If it’s true


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
What do the Democratic Party supporters think should take place? More credibility and a more egregious accusation than we had with CBF and Brett Kavanaugh? Tara Reade says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her.

Would be a good thing for the Repubs to add to their to-do list for the next 2 years.
Maybe law enforcement should do their job. It's a police matter.

The claim is it took place in 1993. The DC statue of limitations for sexual assault is between 11-20 years depending upon the severity of it.
OP, I know this is a side-note, but do you happen to know what the GOP's plan is to get inflation under control?

More importantly, do you even care?
Fair enough, I'm curious though, are you planning on starting any threads about the GOP's plan for our inflation problem?
I may. I work in finance and I have good ideas. But it means reliance on fossil fuels. Interestingly mayor Pete has been flying on a private jet polluting the air quite extensively.

1) Provide tax breaks to drill for oil and to sell locally.

2) Since 85% of goods are transported by truck, lower fuel costs will reduce food and goods costs

3) I would impose a significant fuel tax on private jets. The rich can afford it after all.

But that can all be vetoed by Joe. Unless the Tara Reade story is true? Do we believe “all women”?
So spending is bad, right?
Spending without the ability to actually pay for it? Yes — because why? Because it’s just an inducement for simply “printing” more “money.” And do you know what that translates into, Malcolm?

Yes! That’s right. More inflation. Each fucking make-believe dollar is worth less and less!

Congratulations. You are on your way to your first passing grade — ever.
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I may. I work in finance and I have good ideas. But it means reliance on fossil fuels. Interestingly mayor Pete has been flying on a private jet polluting the air quite extensively.

1) Provide tax breaks to drill for oil and to sell locally.

2) Since 85% of goods are transported by truck, lower fuel costs will reduce food and goods costs

3) I would impose a significant fuel tax on private jets. The rich can afford it after all.
Do you know if the GOP is planning on implementing any of these ideas?
Ironic ... Democrats and snowflakes accused Trump of grabbing a woman by her vagina based off of something Trump SAID during a late night talk show appearance years ago ....

....and it turns out that it was JOE BIDEN who actually,
literally grabbed a female aide by the pu$$y.

This is yet another one of those continuously repeated examples of Democrats accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done / continue to do.

What do the Democratic Party supporters think should take place? More credibility and a more egregious accusation than we had with CBF and Brett Kavanaugh? Tara Reade says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her.

Claiming assault 30 years after the fact doesn't exactly lend itself to credibility of the "victim".
Claiming assault 30 years after the fact doesn't exactly lend itself to credibility of the "victim".
Yet you claimed Christine Blasey Ford was a victim and it was more than 30 yrs and she accused Kav of a lot less than Reade is accusing Biden? Hypocrisy 101
Yet you claimed Christine Blasey Ford was a victim and it was more than 30 yrs and she accused Kav of a lot less than Reade is accusing Biden? Hypocrisy 101
I did?

No. What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Your move little doggie.

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