IDF preps for ground strike

Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.

That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks

If it means that Israel or anyone else suffers then it is up to them, it is simply a non violent means to prevent mass murder.

Shows that you will believe any lie as she died protecting terror tunnels, the house was never the intended target. If the Palestinians refuse to leave the field of battle then they are seen as terrorists by International law.

Nope it was because Arafat went to the Russians for help, and they told him how to destabilise the area.

Right up until they left their nation and engaged in international terrorist activities, then they ceased to be freedom fighters and are still terrorists to this day.

Because they were brought malignantly by islamonazi propaganda supporters, which is why no actual action has been taken by the UN.

No as the only war crimes are the firing of illegal weapons into Israel. They alone are grounds for the blockade and responces by Israel.

No reply to the argument because you know it is true and cant be countered.
That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks​

The Zionists went to Palestine so that the Palestinians could attack them.

Is that what you are saying?
That picture is probably a fraud - it's easy to misuse pictures from other events and the Palestinians, while guilty of it aren't alone in it.

However, that's distracting from the real issue which is that Israeli's HAVE used Palestinians as human sheilds.

Mofaz: IDF to appeal 'human shield' ruling

According to defense officials, the Israel Defense Forces made use of the ‘human shield’ procedure on 1,200 occasions over the last five years, and only on one occasion did a Palestinian civilian get hurt. An 18-year-old Palestinian was killed in 2002 during one such operation.
That's the lie you keep telling yourself.

You're the only ones wanting war, don't blame that on others.

Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947​

Well it wasn't the Palestinians. They were at home trying to mind their own business.

And just where was this home as no nation of Palestine was to exist for at least 40 years. Keep trying one day you might get it right and be given a standing ovation. When you try and justify the Palestinians actions you end up putting them before the firing squad. If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force as only soldiers were allowed to stay after the declaration of war, the civilians were commanded to leave.
If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force​

The Palestinians invaded Palestine?

That sounds like Zionist logic.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

They could not have been at home as they were invading the mandate of Palestine along with the rest of the arab league troops. No state of Palestine until 1988 remember. Or they were terrorists who wanted a piece of the action and so stayed to fight the Jews. Who came out on top again in that skirmish ?
They could not have been at home as they were invading the mandate of Palestine​

1) The Mandate was not a place. It had no land or borders. It was a temporarily assigned administration.

2) The Palestinians were the citizens there. How can you invade your own home?
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.​

And there is proof that he was not a terrorist. He and his wife went from Gaza to Ben Gurion Airport. They flew to the US and toured the US with Craig and Cindy Corrie. They even held TV interviews. They flew back to Ben Gurion and returned to Gaza.

That terrorist thing is just more Israeli bullshit.

No that is the islamonazi propaganda story, in reality the house was never targeted by the Egyptian forces. What was targeted was the tunnels dug in that area heading towards Egypt and these are what the bulldozers were trying to collapse, look at any of the pictures of the scene and you will not see a house behind the stupid girl closer than 400 yards. You cant even accept the pictures from islamonazi propagandists that show two separate incidents inexpertly spliced together where she was trying to stop the destruction of illegal tunnels. She was nearly killed earlier that day when she ran in front of another bulldozer and tripped over, she was dragged to safety and sent to a " safer " location to carry on protesting.
That picture is probably a fraud - it's easy to misuse pictures from other events and the Palestinians, while guilty of it aren't alone in it.

However, that's distracting from the real issue which is that Israeli's HAVE used Palestinians as human sheilds.

Mofaz: IDF to appeal 'human shield' ruling

According to defense officials, the Israel Defense Forces made use of the ‘human shield’ procedure on 1,200 occasions over the last five years, and only on one occasion did a Palestinian civilian get hurt. An 18-year-old Palestinian was killed in 2002 during one such operation.

I wonder when hamas and fatah will do the same thing and demand they look at their use of human shields being war crimes ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947, and then mobilised its combined forces to invade. Which party has it as its declaration in its charter to wipe out the enemy and destroy their country, then put the same thing in their letter of independence to the UN. Which party is constantly engaging in acts of war, war crimes and crimes against humanity when it fires illegal weapons at the other party even after the UN has declared the weapons to be illegal ?
Which party openly declared war in 1947​

Well it wasn't the Palestinians. They were at home trying to mind their own business.

