If John McCain was so great…

This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
...Well he did sing like a bird to the North Koreans

"North Koreans," professor?
Soviets/North Koreans same difference...

Viet Nam
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
Crocodile tears don't count though. The buckets of tears they shed is all for show.

Yep, Dems seem to shit on their own when it seems fitting.....just give it time
Rustic said:
George Bush Junior beat the shit out of John McCain...Anyway, they were both career politicians...
George Defeated Ann Richards In Her Texas Re-Election Bid
George Served As Gov Of Texas 5yrs
Then President Of The US 8yrs
Held No Other Public Offices
This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
...Well he did sing like a bird to the North Koreans

"North Koreans," professor?
Soviets/North Koreans same difference...

Viet Nam
My bad...
This thread is about John McCain that recently passed...….a man that I've disliked since his campaign run for President years ago. .When in an interview with an Asian reporter in a state with an Asian governor, McCain says he hates all 'gooks' and they should die. While I can understand his personal feelings, but you can't be saying stuff like that on a campaign for President of the United States that has a population of roughly 17 million 'gooks'.

In the years since that episode (which is conveniently MIA), he's not done anything to show me he's worth the respect and honor that he expected. I've already offered for him to RIP and condolences to his family in another thread, as should be done with anyone. And I do truly hope he has now found peace in death that he never had in life.....but I still don't like him & probably never will
McCain was a wackobird
...Well he did sing like a bird to the North Koreans

"North Koreans," professor?
Soviets/North Koreans same difference...

Dumbass. And you pretend to know “the truth”?
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.

Because he happened to run against the Great Obama
The reason why he did not win in 2008?

1. Eight years of George W. Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney that saw two massive wars, massive waste of money and the economy tanking.

2. Obama was a unkown that got moderates and minorities to vote for him and had Obama been pure white Obama might not have won because he was another wanna-be Jimmy Carter.

Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.

Because he happened to run against the Great Obama
Your local dogcatcher could’ve beat McCain

Any Democrat would have beaten McCain in 2008

He had the misfortune of following Bush
Other than that he was not a legitimate candidate... There’s a reason why they call him spineless McCain
"North Koreans," professor?
Soviets/North Koreans same difference...

Viet Nam
My bad...

Do you really think there’s any difference... ...

Yes, there is a difference between different countries, dumbass. That's why they have different names and all that. If you're this ignorant, you should be quiet about it.
Do you really think there’s any difference... ...

Yes, there is a difference between different countries, dumbass. That's why they have different names and all that. If you're this ignorant, you should be quiet about it.
Like I said, my bad...
You do realize that the communist controlled both north Korea and Vietnam... Even in all 57 states and under sniper fire
Do you really think there’s any difference... ...

Yes, there is a difference between different countries, dumbass. That's why they have different names and all that. If you're this ignorant, you should be quiet about it.
Like I said, my bad........

Then you doubled down on your ignorance by claiming North Korea, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union were all the same. If you don't know anything, it's really OK to stop talking sometimes.
Do you really think there’s any difference... ...

Yes, there is a difference between different countries, dumbass. That's why they have different names and all that. If you're this ignorant, you should be quiet about it.
Like I said, my bad........

Then you doubled down on your ignorance by claiming North Korea, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union were all the same. If you don't know anything, it's really OK to stop talking sometimes.
Socialism is socialism no matter what name you put on it… It’s all fucked up
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.

Because he happened to run against the Great Obama
Your local dogcatcher could’ve beat McCain

Any Democrat would have beaten McCain in 2008

He had the misfortune of following Bush
Other than that he was not a legitimate candidate... There’s a reason why they call him spineless McCain
Palin was not legit
McCain had the cred........just not in 2008

2000 was his best chance
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.

Because he happened to run against the Great Obama
Your local dogcatcher could’ve beat McCain

Any Democrat would have beaten McCain in 2008

He had the misfortune of following Bush
Other than that he was not a legitimate candidate... There’s a reason why they call him spineless McCain
Palin was not legit
McCain had the cred........just not in 2008

2000 was his best chance
Na, He was put there by the deep state knowing he did not have a chance

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