If John McCain was so great…

Dear Mr. Cancer: there are two other treasonous, anti-American warmongers named Hilarious Hillary and chainsmoking Typhoid Barry. If it's not too much trouble, could you pay these two political murdering monsters a kindly visit? Many thanks in advance. Sincerely - an isolationist patriot who's tired of these globalist traitors.
Do you really think there’s any difference... ...

Yes, there is a difference between different countries, dumbass. That's why they have different names and all that. If you're this ignorant, you should be quiet about it.
Like I said, my bad........

Then you doubled down on your ignorance by claiming North Korea, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union were all the same. If you don't know anything, it's really OK to stop talking sometimes.
Socialism is socialism no matter what name you put on it… It’s all fucked up

A real political scientist, ain’t ya?
Dubya was such a disaster, anyone or anything was going to beat whatever candidate the GOP put up in ‘08
This is nonsense.

McCain was far more aggressive in trying to keep his senate seat than he was in trying to win the presidency.

He was vicious against a Republican challenger for his senate seat and pretty soft against Obama.

He co-sponsored a bill that was largely unconstitutional just so he could win the Republican nomination and when he got it, he wet the bed in the general election.

He called himself a maverick, but he was nothing more than an establishment Republican.
Do you really think there’s any difference... ...

Yes, there is a difference between different countries, dumbass. That's why they have different names and all that. If you're this ignorant, you should be quiet about it.
Like I said, my bad........

Then you doubled down on your ignorance by claiming North Korea, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union were all the same. If you don't know anything, it's really OK to stop talking sometimes.

Yet the thing with North Korea and Soviet Union...….McCain called for war with both.

If McCain had won in 2008, he'd have gotten US involved in WW3 by 2010
Yes, I remember McCain's pathetic run quite well. In all my years I have never missed voting in a presidential election. So, that one year, to keep my record intact I went into the booth and wrote in Alfred E. Neumann. And then.....we got AEN but he was called "Obama". I should have written in Mickey Mouse.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
2 reasons
1. Running against the first mulatto/black candidate to have a serious chance at winning the presidency
2. MILLIONS of Americans who normally vote GOP REFUSED to vote for the son of a bitch. I voted Constitution party that year. In 2012 I voted Libertarian because we had ANOTHER shit candidate.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
2 reasons
1. Running against the first mulatto/black candidate to have a serious chance at winning the presidency
2. MILLIONS of Americans who normally vote GOP REFUSED to vote for the son of a bitch. I voted Constitution party that year. In 2012 I voted Libertarian because we had ANOTHER shit candidate.
Yep, Spineless McCain was a shit candidate... Never a serious one because he was placed there by the deep state
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Palin brought him down. I was going to vote for him. Seriously. And so were MANY MANY others. Then he brought that doofus Palin in and that was it for me.
You fuckers can't even wait until he's in the ground to start your smear campaign.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
He didn't win because he was a racist, sexist, and a war monger. Or At least that's what the Democrats and their lackeys in the media kept telling us. In fact there isn't a conservative or republican in history that hasn't been accused of being a racist, sexist etc. The only reason that they love Mc Cain so much now is because it gives the Leftards an excuse to vent their TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Issue of Race Creeps Into Campaign

Yesterday, civil rights leader John Lewis, a Democratic congressman from Georgia, became the latest advocate to excite the racial debate, condemning Sen. John McCain for "sowing the seeds of hatred and division" and accusing the Republican nominee of potentially inciting violence.

In a provocative twist, Lewis drew a rhetorical line connecting McCain to the segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace, and through Wallace to the 1963 church bombing in Birmingham that killed four girls. McCain voiced outrage at the comments.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Palin brought him down. I was going to vote for him. Seriously. And so were MANY MANY others. Then he brought that doofus Palin in and that was it for me.
Actually Palin probably boosted his numbers by quite a bit, she was far more conservative than he ever was.
....and because he was a fucking piece of shit progressive
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Palin brought him down. I was going to vote for him. Seriously. And so were MANY MANY others. Then he brought that doofus Palin in and that was it for me.
You and the HUGE crowds SHE brought to the campaign.

Sorry, no. McCain did in McCain
You fuckers can't even wait until he's in the ground to start your smear campaign.
These people posting these disgraceful and disgusting posts about a man who served his country, regardless of whether you agreed with him politically, are the biggest losers. I did not agree with him on much, but to trash him on his death, can only be described as lowlife.
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Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
I almost forgot that republicans nominated him to be president in 2008

I am just kidding, I didn't forget .....Trump lovers sure like to pretend this didn't happen tho.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Which president do you like that wasnt a career politician? Also, anyone that makes it to the primaries is a serious candidate.
Na, There was only one president that was not a career politician and did not want the job but felt it was his duty to do the job, after the country begging him to stay on… George Washington - all others fail in comparison.

Donald Trump not being career politician could very well become one, this is true. But he sure is under the skin of the progressives which is fine for right now... :abgg2q.jpg:
What if George Washington only decided to be president just to troll the libs?? That would be awesome!

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