IDF throws Palestinians off roof in West Bank


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
They were already dead. :dunno:

Why do we care about the bodies of dead terrorists?
Being an American ("we can do whatever we want") , you are unaware that there are laws of war and Israel as much as any other nation, is bound by those laws.

The IDF tossing "bodies" (we have no evidence these people were actually deceased) of of roofs is a war crime and must be added to the already lengthy of list of war crimes attributed to the state.
Just when you think Israel can't get any more disgusting, there comes out multiple videos of the IDF throwing injured Palestinians off a high West Bank roof.

Note the contrast:

No Israelis dancing in the streets.

Immediate action to hold them accountable

Hamas would be hanging medals on them.
Why did you post those videos you didn't watch?

And why did you post them to me?

I shouldn't have to ask.
Yes, why did you ask?

You said: "No Israelis dancing in the streets." which is a metaphor for celebrating and mocking Israel's victims, those videos are example of just that.


You said: "No Israelis dancing in the streets." which is a metaphor for celebrating and mocking Israel's victims, those videos are example of just that.
False. I was referring directly to the copious video of Gazans literally dancing in the street to celebrate dead bodies of civilians.

This is an unforced error, on your part.
Evidence for my claim "Israel a sick, amoral society".
It appears your standards are not mine.

Personally, if I saw Israelies dancing in the streets and hanging medals on these peole instead of holding them accountable, I might start considering your contrived, hyperbolic opinion.

Until then...

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