,

Where is this written in law?

While the feel-good Resolution may say this, they are not Customary or International Humanitarian Law.

The Fourth Geneva Convention say otherwise. And Israeli domestic law has been applicable in the West Back since 31 July 1988; when Jordan cut all ties. The West Bank became a territory with no sovereign claim and the Israelis were already in effective control.

I'm citing Article 68 of the GCIV. What are you citing???

Once you understand that any attack against the Occupation Power is a prosecutable offense, you will understand how irrelevant your statement is.

Most Respectfully,
You need to walk your talk, skippy.

What am I citing? How about Article 33 of the GCIV?

Article 33:
No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Or Article 3.

Don't you dare point to the 4th GC, when Israel has violated almost all of its provisions.

The UN Human Rights Commission affirms that it violates nearly all 149 articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that governs the treatment of civilians in war and under occupation and is guilty of grievous war crimes. The Commission also determined that as an occupying power Israel has committed crimes against humanity as defined under the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.

Oh, fuck you, hypocrite, I mean, really.

Day on and on Israelis are being stabbed, civilians are being fired upon in Israel, that's the purest form of collective punishment.

Not once you have peeped about that.

So one collective punishment is ok, while the other isn't?

Yeah, fuck you.
So, Billo_Really , what do you think is the proper response to a tunnel built to attack Israeli citizens on their sovereign land?

Israelis dying.

And this is why the next IDF response will have to be even more severe than the last by a long shot.

Imagine every square inch of Gaza looking like this


And Billo, your arguments are getting more and more desperate. An internationally agreed trade embargo isn't collective punishment. Nor is it against any laws for one country to refuse to do business or allow passage with an others citizens.

The IDF is getting ready to go in and end this tunnel nonsense for good and the likely solution is one that also wrecks the soil for farming as well. Its a huge error on the part of these fools, but when have the Arab Muslims not acted the fool in regards to Israel.

Imagine what will happen when the Israeli's flood the tunnel system with sea water and get back to me on farming in Gaza.

Oh and while your at it you might educate yourself on the legalities of a blockade, assuming what Israel is doing qualifies as a blockade and not an embargo, which would by the term I'd apply.,d.cGc
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I don't think the Israelis have an all or nothing mentality. They seem to think they will have to give something of the disputed territories up in order to find peace at least with some of the palis. I think its a bad idea to sacrifice one more inch of Israel but the Israeli's seem to want to give it a try.

The Gazans are hopeless and the embargo must continue indefinitely or until the inevitable next confrontation which Israel has promised will be decisive

Originally posted by Boston1:
I don't think the Israelis have an all or nothing mentality.

The Gazans are hopeless and the embargo must continue indefinitely

Originally posted by RoccoR:
2. A counterparty who persists in seeing people in terms of absolute good and evil.

No shit!

Now try getting a 10 year old to read it and explain the difference to you
Some how we are mixing apples and oranges.
• Article 51 applies to the issue of the "State of Palestine" threatening or using force against the "State of Israel" (which does not include the West Bank or Gaza Strip).​
The Laws of Occupation apply. And the Pals have every right to resist.

• Firing rockets into Israel, digging tunnels into Israel, or the Arab Palestinians conducting Jihadist, Fedayeen, Insurgent, Terrorist or any other asymmetric activities outside of the boundaries of the West Bank or Gaza, is the illegitimate use of force.​
So is collectively punishing an entire population of people who've committed no crime.

• The blockade is a legitimate counterterrorist and defensive countermeasure employed to stop the illicit shipments if small arms and light weapons (SALW) to the Islamic Resistance, Palestine Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Harakat al-Sabireen, and other asymmetric or irregular forces that have made threats against the peace and security of the Israeli people or the territorial integrity of the "State of Israel." It is not a "collective punishment" but a military necessity and an absolute prerequisite in the maintenance public order and safety as required by the Hague Regulation.​
The blockade is punitive punishment that started immediately after Hamas won elections in 2006.

