If John McCain was so great…

Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
I almost forgot that republicans nominated him to be president in 2008

I am just kidding, I didn't forget .....Trump lovers sure like to pretend this didn't happen tho.
You mean like the lefties like to pretend they weren't running around the internet along with their idols in the MSM
calling him a racist and mocking his service,age and POW injuries?
Oh please. The only ones mocking his service were people you voted for, like Trump & Bush.
Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
You little lying asshole, you will never amount to a pimple on John McCains ass. He was a patriot and true American. You are just a dumb ass. Ever serve anyone other than Russia, sweetheart? Do you have a dd214? Or are you just another ass that has never done anything for anyone other than yourself, like the orange clown.
You mad bro?
Na, There was only one president that was not a career politician and did not want the job but felt it was his duty to do the job, after the country begging him to stay on… George Washington - all others fail in comparison.

Donald Trump not being career politician could very well become one, this is true. But he sure is under the skin of the progressives which is fine for right now... :abgg2q.jpg:
Well anyone who hates all presidents doesnt really have an opinion worth listening to anyway. Youre just a weirdo.
You do realize that presidents are career politicians in most cases, that makes them the lowest of life forms...
If you think career politicians are the lowest life form, you arent being even remotely realistic. I would say having that opinion alone makes YOU worse than career politicians.
Na, not really ...
Career politicians have no morals, no backbone and even less courage
Asshole, have you ever been in a situation where courage was called for? McCain was many times, and his record is one of courage. What does your dd214 say?
Eight years in the national guard
Don't even get me started on my opinion of John McCain...…:blowup:

Though I find it rather telling of him when there are more Democrats that have supported and defended him and now mourning his loss, than Republicans.
They love McCain UNTIL he runs for president against a "legitimate" Democrat.
Dumb ass, you can like and respect someone running for President and still vote for someone else if you think that someone has policies more to your liking. McCain and Obama understood that, that is why McCain selected Obama to be one of the men to deliver his eulogy.
Here is Obama telling spineless McCain to shut the fuck up...
Career politician AKA someone that can't get a real job in the private sector because they don't put up with lies and BS or sweep it under the rug....like gooberment does
Yep, There is no accountability with civilian federal employees, and career politicians
There is a far larger lack of accountability with people that sell weapons of war to mentally unstable people.
Good thing you don’t know what a “weapon of war” is....
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Dude, Donald Trump has ran for President 2 times prior to Putin helping him win...and there's a reason the bitch never won on his own.......because people hate his guts. Now slide back into your cave and let McCain rest in peace.....ass ho
You need to get over the election results… It’s making you look like a pussy
It took you bitches 8 years and counting to let go of Obama winning not once but twice....you mf's are still talking about the guy...talk about looking like pussy's...you whore's reeeeeeeekkkkkk of it.
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Even dead, he scares the bejesus out of trumpanzees. :71:
Na, not really
He was never a serious candidate he was put in there by the deep state to be a whipping boy...
Why did He not win the presidency... Because he was never a serious candidate. Just another career politician the lowest of life forms.
Dude, Donald Trump has ran for President 2 times prior to Putin helping him win...and there's a reason the bitch never won on his own.......because people hate his guts. Now slide back into your cave and let McCain rest in peace.....ass ho
You need to get over the election results… It’s making you look like a pussy
It took you bitches 8 years and counting to let go of Obama winning not once but twice....you mf's are still talking about the guy...talk about looking like pussy's...you whore's reeeeeeeekkkkkk of it.
There would be no trump there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch

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