And just where was this home as no nation of Palestine was to exist for at least 40 years. Keep trying one day you might get it right and be given a standing ovation. When you try and justify the Palestinians actions you end up putting them before the firing squad. If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force as only soldiers were allowed to stay after the declaration of war, the civilians were commanded to leave.
If they were at home then they were part of the invasion force​

The Palestinians invaded Palestine?

That sounds like Zionist logic.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

They could not have been at home as they were invading the mandate of Palestine along with the rest of the arab league troops. No state of Palestine until 1988 remember. Or they were terrorists who wanted a piece of the action and so stayed to fight the Jews. Who came out on top again in that skirmish ?
They could not have been at home as they were invading the mandate of Palestine​

1) The Mandate was not a place. It had no land or borders. It was a temporarily assigned administration.

2) The Palestinians were the citizens there. How can you invade your own home?

It was the mandate for Palestine as the legal treaty shows, and it set out borders for the mandate so that everyone knew where the mandate started and stopped. Only the British as mandatory was temporarily assigned the administration, the mandate was where they ruled until the whole of the land was declared a nation.

Who were the Palestinians, and how could someone who had never set foot on the land before become a Palestinian. You are in effect saying that only arab muslims were to be seen as Palestinians and all other inhabitants had no rights to any of the land. This is your anti semitic racist Jew hatred coming out again. The evidence shows that in 1949 there were more non Palestinian citizens claiming they were refugees than the combined population of all the lands of Palestine had in 1948. Care to explain why this was and why the UN had to create a special arab muslim only agency to look after their welfare because their country of origin had a price on their heads for desertion during the great skedaddle of 1949.

Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.

That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks

If it means that Israel or anyone else suffers then it is up to them, it is simply a non violent means to prevent mass murder.

Shows that you will believe any lie as she died protecting terror tunnels, the house was never the intended target. If the Palestinians refuse to leave the field of battle then they are seen as terrorists by International law.

Nope it was because Arafat went to the Russians for help, and they told him how to destabilise the area.

Right up until they left their nation and engaged in international terrorist activities, then they ceased to be freedom fighters and are still terrorists to this day.

Because they were brought malignantly by islamonazi propaganda supporters, which is why no actual action has been taken by the UN.

No as the only war crimes are the firing of illegal weapons into Israel. They alone are grounds for the blockade and responces by Israel.

No reply to the argument because you know it is true and cant be countered.
That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks​

The Zionists went to Palestine so that the Palestinians could attack them.

Is that what you are saying?

How is it Israel's fault that the Palestinians attack them using illegal weapons, try giving your head a shake

No the arab muslims went to Palestine so they could attack the Jews and found they had bitten of more than they could chew. They then decided to bring a combined force to Palestine to wipe out the Jews once and for all and got whupped repeatedly . They then tried legal skullduggery only to see that fall on barren ground. This left them two options to throw in the towel and admit defeat, and make the best of a bad job. Or engage in endless war hoping the world would come out on their side and wipe out the Jews for them. GUESS THEY LOST YET AGAIN
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.

That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks

If it means that Israel or anyone else suffers then it is up to them, it is simply a non violent means to prevent mass murder.

Shows that you will believe any lie as she died protecting terror tunnels, the house was never the intended target. If the Palestinians refuse to leave the field of battle then they are seen as terrorists by International law.

Nope it was because Arafat went to the Russians for help, and they told him how to destabilise the area.

Right up until they left their nation and engaged in international terrorist activities, then they ceased to be freedom fighters and are still terrorists to this day.

Because they were brought malignantly by islamonazi propaganda supporters, which is why no actual action has been taken by the UN.

No as the only war crimes are the firing of illegal weapons into Israel. They alone are grounds for the blockade and responces by Israel.

No reply to the argument because you know it is true and cant be countered.
That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks​

The Zionists went to Palestine so that the Palestinians could attack them.