Israel is a serial human rights international law abuser. The UN Human Rights Commission affirms that it violates nearly all 149 articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that governs the treatment of civilians in war and under occupation and is guilty of grievous war crimes. The Commission also determined that as an occupying power Israel has committed crimes against humanity as defined under the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.
Relaxing the internal defense and security countermeasures, giving the unrestricted movement and freedom within the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Hostile Arab Palestinians have vowed to rearm, and restore the threats --- opening hostile operations and armed struggle against the State of Israel.​
It's none of your fucking business, what someone does on their own property!
Given the obvious implementation of the Khartoum Resolution (the 3 No's), and the latest explanation in Palestinians policy on the use of resistance and armed struggle as the choice of methods concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation, the lack of potential (irreconcilable differences) for settling the disputes by peaceful means, there is no expectation of advancing any solution.​
Israel has rejected every peace offering Hamas has made.

After Ismail Haniyeh became Hamas prime minister in 2006, he offered the Bush administration peace and a long-term truce in return for an end to Israel’s (illegal) occupation. He was rebuffed the way he is from Israel for the same offer.
In some respects, these thing (issues) mentioned, need to be reduced and solved individually, before reassembling them into a coherent peace settlement.
Israel doesn't want peace. Israel deserves to be attacked and Hamas should build more tunnels.

Two Kinds of People You Should Never Negotiate With
§ Here are two types of counterparties you should negotiate with, even when it seems difficult.

1. Emotional counterparties. Emotion in and of itself shouldn’t preclude you from reaching a successful agreement – it’s natural for people to feel strong emotion in a conflict situation. Once the conflict is identified and addressed, and parties are allowed to vent, emotion usually dissipates. Keep in mind that some people (and cultures) simply express more feelings than others. Also, some negotiators use emotion strategically to influence the other party. Recognize the emotion, but don’t let it stop you from negotiating.

2. Unreasonable counterparties. We often think people are being unreasonable when they don’t agree with our logic and evidence. But more often, people who disagree with us are simply seeing different problems, and even different sets of facts, than we are. Even if you think the other party is being unreasonable, it’s still possible to bridge the gap and close a deal.
§ But here are two types of counterparties you should never negotiate with:

1. A counterparty who alternates between conciliation and provocation.

2. A counterparty who persists in seeing people in terms of absolute good and evil.​
There's a 3rd. The one Zionists are in.

3. A counterparty who is disingenuous.​

Remember, it is fairly common knowledge that neither side is going to get everything they want as an outcome. Essentially, that outcome does not exist in this reality. What the arbitrators are working towards is the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) within the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA).

At the current time, both sides have adopted an "ALL or NOTHING" position.
Wrong! Israel has adopted a "NOTHING" approach.

Hamas has made concessions (including recognizing Israel).

Israel has rejected every one of them.

Link to these laws that you claim exist, and the relevant parts in full. Resisting does not include firing illegal weapons into Israel hoping that they will kill children, that is a war crime. And the only penalty for such an action is counter fire at military instalations as laid down in the IHL and Geneva conventions

No responding to the violent attacks from their government, the people voted them in so they are responsible for their actions. Allow a rocket launcher to be built on your property and you cease being a civilian and become a terrorist.

So you have not read the links provided that showed the blockade did not go on until 2007 a full year after hamas won the election.

It is when what they are doing could lead to the deaths of your people, or it encroaches on your land. How would you deal with a neighbour that ran a meth lab and sold meth to your children ?

How about an actual link to your cut and paste, or would that show you are using anti semitic sources for your attacks on the Jews.

They have to actually put forward a peace deal first, making unilateral demands with an or else outcome is not putting forward peace proposals. Your alleged evidence sums it up when the Palestinian mouthpiece claims the occupation is illegal. By what authority can he claim the occupation is illegal ?

So by your reckoning hamas does not want peace and Israel should flatten the whole of gaza. Then round up every Palestinian known to have ties to any terrorist group and charge them with child murder or attempted child murder. Those found guilty to be handed over to the UN for sentencing and punishment

OH LOOKEE he cant win the argument so he resorts to using Zionist as a racist term

Have you read the Palestinian charter lately, the one that hamas trots out once a month that says there will never be peace while Israel exists.................
Again you have no idea what you are talking about Billo.

The Israeli's have offered deal after deal in the disputed territories, clearly they are willing to negotiate.

However the Arabs have taken on the attitude of

No peace
No recognition
No negotiations

Yet you insist on ignoring those simple facts and flaming out on other posters.

Meanwhile back on earth the IDF IS preparing for a ground assault as well as countermeasures that the Gazans are sure to regret, to the tunnel systems.

