If Only Corporations Paid Their Fair Share


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
Greedy corporations should be held accountable and pay a righteous tax so that civil servants can decide what social programs need better funding...

For the common good ! Lol
You call yourself LogikAndReazon out of a sense of irony, right?
We need to level the tax playing field. No more exemptions for your industry because you managed to get your elected officials to slip a tax expenditure into the tax code for you.

I don't care how you arrive at it, but two individuals or two companies earning the same incomes or revenues should be paying identical taxes. Period.

Any special break given to someone comes at the expense of someone else. This is a truth very carefully avoided by the "you get to keep more of YOUR money with deductions/exemptions/credits" crowd. That's a bullshit meme. Your deduction/exemption/credit comes at someone else's expense in the form of higher tax rates and deficits. You are a leech on other taxpayers.

Taxing and spending are two entirely different problems. They are BOTH broken. They BOTH need fixing. The fallacy too often implied, as illustrated in the OP, is that only one needs to be fixed and not the other.
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Whenever someone spouts off about "Fair Share", what he really means is that somebody else should give him something.

Just sayin'.

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