Is that what you are saying?

How is it Israel's fault that the Palestinians attack them using illegal weapons, try giving your head a shake

No the arab muslims went to Palestine so they could attack the Jews and found they had bitten of more than they could chew. They then decided to bring a combined force to Palestine to wipe out the Jews once and for all and got whupped repeatedly . They then tried legal skullduggery only to see that fall on barren ground. This left them two options to throw in the towel and admit defeat, and make the best of a bad job. Or engage in endless war hoping the world would come out on their side and wipe out the Jews for them. GUESS THEY LOST YET AGAIN
No the arab muslims went to Palestine​

The Palestinians were the citizens because that was their normal place of residence since before WWI. They still lived there.

How could they go to where they already lived?
news reports from 2004, 2005, 2009, 2014, for the same exact picture.
I went to your link and read a few of the articles it referenced and what I was able to discern, was the IDF used the boy in 2004 and the articles in 2005, 2009 and 2014, were in reference to that.

Plus, it's a little hard to call this Pallywood, when your own links stated Israeli officials admitted to using the boy and the Israeli High Court convicted the two IDF soldiers for doing it.

But thanks anyway for being man enough to give it a shot.

That's more than others around here are willing to do.
Might I remind EVERYONE that the topic is the IDF preparing for a ground offensive and their forbearance thus far in not simply steam rolling the pali's

If you'd prefer to discuss whatever claims about the Israelis and pali's use of human shields feel free to go start another thread.

In the mean time any chance at all we can clean this thread up a little ?
news reports from 2004, 2005, 2009, 2014, for the same exact picture.
I went to your link and read a few of the articles it referenced and what I was able to discern, was the IDF used the boy in 2004 and the articles in 2005, 2009 and 2014, were in reference to that.

Plus, it's a little hard to call this Pallywood, when your own links stated Israeli officials admitted to using the boy and the Israeli High Court convicted the two IDF soldiers for doing it.

But thanks anyway for being man enough to give it a shot.

That's more than others around here are willing to do.
They were tried and convicted for doing so which means it wasn't sanctioned by the government which means you can't blame the government. Israel convicts it's criminals, Gazans don't.
They were tried and convicted for doing so which means it wasn't sanctioned by the government which means you can't blame the government. Israel convicts it's criminals, Gazans don't.

"How many times can a man turn his head,
pretending he just doesn't see?"
- Bob Dylan

I guess technically you're right. Out of the 1.4% who are criminally indicted, I'm sure there would be a couple of soldiers convicted?

"The military’s investigative apparatus...yielded criminal indictments in only 1.4 percent of complaints filed on behalf of or by Palestinian victims — in both Gaza and the West Bank — between 2010 and 2013."

"...following the end of Cast Lead in 2009, only three indictments were handed down out of a total of 400 reported incidents, with the harshest sentence “given to a soldier who stole a credit card.”

That would explain how the IDF preps for a ground strike.

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken.
Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Language used in one briefing was something like: “Don’t let morality become an issue. That will come up later. Leave the nightmares and horrors that will come up for later, now just shoot.”

Just shoot now and only 1.4% will be indicted later. And you don't think the government is not to blame for that?

Testimony 9 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“From the onset….the brigade commander and other officers made it very clear to us that any movement must entail gunfire” with or without being shot at. Alerts were given about a suicide bomber or sniper in the area, but “none of (these) materialized as far as our company was concerned.”
Do you think the IDF preps for a ground strike with "rogue" brigade commanders?

Testimony 7 – Rules of Engagement

The commander stressed using “fire power” from the air and on the ground. “You see something and you’re not quite sure? You shoot….Fire power was insane. We went in and the booms were just mad. The minute we got to our starting line, we simply began to fire at suspect places….a house, a window….In urban warfare, anyone is your enemy. No innocents.”
This is how they "prepare" for war and you don't think the government is to blame?

Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement & Use of White Phosphorous

Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.”

Sometimes an order was given: “Permitted, phosphorous in the air.” At times, it was used “because it’s fun. Cool.

