IDF preps for ground strike

According to our resident data miner, who will get it right one of these days. If Israel loved war they would have invaded all the islamonazi nations by now and owned all the land
Even Hitler took more than a day to conquer Europe.

Strike Gaza today, prep for Lebanon tomorrow.
That comprehension problem of yours again.

They won't pull out till the jobs done

Read it a few times if you must.

The deal is the terrorists are planing their next salvo and Israel is well within its rights to act in self defense of its sovereign borders. Tunnels are a direct attack on those sovereign borders.
The problem is always THEM, never YOU?

How convenient.
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,


  • upload_2016-2-20_17-6-51.png
    14.1 KB · Views: 60
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.

I think rather it was Rocco's point that it is worthless as shit to alleviate the situation with Hamas insisting that it will continue to instigate more of the situation
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.

I think rather it was Rocco's point that it is worthless as shit to alleviate the situation with Hamas insisting that it will continue to instigate more of the situation
Conjecture, nobody has tried that.
P F Tinmore, et al,

There is absolutely no requirement for "Donor Nations" or other contributors to feed the Hostile Arab Palestinians. And that voluntary concept is made even complicated by the fact that once a contribution is made, there is no assurance to a Return on Investment (ROI).

From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.

• The accusation that "failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction," is an improper accusation. The original idea behind independence and sovereignty for "certain communities" was that they be "able to stand alone." The "humanitarian situation" should not be dependent on "donor contributions."

• Their is a conflict between the "donor nations" making contributions for the express purpose of reconstruction --- as opposed to --- the voluntary contribution being diverted for the paramilitary and jihadist purposes in re-arming --- re-establishing hostilities.

• To "avoid another escalation in Gaza" the parties to the conflict (for whatever reason) must individually decide to adopt constructive behaviors that would NOT trigger further countermeasures or military response.

While many mistakes have been made over the last Century, and many attempts have been made to rectify the consequences, the only party to the outcomes that considers itself above it all --- and --- beyond the aw and mistake is the Arab Palestine.

There actually is absolutely no reason, beyond morals and ethics of the west, to remotely assist the Jihadis, Fedayeen, Insurgents, Terrorists, and other Asymmetric Forces that have continued the Arab Conflict with the Jewish People since the turn of the 20th Century. And it is further complicated because the Hostile Arab Palestinians attempts to apply future concepts, politics, and ethic morals to situations and decision made in a prior time.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians, in particular HAMAS, believes that the entire territory, west of the Jordan River, and formerly under the Mandate for Palestine, is Arab Palestine proper. And that this territory is all owed to the Arab Palestinian.

I think rather it was Rocco's point that it is worthless as shit to alleviate the situation with Hamas insisting that it will continue to instigate more of the situation
Conjecture, nobody has tried that.

The entire argument about borders and Article 22 compliance, are to support the theme that there is some super-legitimacy for Arab Sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

The Arab Palestinians, in particular HAMAS, believes that the entire territory, west of the Jordan River, and formerly under the Mandate for Palestine, is Arab Palestine proper. And that this territory is all owed to the Arab Palestinian.

I think rather it was Rocco's point that it is worthless as shit to alleviate the situation with Hamas insisting that it will continue to instigate more of the situation
Conjecture, nobody has tried that.

The entire argument about borders and Article 22 compliance, are to support the theme that there is some super-legitimacy for Arab Sovereignty.

Most Respectfully,
And you have always ducked confirming that to be incorrect.
They were tried and convicted for doing so which means it wasn't sanctioned by the government which means you can't blame the government. Israel convicts it's criminals, Gazans don't.

"How many times can a man turn his head,
pretending he just doesn't see?"
- Bob Dylan

I guess technically you're right. Out of the 1.4% who are criminally indicted, I'm sure there would be a couple of soldiers convicted?

"The military’s investigative apparatus...yielded criminal indictments in only 1.4 percent of complaints filed on behalf of or by Palestinian victims — in both Gaza and the West Bank — between 2010 and 2013."

