IDF throws Palestinians off roof in West Bank

My point is that you see no problem with what Israeli soldiers are doing.
That's not a point. That's a claim. And it's a baseless lie.

I even touted the idea of holding them accountable as superior to the alternative.

Your lies are not appreciated.

If I were to sink to your level, I would now accuse you of loving terrorism.

But I won't.
Not sure exactly what the problem is.
It's a war crime.
That these Palestinians were not worth the bullets or that they felt fear and pain before they died.
But then again....the Palestinians did start this war and Hezbollah just couldn't finish it....but Israel is.
The Palestinians are what they are and behave as they do since their homeland was invaded by a British sponsored foreign colony of extreme nationalist Jews, starting around 1918.
Hezbollah has held a gun to Israel's head during EVERY negotiation. The gun has been removed and Israel has an historic opportunity to fix their terrorist problems.

Concerning what Hezbollah terrorists did to the marines in the bombing of Beruit....I feel zero sympathy.
I'm going to share something with you, something very important that you can either think about or ignore.

Looking at the Middle East today is like walking into a three hour movie with fifteen minutes left to run. Nothing makes sense, the motives of the various people are unclear, what led to the current scene is unknown, the life experiences of the various players is unknown.

You cannot understand what you're seeing without watching the movie from the beginning and taking sides based on the impressions you have after just a few minutes, is a recipe for error.

Most of the pro-Israel posters here miss this, they have walked into a metaphorical three hour move, fifteen minutes before the end and make judgments and take sides without having seen the preceding two and three quarter hours of the story.

Until and unless you truly grasp that point, you might as well just make random comments, a bit like playing darts with a blind fold on.
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That's not a point. That's a claim. And it's a baseless lie.

I even touted the idea of holding them accountable as superior to the alternative.

Your lies are not appreciated.

If I were to sink to your level, I would now accuse you of loving terrorism.

But I won't.
The claim is that Israel is investigating the matter. And you eat it up like Matzo balls.
That's not a point. That's a claim. And it's a baseless lie.
So you do see a problem? can you tell us what that is?
I even touted the idea of holding them accountable as superior to the alternative.

Your lies are not appreciated.

If I were to sink to your level, I would now accuse you of loving terrorism.

But I won't.
Most of the pro-Israel posters here miss this, they have walked into a metaphorical three hour move, fifteen minutes before the end and make judgments and take sides without having seen the preceding two and three quarter hours of the story.
Demonstrably not true. The pro-Israeli posters here tend to be far better educated on the subject matter and the history than those opposing Israel.
To the OP, Billo_Really

I wonder why you felt the need to misrepresent the contents of the article you linked. You claimed they threw "injured" people off the building, but the linked article clearly claims that the persons in question were deceased.

Yes, it is a requirement according to the laws of armed conflict that the deceased are treated with respect. These actions by Israeli soldiers are abhorrent and it is the right thing for Israel to conduct a proper investigation and that the perpetrators receive appropriate consequences.

There really doesn't need to be four pages of argument or discussion here.
That work is all done already. Anyone in possession of the basic facts knows this.
Another unsupported proposition - there's a word you need to look up, here it is for you:


What you are doing is called "sealioning".
No such thing, you mean putting on a sealion costume? like those furries do, is that what you're into?
I'm not the guy, sorry. Try it on someone else.
You're not they guy to reach out to for evidence, that's pretty obvious.
Being an American ("we can do whatever we want") , you are unaware that there are laws of war and Israel as much as any other nation, is bound by those laws.

The IDF tossing "bodies" (we have no evidence these people were actually deceased) of of roofs is a war crime and must be added to the already lengthy of list of war crimes attributed to the state.
In the linked story the journalist says four ran up to the roof and were killed by snipers. Then when they were retrieving the bodies they were thrown off and collected by a bulldozer.

So actually we have no evidence those terrorists were alive. The one reporting the story says they were dead.

You’re not very much of a “Sherlock Holmes” if you don’t bother to read the link.
Demonstrably not true. The pro-Israeli posters here tend to be far better educated on the subject matter and the history than those opposing Israel.
Demonstrably not true. The pro-Palestine posters here tend to be far better educated on the subject matter and the history than those opposing Palestinian freedom.
In the linked story the journalist says four ran up to the roof and were killed by snipers. Then when they were retrieving the bodies they were thrown off and collected by a bulldozer.

So actually we have no evidence those terrorists were alive. The one reporting the story says they were dead.
Well if they were alive still it's murder and if they weren't alive its a war crime, these are the kinds of crimes the ICC has collected evidence of.
Manufactured outrage.

If the Gazans were filmed throwing Israelis bodies off a rooftop, the same people condemning it here would be excusing it, and those excusing it would be condemning it.

It's all nothing but a PR campaign.

Nobody in this thread really cares one way or the other.

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