If a presidential candidate said the following would that


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?

Isn't this question a little late?
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?

Isn't this question a little late?
Yeah, he didnt say that, though.
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?

Isn't this question a little late?
Yeah, he didnt say that, though.

Maybe not in those words, but any lucid person knew his bullshit policies would lead there.

hm once again lies with bogus claims

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?
Didn't he already? :lol:
Yeah, but there were 46 million Americans who didn't have health insurance that wanted it and needed it!
Helena asks silly questions.

Facts; BHO elected twice, ACA signed by Congress, approved by SCOTUS, refused to be compromised by the president during the debt and budget crises in which BHO crushed Cruz and his power, the TP crushed in the primaries last week.

No one has any duty to answer your nonsense, Helena.

ACA is here to stay.
Helena asks silly questions.

Facts; BHO elected twice, ACA signed by Congress, approved by SCOTUS, refused to be compromised by the president during the debt and budget crises in which BHO crushed Cruz and his power, the TP crushed in the primaries last week.

No one has any duty to answer your nonsense, Helena.

ACA is here to stay.

You are no one's political or economic philosopher.

No one believes you. :lmao: :rofl:
I'd like to know what conservative-approved healthcare system would lead to significantly lower costs without costing any jobs.
I'd like to know what conservative-approved healthcare system would lead to significantly lower costs without costing any jobs.
Which conservative approved of it?

Certainly you do not mean the neoconservative wind sock, known as Romney. :lol:
Helena asks silly questions.

Facts; BHO elected twice, ACA signed by Congress, approved by SCOTUS, refused to be compromised by the president during the debt and budget crises in which BHO crushed Cruz and his power, the TP crushed in the primaries last week.

No one has any duty to answer your nonsense, Helena.

ACA is here to stay.

No, the ACA has already failed. The POTUS keeps breaking the law to keep it held at bay till AFTER the upcoming elections, then the law go's fully into effect, and then we get to see if the country as we know it, survives.
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?
Nothing like making up lies and then putting them into Obama's mouth.
How about these statements:
I prefer looking the wrong way when a terrorist group attacks America and kills 3000.
I prefer taking America into two wars even if I have to lie about one of them.
I prefer pretending I am in Iraq for noble reasons and not for the oil.
I prefer appointing people with no experience to important agencies.
I prefer looking the other way when a natural disaster strikes the US.
I prefer borrowing the US into massive debt while cutting taxes of the rich.
I prefer 750,000 people losing their jobs each month because of my economic policy.
And I strongly prefer giving the next president a worse America than was given to me.
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?
Nothing like making up lies and then putting them into Obama's mouth.
How about these statements:
I prefer looking the wrong way when a terrorist group attacks America and kills 3000.
I prefer taking America into two wars even if I have to lie about one of them.
I prefer pretending I am in Iraq for noble reasons and not for the oil.
I prefer appointing people with no experience to important agencies.
I prefer looking the other way when a natural disaster strikes the US.
I prefer borrowing the US into massive debt while cutting taxes of the rich.
I prefer 750,000 people losing their jobs each month because of my economic policy.
And I strongly prefer giving the next president a worse America than was given to me.

Yeah Bill Clinton didnt say those things. But he could have.
I'd like to know what conservative-approved healthcare system would lead to significantly lower costs without costing any jobs.

Well for one if there had been ANY Tort reform then physicians wouldn't be sending $850 billion a year in insurance claims to be paid simply because they ordered duplicate tests, all out of fear of LAWSUITS!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year..
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

But idiots like you don't know what or how health insurance is REGULATED by the 50 states and when any insurance company comes up for rate increases they have to under penalty of law show what their medical loss ratio is.
If it is too low (average of all insurance companies is 80% ) i.e. because if $200 billion was NOT spent on duplicate tests, the insurance companies COSTS go down. When the costs go down the Medical loss ratio decreases!
When that happens state regulators will not allow INCREASES but will demand DECREASES in premiums!
AGAIN all done at the state level.

So not being a lawyer but a definite expert in Medicare/health insurance IF I were president there would be massive tort reform that would be
structured on a state by state basis. Of course this lawyer president and 40% of Congress members being lawyers NO TORT reform in ACA!

That is a very very simple way to make insurance less expensive FOR EVERYONE.
But idiots who still don't comprehend there never were 46 million "uninsured"..i.e.
10 million not citizens....
14 million should have been enrolled in Medicaid again only because of the current administration's incompetence!
18 million that don't want or need!