"...following the end of Cast Lead in 2009, only three indictments were handed down out of a total of 400 reported incidents, with the harshest sentence “given to a soldier who stole a credit card.”

That would explain how the IDF preps for a ground strike.

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken.
Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Language used in one briefing was something like: “Don’t let morality become an issue. That will come up later. Leave the nightmares and horrors that will come up for later, now just shoot.”

Just shoot now and only 1.4% will be indicted later. And you don't think the government is not to blame for that?

Testimony 9 – Rules of Engagement & House Demolitions

“From the onset….the brigade commander and other officers made it very clear to us that any movement must entail gunfire” with or without being shot at. Alerts were given about a suicide bomber or sniper in the area, but “none of (these) materialized as far as our company was concerned.”
Do you think the IDF preps for a ground strike with "rogue" brigade commanders?

Testimony 7 – Rules of Engagement

The commander stressed using “fire power” from the air and on the ground. “You see something and you’re not quite sure? You shoot….Fire power was insane. We went in and the booms were just mad. The minute we got to our starting line, we simply began to fire at suspect places….a house, a window….In urban warfare, anyone is your enemy. No innocents.”
This is how they "prepare" for war and you don't think the government is to blame?

Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement & Use of White Phosphorous

Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.”

Sometimes an order was given: “Permitted, phosphorous in the air.” At times, it was used “because it’s fun. Cool.

I have no doubt they think its cool to fire off a little Willie Peat, because only 1.4% of them are ever indicted.

Ain't it fun, prepping for war? It's just like going off to summer camp!
you don't listen to 98.6 % of the complaints which are coming from terrorists and terrorists sympathizers.
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.
Good, maybe it'll get them to stop waging war against Israel. They want that stuff they need to wage peace.
Blowing up school buses is not resistance.
It is in the OPT.

Nationals of a foreign force are not protected persons under the 4th Geneva Convention. And if they're not protected persons, that makes them fair game.

Look, I don't like the targeting of school buses either, but I don't see any pro-Israeli types condemning the bombing of hospitals and schools in Gaza. Those are war crimes and you're not condemning them.
Good, maybe it'll get them to stop waging war against Israel. They want that stuff they need to wage peace.
Israel is waging war against them, not the other way around. Israel keeps making up these bullshit lies to justify another attack.

Take this thread for example, it is said the reason the IDF is prepping for war, is because of new tunnel construction. Well, according to the UN, tunnel construction virtually ended in June 2013. Furthermore, the tunnels were for the economy, not the military, as a bunch of these kiss-ass Zionists claim.

Between 2007 and 2013, the tunnels allowed for the importation of a wide range of essential consumer goods. They also allowed Gaza’s producers to partially circumvent Israel’s restrictions on the importation of fuel, gas, cement, construction materials, raw materials, pesticides, seeds, agricultural tools, preservatives, packaging material and spare parts.

The tunnels allowed Gazans to rebuild their infrastructure, not commit acts of terrorism.

According to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, based on the materials allowed in by Israel, it would have taken 80 years to rebuild the 6,000 housing units destroyed during the military operation in December 2008 –January 2009. However, imports through the tunnels were so significant that they reduced the time frame to five years (Pelham, 2011).

If Israel would just end its immoral and illegal blockade, they wouldn't need to build tunnels.

To mitigate the impact of the blockade on Gaza, a tunnel economy evolved and peaked between 2007 and 2013, with more than 1,532 underground tunnels running under the 12 km border between Gaza and Egypt.

That's not terrorism. And it's certainly not going into Israel. So there is no reason for the IDF to be "prepping" for war, unless they "want" to go to war for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.
According to our resident data miner, who will get it right one of these days. If Israel loved war they would have invaded all the islamonazi nations by now and owned all the land
Even Hitler took more than a day to conquer Europe.

Strike Gaza today, prep for Lebanon tomorrow.

And 66 years ago they could have started when they had the arab league on the run, so why didn't they do this.

Why attack gaza when they already had it and then gave it up because it was not worth the effort. They could have had all Saudi's oil and ruled the world through it, then you would have had a valid reason to hate the Jews.