I have no doubt they think its cool to fire off a little Willie Peat, because only 1.4% of them are ever indicted.

Ain't it fun, prepping for war? It's just like going off to summer camp!
As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.
As usual the pro terrorists...
Apparently, there are "non-insulting, baseless accusations" on that high road you take?

...are making every effort to change the subject.
You can't have a thread on the IDF "prepping" for a ground strike, without the "prep".

Start a thread on "Hamas building new tunnels" and you'll have your "no prep zone".

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.
So they won't pull out? Not like last time. This time, really, they won't pull out?
That comprehension problem of yours again.

They won't pull out till the jobs done

Read it a few times if you must.

The deal is the terrorists are planing their next salvo and Israel is well within its rights to act in self defense of its sovereign borders. Tunnels are a direct attack on those sovereign borders.
Israel loves War so much, I think they should get more
It certainly won't be from sniveling cowards such as you.

The, how shall we say... "less than clever" types you represent fail to understand that promotion of Islamic terrorism on the part of the "Pal'istanians" results in responses from Israel which amount to the continuing Islamic terrorist smack-downs that we continue to see.

Remember the slogan: "We love death more than you love life".

I'm sure your Islamic terrorist heroes will get more.
Oh come now. Let's not be a drama queen or panty waste humanist. And let's be a bit honest here. There is no such thing as a perfect society.
Can you be any more two-faced?

Israel is far from a perfect society.

And that unproductive confrontation is amplified when hostilely and belligerent Arab Palestinians are given unrestricted and unmonitored freedom.
It's not up to you (or Israel) to determine whether they can be free or not. They have a right to be free; you (or Israel) has no right keeping it from them.

Most often the Hostile Arab-Palestinians complain about forcible seizures and destruction of such property as may have been used as a safe house or haven for Jihadist, Hostile Fedayeen, Insurgents, terrorist and other asymmetric opponents; as opposed to an act of retaliation. Such destruction is to prevent further use by these hostile activities.
Rachel Correy was murdered protecting the house of a doctor, not a terrorist.

And you have no right treating all Palestinian's as terrorists.

The year 1968 marked a radical shift in Middle East politics when Palestinian groups accomplished a streak of notable skyjackings. PLO representative to the UnitedNations that year, "The first several hijackings accomplished more for our cause than twenty years of pleading" which illustrates this turning point that made all the world a stage for international terrorism.​
And that "turning", was directly related to Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's. Nothing happens in a vacuum.
In 1974 PLO Chairman Yassir Araft eloquently argued before the U.N. that his people were "freedom fighters" not terrorists.​
They are.
Article 3 is generally a description of violations associated with the Arab Palestinians. It has been long established that during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1967, the Arab Palestinian have enjoyed a long and distinctive pattern of extraordinary criminal behaviors along a continuously timeline.
If that was true, then why is Israel in violation of over 100 UN resolutions and the Pals none?

Article 33 suggest the accusation that the Israelis are arbitrarily select a sample of Arab Palestinians for execution; in retaliation for the attack by others. You accuse the Israelis of armed robbery and grand theft of multiple premises. The uncontrolled act of act of retaliation. None of which is true as a matter of policy.
Article 33 clearly states no one shall be punished for a crime they did not commit. The Gaza blockade, punishes all 1.5 million Gazans living there and all 1.5 million Gazans are not criminals.

The blockade is also classified as a "collective penalty", thus making it a war crime.

The Hostile Arab-Palestinian (HoAP), over an extended period, have conducted several different types of activities, that have involved the direct targeting and intentional alternative selection civilian citizens and objects:

(1) Bombing remote detonation, suicidal, and launched;
(2) Hijacking aircraft, murder of passengers;
(3) Piracy of ships, murder of passengers;
(4) Assault face-to-face killing of adults, women, children --- young and old;
(5) Kidnapping, and the murder of those kidnapped;
(6) Hostage Taking and murder of hostages;
(7) Rocket and Mortar Attacks;​
What a fucking hypocrite you are!