Tax the lawyers $270 billion at 10% and there you have a $5,000 premium paid for each of the truly 4 million that want and need insurance!

THAT simple!
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?

Isn't this question a little late?
Yeah, he didnt say that, though.

OK so IF the idiot in chief says he prefers "single payer" HEY DUMMY WHAT happens to the 1300 ins. companies that pay $100 billion in taxes and
employ 400,000? How can there be a single payer if 1,300 payers are not in business???
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures Archives - IER

I prefer higher gas prices.
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

SO I've proven that OBAMA prefers insurance companies go out of business thus costing $100 billion in taxes and 400,000 people's jobs!

I've proven he said "I'd like higher gas prices"... Well if you idiots that voted for this dumb f...k wanted that YOU GOT 'EM!!
Isn't this question a little late?
Yeah, he didnt say that, though.

OK so IF the idiot in chief says he prefers "single payer" HEY DUMMY WHAT happens to the 1300 ins. companies that pay $100 billion in taxes and
employ 400,000? How can there be a single payer if 1,300 payers are not in business???
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures Archives - IER

I prefer higher gas prices.
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

SO I've proven that OBAMA prefers insurance companies go out of business thus costing $100 billion in taxes and 400,000 people's jobs!

I've proven he said "I'd like higher gas prices"... Well if you idiots that voted for this dumb f...k wanted that YOU GOT 'EM!!

Oh I dont doubt he really wants that and believes it. He just didnt say most of it.
person get elected???

I prefer a single payer health system that will put 1,300 companies out of business, that pay $100 billion in taxes each year and employ 400,000.
I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
I prefer higher gas prices.
I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
I prefer the military be disbanded and replaced by a group I control.

Would this candidate get nominated? Get elected?
Nothing like making up lies and then putting them into Obama's mouth.
How about these statements:
I prefer looking the wrong way when a terrorist group attacks America and kills 3000.
I prefer taking America into two wars even if I have to lie about one of them.
I prefer pretending I am in Iraq for noble reasons and not for the oil.
I prefer appointing people with no experience to important agencies.
I prefer looking the other way when a natural disaster strikes the US.
I prefer borrowing the US into massive debt while cutting taxes of the rich.
I prefer 750,000 people losing their jobs each month because of my economic policy.
And I strongly prefer giving the next president a worse America than was given to me.

A) PROVE TO ME GWB said anything like what Obama SAID!

OK so IF the idiot in chief says he prefers "single payer" HEY DUMMY WHAT happens to the 1300 ins. companies that pay $100 billion in taxes and
employ 400,000? How can there be a single payer if 1,300 payers are not in business???
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures Archives - IER

I prefer higher gas prices.
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

SO I've proven that OBAMA prefers insurance companies go out of business thus costing $100 billion in taxes and 400,000 people's jobs!

I've proven he said "I'd like higher gas prices"... Well if you idiots that voted for this dumb f...k wanted that YOU GOT 'EM!!
Yeah, he didnt say that, though.

OK so IF the idiot in chief says he prefers "single payer" HEY DUMMY WHAT happens to the 1300 ins. companies that pay $100 billion in taxes and
employ 400,000? How can there be a single payer if 1,300 payers are not in business???
“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why ...Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program -

I prefer that utilities go bankrupt.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
Power Plant Closures Archives - IER

I prefer higher gas prices.
Obama said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" LiveLeak.com - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008...
“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

I prefer that utility rates skyrocket.
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"
" Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

SO I've proven that OBAMA prefers insurance companies go out of business thus costing $100 billion in taxes and 400,000 people's jobs!

I've proven he said "I'd like higher gas prices"... Well if you idiots that voted for this dumb f...k wanted that YOU GOT 'EM!!

Oh I dont doubt he really wants that and believes it. He just didnt say most of it.

Then tell me IF OBAMA prefers a single payer...WHAT happens to the 1,300 insurance companies???
HE DID say those things though...
I prefer utilities that build coal burning go bankrupt! WhY would any dumb f...k let alone the President want ANY business go bankrupt?
How stupid. I totally understand he says he doesn't want coal burning utilities REGARDLESS if they cut their emissions! Period!
HE said "I'd like higher gas prices"... WHY?? To be replace with NOW what we are finding is MORE expensive ethanol???

Why didn't he say "I'd like to lower gas prices by encouraging more competitive energy sources so gas will be in great supply!
But you see HE doesn't understand the market economy!

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