So why after 66 years of offering peace does Israel own less land than they were granted under International law in 1923. Why have they handed back 4 times the area of Israel in return for peace and have proven they are trustworthy.
It only took your hero Hitler 11 years to mass murder 12 million untermensch and dispose of their bodies, so why are there so many Palestinians if Israel is such a Nazi nation ? They should have wiped out at least 30 million over the last 66 years in death camps situated in the US and Europe
That comprehension problem of yours again.

They won't pull out till the jobs done

Read it a few times if you must.

The deal is the terrorists are planing their next salvo and Israel is well within its rights to act in self defense of its sovereign borders. Tunnels are a direct attack on those sovereign borders.
The problem is always THEM, never YOU?

How convenient.

If you look at the evidence you will see that the problem is ALWAYS THE PALESTINIANS.

Care to produce a time it was never the palestinians that was the problem ? Firing illegal rockets into Israel civilian areas is the cause of most of the problems, before that it was planting illegal bombs in Israel to mass murder children.
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.

So how should Israel recover the lost revenue from gas, electricity and water used by the Palestinians that they have refused to pay for. They could cut them off and leave them to go cold and hungry which is what the US utility companies do. Or they could withhold tax revenues they collect because the Palestinians are too corrupt to do it themselves.

It is the likes of hamas and fatah that are doing everything to increase the hardships brought on by their constant breaches of international laws, UN charter and UN resolutions every time they steal aid destined for rebuilding and dig ever more tunnels.
Boston1, et al,

Yes, this is something that requires very little substantiation.

As usual the pro terrorists are making every effort to change the subject.

The terrorists are rebuilding tunnels and the IDF is getting ready to go back in and this time not pull out until the jobs done.

Defiant Gaza militants vow to rearm amid shaky truce

By Adel ZaanounAugust 29, 2014 3:33 PM

GAZA CITY – Thousands of militants paraded in the besieged Gaza Strip Friday, August 29, defiantly saying they would rearm as the prospects of a final deal on a long-term Israel-Hamas truce looked shaky.

Calm returned to the coastal enclave in a ceasefire Tuesday, August 26, and Gazans were gradually starting to rebuild their lives after a bloody and destructive 50-day war, the deadliest for years.

However, the chances of long-term peace hung in the balance after Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ruled out Israeli demands to disarm, and as Israel said it would not budge on key Hamas demands.

Thousands of Islamic Jihad fighters paraded through Gaza City in a show of force, marching with light weapons and holding aloft rockets similar to those fired at Israel during the conflict.

The spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the group's armed wing, delivered a speech praising backers Iran and allies Hezbollah and declaring the militants would "redouble efforts" to rearm.

UN ‘alarmed’ by Hamas rearming
February 20, 2015

A senior UN official warned Wednesday that the lack of available funds for the reconstruction of Gaza and the fragile ceasefire between ... working to rebuild its tunnel infrastructure as well as rearm its depleted rocket arsenal. In October, a Vanity ...
The Times of Israel · 2/18/2015


It is kind of obvious.

Most Respectfully,
From your link:

Feltman said that the failure of world donors to deliver the billions of dollars in aid pledged to Gaza’s reconstruction, together with Israel’s withholding of PA tax revenues, was creating a dire humanitarian situation that threatened to reignite the conflict.

The under-secretary-general told the council that the countries who pledged some $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza four months ago in Cairo had “yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges.”

“This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza,” he told the 15-member council. Feltman warned that the fiscal challenge was putting “an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.”​

It is the worthless as shit UN and so called international community sitting around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing to alleviate the situation.

I think rather it was Rocco's point that it is worthless as shit to alleviate the situation with Hamas insisting that it will continue to instigate more of the situation
Conjecture, nobody has tried that.

Tried what to instigate more of the war crimes by firing more illegal weapons at Israel. As long as hamas threatens to attack Israel, and fatah commands the Palestinians to murder Jewish civilians the status quo will always be a kill ratio of 100 to 1.

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