IDF throws Palestinians off roof in West Bank

Yes, that's why the Muslim states sponsor terrorists out of uniform.

This is not news.

You haven't addressed the contrast I drew.

Accountability. People dancing in the streets.

I think we both know why you havent.
Who is in charge of holding people accountable for dancing in the streets?
I don't care. I'm not seeking your condemnation of anything.

I am drawing a contrast. It has yet to be addressed.
Just because you've seen a video of Palestinians dancing at a wedding and weirdly interpret that in some sinister way, is not something that can be addressed, you're making stuff up and expecting to be taken seriously.

Why not talk about flying saucers or the 2020 stolen election or some other bizarro right wing conspiracy fantasy?
Just because you've seen a video of Palestinians dancing at a wedding and weirdly interpret that in some sinister way, is not something that can be addressed, you're making stuff up and expecting to be taken seriously.
As I said, contrary to your typical and expected misrepresentation, there is copious video of this. Not just one.

What can be addressed is the stark contrast in the two societies.
If you have a point, what I had for breakfast has no bearing on it.

Who in Israel holds peole accountable for dancing in the streets?

Since... they didn't.
I was under the impression that you had a beef with Palestinians dancing in the street. Who do you want to hold responsible for that?
As I said, contrary to your typical and expected misrepresentation, there is copious video of this. Not just one.
No there isn't, else you'd have posted one by now.
What can be addressed is the stark contrast in the two societies.
Yes, the Israeli regime and a large part of society are racist and openly express that toward Arabs, Palestinians and Christians where as Palestinians have no such reputation.
So the only direct response anyone seems to be able to mister.

"Nuh uh, didn't happen."

So I guess we're done. The audience can decide.
Just when you think Israel can't get any more disgusting, there comes out multiple videos of the IDF throwing injured Palestinians off a high West Bank roof.

Not sure exactly what the problem is.

That these Palestinians were not worth the bullets or that they felt fear and pain before they died.
But then again....the Palestinians did start this war and Hezbollah just couldn't finish it....but Israel is.

Hezbollah has held a gun to Israel's head during EVERY negotiation. The gun has been removed and Israel has an historic opportunity to fix their terrorist problems.

Concerning what Hezbollah terrorists did to the marines in the bombing of Beruit....I feel zero sympathy.

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