Its not very easy to grow crops on salted earth but if the Gazans insist, well so be it. The more dependent the Gazans are on hand outs the easier it is to force them to the negotiating table.
You've been trying to "force" them for 49 years and still no peace deal.

How about a link from a reputable source then as the most well documented meeting ended up with Arafat walking out when Israel refused to give in to his demands. This meant that he walked away with nothing and that has got less and less each year
Where is this written in law?

While the feel-good Resolution may say this, they are not Customary or International Humanitarian Law.

The Fourth Geneva Convention say otherwise. And Israeli domestic law has been applicable in the West Back since 31 July 1988; when Jordan cut all ties. The West Bank became a territory with no sovereign claim and the Israelis were already in effective control.

I'm citing Article 68 of the GCIV. What are you citing???

Once you understand that any attack against the Occupation Power is a prosecutable offense, you will understand how irrelevant your statement is.

Most Respectfully,
You need to walk your talk, skippy.

What am I citing? How about Article 33 of the GCIV?

Article 33:
No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Or Article 3.

Don't you dare point to the 4th GC, when Israel has violated almost all of its provisions.

The UN Human Rights Commission affirms that it violates nearly all 149 articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that governs the treatment of civilians in war and under occupation and is guilty of grievous war crimes. The Commission also determined that as an occupying power Israel has committed crimes against humanity as defined under the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.

Your source is LYING again and is proven to be LIARS all the time.

If Israel has violated the Geneva conventions then why hasn't it been dragged before the ICC/ICJ and tried for war crimes ?
Gaza is just a prison from which there is no escape.

No, its not. It has plenty of potential to be a viable State. But, this mentality of helplessness is definitely part of the problem. Along with the mentality of hostility toward Israel (read: Jews). It implies that the Gazans have no other choice than to pick at Israel's heels in small gestures of provocation and that there are no other possible choice of actions. There are plenty of other choices the Gazans can and should be making.

528 in the West Bank!

I did misread your original quote which stated roadblocks and checkpoints. I was only counting checkpoints. But your information is nearly ten years out of date. There are no checkpoints in Gaza. None.

Up until the stabbing attacks began a few months ago, there were only 26 checkpoints in the West Bank. But that has since changed, most notably in Hebron where a large number of checkpoints have been put in place in RESPONSE to stabbing attacks on innocent Israeli citizens. The checkpoints, like other protective and defensive measures, are a response to attacks and violations. No attacks, no violations, no response.

This "statistic" is not backed up with any information or facts in the original article, written in 2006. I have no idea where or how the author arrives at this number. Smells like bullshit.

But it is misleading. The implication is that Israel is killing Gazans every day in large numbers. It is a misrepresentation of the truth in order to appeal to emotion and demonize Israel. Gazans have died. In times of increased conflict as a result of hostile actions of the Gazans towards Israel. Like building tunnels.

They can't do anything until Israel ends its aggression!

Of course they can. They can build houses with the concrete they have. They can stop storing weapons in schools. They can make some glossy tourist brochures. They can stop firing rockets and mortars at Israel. They can stop building tunnels. They can stop teaching their children to be soldiers and use guns to kill the Jews. They can build and repair water treatment facilities and sewage treatment.

They have one of the best-educated and literate populations in the entire Middle East and you are telling me they can't think of anything else to do but build tunnels?

You're a fuckin' liar! I asked you earlier to prove the 700 violations were in response to the rockets and you've yet to pony up any evidence.

Not in response to rockets, in response to violations. There are no-go zones. If you cross them, you have committed a violation and there will be a response. If you riot in them, there will be a response. The response is escalated for non-compliance. The response begin with warnings and range through to non-lethal live fire and, rarely, lethal force. In the first 6 months of 2015, there were 93 responses to violations. 1 fatality and ~40 injured. Those injured were given opportunity to comply with instruction before the level of force was raised, and refused. Since this is off topic for this thread, I'll stop here, but if you want to start a thread about the morality and legality of no-go zones, I will participate.

You need raw materials to do that and Israel won't let them into the area.

If they have more than 1.5 million tons of concrete to build tunnels -- they have more than enough to re-build every house that was destroyed. Don't make silly arguments. It discredits the occasionally valid points you do bring up mixed up with your emotional appeals and vulgarity.
Billo_Really, et al,

Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society. And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom. Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.

In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.

Where is this written in law?

While the feel-good Resolution may say this, they are not Customary or International Humanitarian Law.

