IDF throws Palestinians off roof in West Bank

Another unsupported proposition -
Correct, I don't link up to basic facts.

You are expected to have a baseline of factual knowledge, before commenting.

I think maybe where you are stunbling is not understanding that I don't care if you believe in the existence of these facts or not.
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Glad you understood, if you can express an unsubstantiated personal opinion, then so can I.

You knew nothing about the Zionist meeting with the British in 1919 about planning ethnic cleansing of Palestinians until I told you or of the IDF destruction of a Christian village on Christmas day.
To the OP, Billo_Really

I wonder why you felt the need to misrepresent the contents of the article you linked. You claimed they threw "injured" people off the building, but the linked article clearly claims that the persons in question were deceased.

Yes, it is a requirement according to the laws of armed conflict that the deceased are treated with respect. These actions by Israeli soldiers are abhorrent and it is the right thing for Israel to conduct a proper investigation and that the perpetrators receive appropriate consequences.

There really doesn't need to be four pages of argument or discussion here.
Get a grope. They are in the middle of a war. Conducting an investigation of the incident is gonna be last on their list of priorities.
Get a grope. They are in the middle of a war. Conducting an investigation of the incident is gonna be last on their list of priorities.
In reality, many arrested Israeli soldiers now await trial.

Show me the Palestinian equivalent.

Take all the time you need.
I'm going to laugh when the ICC issues arrest warrants for the far right maniacs who are committing war crimes all over Palestine.
Well that's odd behavior.

Sounds to me like you care more about scoring points on a message board, than you do the crimes or the victims.
Glad you understood, if you can express an unsubstantiated personal opinion, then so can I.

You knew nothing about the Zionist meeting with the British in 1919 about planning ethnic cleansing of Palestinians until I told you or of the IDF destruction of a Christian village on Christmas day.
There was never any beating around the bush. Israel wants the land without the natives.
Not sure... like, 20 I have read about?
What did you read? May I see it?
How many is zero?

Why it's zero.

That's how many Hamas members have been arrested.
Israel is a functioning state but not Gaza, it was subsistence level even before Oct 7th, how you expect to have a society enforce law and order when some one million people have lost their homes, there's hardly any electricity or water, food and medicines are routinely blocked and so on. Schools and hospitals are routinely bombed and even refugee camps.

You can't meaningfully compare Israeli civic society with Gaza civic society when one is under the yoke of the other.
What did you read? May I see it?
Sure can! It's on the internet.

Israel is a functioning state but not Gaza
That's the excuse?

Okay then, I guess you're left with quoting community leaders and political.leaders of Gaza.

Oops, that's Hamas. Thanks to the majority will of the Gazans.

Not sure this excuse works very well, for you or for the Palestinians dancing in the streets.

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