IDF preps for ground strike

Which supports my conclusion that this is a war in which case the IDF is fully justified in demolishing every square inch of the enemies territory until an unconditional surrender is reached.
Was that an "all", or a "nothing"?
It's time to give them an ultimatum, accept peace with Israel or Israel carpet bombs Gaza. Since the terrorist hide behind civilians then civilians shall be bombed.
Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.

Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.

Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947​

Well it wasn't the Palestinians. They were at home trying to mind their own business.
Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.

Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947​

Well it wasn't the Palestinians. They were at home trying to mind their own business.

And just where was this home as no nation of Palestine was to exist for at least 40 years. Keep trying one day you might get it right and be given a standing ovation. When you try and justify the Palestinians actions you end up putting them before the firing squad. If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force as only soldiers were allowed to stay after the declaration of war, the civilians were commanded to leave.
Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.

Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947​

Well it wasn't the Palestinians. They were at home trying to mind their own business.

And just where was this home as no nation of Palestine was to exist for at least 40 years. Keep trying one day you might get it right and be given a standing ovation. When you try and justify the Palestinians actions you end up putting them before the firing squad. If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force as only soldiers were allowed to stay after the declaration of war, the civilians were commanded to leave.
If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force​

The Palestinians invaded Palestine?

That sounds like Zionist logic.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
It's time to give them an ultimatum, accept peace with Israel or Israel carpet bombs Gaza..
If the Israeli's wanted peace, they wouldn't be breaking all the ceasefires.

Since the terrorist hide behind civilians then civilians shall be bombed.
You mean like this?

Or this?

Is that how the IDF is prepping?

Rounding up "human shield boys"?

Or, as they call them............"the Johnny".
Once again Billo its pretty obvious you don't really have any idea what you are talking about

The Israeli's often detain stone throwers. Whats your point ? Or is one photoshopped picture really all you have
Billo_Really, et al,


This is so frigg'in bogus.

It's time to give them an ultimatum, accept peace with Israel or Israel carpet bombs Gaza..
If the Israeli's wanted peace, they wouldn't be breaking all the ceasefires.

Since the terrorist hide behind civilians then civilians shall be bombed.
You mean like this?

Or this?

Is that how the IDF is prepping?

Rounding up "human shield boys"?

Or, as they call them............"the Johnny".

People under apprehension are often secured to a vehicle when enforcement officers step away. The writing on the door of the jeep says: "POLICE" They use standard procedures. Securing suspects to the reinforced protective screen or the reinforced bumper of a HMMWV (Humvee), this could not be mistaken for a "movement to contact" with a civilian hostage forward.

This is not a Rule 97 Human Shield incident. This looks very much like an arrest, detention and awaiting transport event.

Most Respectfully,
Not to mention that this particular boy was tied to this particular jeep, according to Pallywood, in 2004, and 2005 and 2007 and again in 2009. All the while remaining 13. Huh.
Billo_Really, et al,


This is so frigg'in bogus.

People under apprehension are often secured to a vehicle when enforcement officers step away. The writing on the door of the jeep says: "POLICE" They use standard procedures. Securing suspects to the reinforced protective screen or the reinforced bumper of a HMMWV (Humvee), this could not be mistaken for a "movement to contact" with a civilian hostage forward.

This is not a Rule 97 Human Shield incident. This looks very much like an arrest, detention and awaiting transport event.

Most Respectfully,
Johnnies aren't under apprehension; they're used. They're used like a cheap whore uses a tampon.

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods.

Human shields were also used ...perform other services.

Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”

Straight from the "boots on the ground" IDF prepper.
Rocco pretty well schooled you on this latest bit of nonsense but if you can't see that big white circle in the middle of that picture then you really are hallucinating aren't you.

Not real bright Billy boy, not real bright at all.

Doesn't matter because the whole subject is miles off topic.

We were discussing the IDF preparing for a massive and sustained assault against terrorists in Gaza ;--)
Its more than obvious you have trouble with basic logic systems. i'm surprised you passed at all.

Lets try it in the simplest language I can muster.

The Arabs freak out over the zionist movement, who are BUYING land at exorbitant prices from willing sellers.

The Arab policy of begins
No recognition
No negotiation
No peace

Which leaves the Israeli's with no alternative than to win the war the Arabs insist on
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.

Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947​

Well it wasn't the Palestinians. They were at home trying to mind their own business.

And just where was this home as no nation of Palestine was to exist for at least 40 years. Keep trying one day you might get it right and be given a standing ovation. When you try and justify the Palestinians actions you end up putting them before the firing squad. If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force as only soldiers were allowed to stay after the declaration of war, the civilians were commanded to leave.
If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force​

The Palestinians invaded Palestine?

That sounds like Zionist logic.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

They could not have been at home as they were invading the mandate of Palestine along with the rest of the arab league troops. No state of Palestine until 1988 remember. Or they were terrorists who wanted a piece of the action and so stayed to fight the Jews. Who came out on top again in that skirmish ?
It's time to give them an ultimatum, accept peace with Israel or Israel carpet bombs Gaza..
If the Israeli's wanted peace, they wouldn't be breaking all the ceasefires.

Since the terrorist hide behind civilians then civilians shall be bombed.
You mean like this?

Or this?

Is that how the IDF is prepping?

Rounding up "human shield boys"?

Or, as they call them............"the Johnny".

Cant see any chains, ropes, tethers, handcuffs or restrainst hold the boy firmly on the bonnet of the vehicle. So how was he forced to be a human shield again.
Unlike these


Billo_Really, et al,


This is so frigg'in bogus.

People under apprehension are often secured to a vehicle when enforcement officers step away. The writing on the door of the jeep says: "POLICE" They use standard procedures. Securing suspects to the reinforced protective screen or the reinforced bumper of a HMMWV (Humvee), this could not be mistaken for a "movement to contact" with a civilian hostage forward.

This is not a Rule 97 Human Shield incident. This looks very much like an arrest, detention and awaiting transport event.

Most Respectfully,
Johnnies aren't under apprehension; they're used. They're used like a cheap whore uses a tampon.

Testimony 1 – Human Shield

People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods.

Human shields were also used ...perform other services.

Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”

Straight from the "boots on the ground" IDF prepper.

WRONG straight from the fantasy world of the writer with no corroborative evidence to support the claims. But because it demonises the Jews you don't think your rules apply.
Not to mention that this particular boy was tied to this particular jeep, according to Pallywood, in 2004, and 2005 and 2007 and again in 2009. All the while remaining 13. Huh.
Prove it's Pallywood.

If the source is islamonazi and shows something allegedly done by the Jews then it is pallywood. In this case the boy stayed 13 for 8 years and was arrested wearing the same clothes 4 times during those 8 years. Then the same IDF police team using the same vehicle did the arrests.

Can you do this simple sum ?
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.​

And there is proof that he was not a terrorist. He and his wife went from Gaza to Ben Gurion Airport. They flew to the US and toured the US with Craig and Cindy Corrie. They even held TV interviews. They flew back to Ben Gurion and returned to Gaza.

That terrorist thing is just more Israeli bullshit.

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