If John McCain was so great…

Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
Dems lost their best double agent
The deep state put spineless McCain in as a candidate knowing he was not a serious candidate whatsoever...
You do realize that presidents are career politicians in most cases, that makes them the lowest of life forms...
If you think career politicians are the lowest life form, you arent being even remotely realistic. I would say having that opinion alone makes YOU worse than career politicians.
Na, not really ...
Career politicians have no morals, no backbone and even less courage
You are describing yourself. It would be nice if you could AT LEAST not be lower than career politicians.
Says a progressive
Nope. conservative all the way.
Is that so? There is no such thing as a career politician that happens to be conservative
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.

The lowest form of scum are those who gleefully start thread after thread and post after post to speak ill of the recently dead out of petty political bitterness.
Na, not really....

Yes, really. Such POS are the lowest scum on earth.
Says a progressive

Who would that be?
Career politician AKA someone that can't get a real job in the private sector because they don't put up with lies and BS or sweep it under the rug....like gooberment does
Yep, There is no accountability with civilian federal employees, and career politicians
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
They love McCain UNTIL he runs for president against a "legitimate" Democrat.
Too bad McCain was not a legitimate person... lol
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.

The lowest form of scum are those who gleefully start thread after thread and post after post to speak ill of the recently dead out of petty political bitterness.
Na, not really....

Yes, really. Such POS are the lowest scum on earth.
Says a progressive

Who would that be?
Anyone who trusts career politicians...
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
Dems lost their best double agent
The deep state put spineless McCain in as a candidate knowing he was not a serious candidate whatsoever...
McCain did a lot of things that didnt sit well with me, but he was still a military veteran, a war hero and POW. He deserves our respect, despite his faults.
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
Dems lost their best double agent
The deep state put spineless McCain in as a candidate knowing he was not a serious candidate whatsoever...
McCain did a lot of things that didnt sit well with me, but he was still a military veteran, a war hero and POW. He deserves our respect, despite his faults.
Everyone has faults, the problem with spineless McCain he thrived off his greatest fault being a career politician at heart
The lowest form of scum are those who gleefully start thread after thread and post after post to speak ill of the recently dead out of petty political bitterness.
Na, not really....

Yes, really. Such POS are the lowest scum on earth.
Says a progressive

Who would that be?
Anyone who trusts career politicians...

Your irrational, scumbag hate has made you irrational.
This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
Na, not really....

Yes, really. Such POS are the lowest scum on earth.
Says a progressive

Who would that be?
Anyone who trusts career politicians...

Your irrational, scumbag hate has made you irrational.
I don’t hate anybody, it’s not in my nature.
There is nothing more hateful than political correctness, Because it seeks to control every aspect of anyone that disagrees with it....
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
They love McCain UNTIL he runs for president against a "legitimate" Democrat.
Too bad McCain was not a legitimate person... lol

au contraire.....he was legitimate as far as standing up for what he believed in...…...himself.
This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
...Well he did sing like a bird to the North Koreans
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
They love McCain UNTIL he runs for president against a "legitimate" Democrat.
Too bad McCain was not a legitimate person... lol

au contraire.....he was legitimate as far as standing up for what he believed in...…...himself.
Yes, really. Such POS are the lowest scum on earth.
Says a progressive

Who would that be?
Anyone who trusts career politicians...

Your irrational, scumbag hate has made you irrational.
I don’t hate anybody, it’s not in my nature..........


Your many, many posts attacking a dead man prove otherwise, you hateful, low-life filth.
Says a progressive

Who would that be?
Anyone who trusts career politicians...

Your irrational, scumbag hate has made you irrational.
I don’t hate anybody, it’s not in my nature..........


Your many, many posts attacking a dead man prove otherwise, you hateful, low-life filth.
Na, not really
Obviously the truth hurts you, all career politicians are hate filled pieces of shit.
He has been dead a long time… And he even wanted to kill people by forcing Obama care on them...
This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
...Well he did sing like a bird to the North Koreans

"North Koreans," professor?
This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
...Well he did sing like a bird to the North Koreans

"North Koreans," professor?
Soviets/North Koreans same difference...
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
Crocodile tears don't count though. The buckets of tears they shed is all for show.

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