Israel is far more guilty of those things, than the Pals are. A case in point, the American citizen IDF pirates executed in cold blood on the Mavi Marmara.
The HoAP adoration of the worst in humanity (those that indiscriminately killing for the sake of killing) and praise the death of the innocent reflecting the pure evil in the elevation of those that kill as an alternative to the option of the leadership and peace; is by definition most monstrous, ugly and frightening.
Like that wedding party celebrating the death of that Palestinian baby?

• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those with strongly held religious beliefs out of the ordinary;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who usually make false claims the other side are terrorists;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who fight a stronger opponent with hit-and-run tactics;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who use propaganda, jihadist actions, guerrilla tactics, insurgent measures, asymmetric warfare and irregular fighting forces to commit acts in violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Laws;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those on the extreme fringes of left or right ideologies;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who are committed to a certain ideology to bring about change;
• The HoAP exhibit the characteristics of -- those who honored HoAP who have killed the greatest number.
Everything you listed there, is Israel and they're about to do it again.

That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks

If it means that Israel or anyone else suffers then it is up to them, it is simply a non violent means to prevent mass murder.

Shows that you will believe any lie as she died protecting terror tunnels, the house was never the intended target. If the Palestinians refuse to leave the field of battle then they are seen as terrorists by International law.

Nope it was because Arafat went to the Russians for help, and they told him how to destabilise the area.

Right up until they left their nation and engaged in international terrorist activities, then they ceased to be freedom fighters and are still terrorists to this day.

Because they were brought malignantly by islamonazi propaganda supporters, which is why no actual action has been taken by the UN.

No as the only war crimes are the firing of illegal weapons into Israel. They alone are grounds for the blockade and responces by Israel.

No reply to the argument because you know it is true and cant be countered.
That would be you when you blame Israel for the Palestinian attacks​

The Zionists went to Palestine so that the Palestinians could attack them.

Is that what you are saying?

How is it Israel's fault that the Palestinians attack them using illegal weapons, try giving your head a shake

No the arab muslims went to Palestine so they could attack the Jews and found they had bitten of more than they could chew. They then decided to bring a combined force to Palestine to wipe out the Jews once and for all and got whupped repeatedly . They then tried legal skullduggery only to see that fall on barren ground. This left them two options to throw in the towel and admit defeat, and make the best of a bad job. Or engage in endless war hoping the world would come out on their side and wipe out the Jews for them. GUESS THEY LOST YET AGAIN
No the arab muslims went to Palestine​

The Palestinians were the citizens because that was their normal place of residence since before WWI. They still lived there.

How could they go to where they already lived?

No they went to the mandate of Palestine to wipe out the Jews and stop them from legally making a non muslim nation in the M.E. They came from the arab league nations to achieve this and ran from the Jewish farmers and could not face the dishonour and stayed as " Palestinians" only to find that they were not covered by the UN charter.

How could they have lived there when they invaded in 1947 and stayed after getting there butts whipped.

How could the population of Palestine in 1947 stand at 400,000 suddenly jump to 1 million in 1949 if the invading troops had not stayed to swell the numbers. It was a physical impossibility to see the Jews and Christians of Israel removed from the population and still to have more at the finish than they started with
Israel loves War so much, I think they should get more

According to our resident data miner, who will get it right one of these days. If Israel loved war they would have invaded all the islamonazi nations by now and owned all the land
It certainly won't be from sniveling cowards such as you.

The, how shall we say... "less than clever" types you represent fail to understand that promotion of Islamic terrorism on the part of the "Pal'istanians" results in responses from Israel which amount to the continuing Islamic terrorist smack-downs that we continue to see.

Remember the slogan: "We love death more than you love life".

I'm sure your Islamic terrorist heroes will get more.
I think you got that ass-backwards, twisted sister. Islamic terrorism isn't promoted nearly as much as Israeli fascism. The whole world can see you're forcing yourself on them, not them forcing themselves on you. That's the downside of maintaining a belligerent occupation for the last 50 years.

So its more than understandable you (and your kiss-ass minions) have to keep inventing new threats from which to launch ground strikes. This thread is just another in a long line of bogus false flag operations.

And stop acting like you care about life, that's so rude!

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