The Fourth Geneva Convention say otherwise. And Israeli domestic law has been applicable in the West Back since 31 July 1988; when Jordan cut all ties. The West Bank became a territory with no sovereign claim and the Israelis were already in effective control.

I'm citing Article 68 of the GCIV. What are you citing???

Once you understand that any attack against the Occupation Power is a prosecutable offense, you will understand how irrelevant your statement is.

Most Respectfully,
You need to walk your talk, skippy.

What am I citing? How about Article 33 of the GCIV?

Article 33:
No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited.
Pillage is prohibited.
Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.

Or Article 3.

Don't you dare point to the 4th GC, when Israel has violated almost all of its provisions.

The UN Human Rights Commission affirms that it violates nearly all 149 articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention that governs the treatment of civilians in war and under occupation and is guilty of grievous war crimes. The Commission also determined that as an occupying power Israel has committed crimes against humanity as defined under the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.

Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;

The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.​

Most Respectfully,
Which supports my conclusion that this is a war in which case the IDF is fully justified in demolishing every square inch of the enemies territory until an unconditional surrender is reached.

From what i'm hearing, I suspect that is the goal of this upcoming confrontation. There was a strong condemnation in Israel of the governments ending the conflict prior to an unconditional surrender last time around in Gaza and all indications are that this time. Its going to be a much more thorough defeat.

Its just a matter of time before the hammer comes down.
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.

billo is to emotionally involved to reason with Rocco and he seems to lack the educational background to comprehend an informed response. Quoting actual international law goes right over his head as I've not seen him respond once to new information.

The simple truth is there's no point arguing physics with someone who's yet to master algebra.

Which supports my conclusion that this is a war in which case the IDF is fully justified in demolishing every square inch of the enemies territory until an unconditional surrender is reached.
Was that an "all", or a "nothing"?

No it is a consequence of war. When one side refuses under any circumstances to engage in peace, then the other must engage in war.

The IDF will attack Gaza, its just a matter of time. Myself and a majority of Israeli's believe the goal of that attack, regardless of its cause ( the construction and admitted use of terror tunnels into Israel ) should result in a complete and unconditional surrender.

If the Gazans insist on another war, Israel should insist it be the last.
The simple truth is there's no point arguing physics with someone who's yet to master algebra. ...
I took algebra one semester and got a 'D'. I took it the very next semester and got another 'D'. I eventually got an 'A'.

But I don't need algebra to see if the IDF launches another attack, it will be "state sanctioned terrorism".

No it is a consequence of war.

If the Gazans insist on another war...
Well, which is it? Are they at war? Or are they not at war?

You waffle more than IHOP.
The simple truth is there's no point arguing physics with someone who's yet to master algebra. ...
I took algebra one semester and got a 'D'. I took it the very next semester and got another 'D'. I eventually got an 'A'.

But I don't need algebra to see if the IDF launches another attack, it will be "state sanctioned terrorism".

No it is a consequence of war.

If the Gazans insist on another war...
Well, which is it? Are they at war? Or are they not at war?

You waffle more than IHOP.

Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
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Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.

That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks

If it means that Israel or anyone else suffers then it is up to them, it is simply a non violent means to prevent mass murder.

Shows that you will believe any lie as she died protecting terror tunnels, the house was never the intended target. If the Palestinians refuse to leave the field of battle then they are seen as terrorists by International law.

Nope it was because Arafat went to the Russians for help, and they told him how to destabilise the area.

Right up until they left their nation and engaged in international terrorist activities, then they ceased to be freedom fighters and are still terrorists to this day.

Because they were brought malignantly by islamonazi propaganda supporters, which is why no actual action has been taken by the UN.

No as the only war crimes are the firing of illegal weapons into Israel. They alone are grounds for the blockade and responces by Israel.

No reply to the argument because you know it is true and cant be countered.
The simple truth is there's no point arguing physics with someone who's yet to master algebra. ...
I took algebra one semester and got a 'D'. I took it the very next semester and got another 'D'. I eventually got an 'A'.

But I don't need algebra to see if the IDF launches another attack, it will be "state sanctioned terrorism".

No it is a consequence of war.

If the Gazans insist on another war...
Well, which is it? Are they at war? Or are they not at war?

You waffle more than IHOP.

How come when they will be responding to constant attacks from a hostile force that amount to acts of war

When did the Palestinians declare that the war had ended ?

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