If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

Its easy to save when you start rich.
It's never too late. Just start saving as soon as you can, even if it's just a few dollars per month. Shed all bad habits like drinking and smoking, overeating, eating out, etc. Skip the expensive vacations and entertainment. Live like a monk and the money will pile up. With the extra time you have get a part time job evenings and/or weekends. Forget the new car, fix up the old one. TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH! 60 percent of retirees have to retire early because of health issues. Poor health is the 'rat in the woodpile' reducing your working life and adding huge expenses that cut into your retirement savings.
That is not conservative values. MAGA are not conservatives.
Actually they are – they’re what conservatism has become and has been for at least the last 50 years.

The American right abandoned ‘conservative values’ decades ago, embracing instead a neo-fascist, illiberal, authoritarian agenda dominated by racism, bigotry, and anti-immigrant nativist hate.
Actually they are – they’re what conservatism has become and has been for at least the last 50 years.

The American right abandoned ‘conservative values’ decades ago, embracing instead a neo-fascist, illiberal, authoritarian agenda dominated by racism, bigotry, and anti-immigrant nativist hate.
Under Trump, the costs were much lower. You’re looking at homes under Trump that were $175,000 and under Biden are now $300,000 or more. The mortgage rate was 2.5% under Trump and over 7% under Biden.

The top concern right now for most Americans is the economy and the high cost of living. And this is why Trump will win in November.

Sad to see some Democrats hate poor people. Democrats used to champion the middle class and work for a great economy. Like the post World War II economic boom. Now Democrats cater to race, foreign wars and gender division. They Probably do this as a distraction to our economy.
$291 whole dollars a month at the maximum? $73 a week?

Maybe you should have read that before making that ridiculous statement.
Well, if you have a whole household on it (generational welfare) it adds-up real fuckin' quick.

My butcher says the best cuts of meat are bought by the EBT crowd as soon as their cards are recharged. He loves that time of month.
If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

Suze Orman Says 'If You're Struggling Financially, It's Your Fault'​

Quit blaming the government. That is not conservative values. MAGA are not conservatives. They are a group of whiners who expect Donald Trump will take care of all their problems.

The lack of education is the main reason people struggle financially. You gotta continue your education to stay on top in your profession.
$291 whole dollars a month at the maximum? $73 a week?

Maybe you should have read that before making that ridiculous statement

You can eat steak and lobster on $291/month. I don't think that's what the program had in mind.
Under Biden, we’ve had two wars one in Ukraine one in Palestine that have affected the global market. With good leadership that kind of stuff doesn’t happen. People who keep on claiming the presidents don’t affect the economy don’t understand history.

There are circumstances when poor leadership leads to an adverse global economy.
The American right abandoned ‘conservative values’ decades ago – and not just conservative fiscal dogma.

True conservatives, actual conservatives, those following ‘conservative values’ would oppose abortion bans, would oppose banning same-sex marriage, would oppose banning medical treatment for transgender Americans, would oppose book bans, and would oppose voter ID laws – all manifestations of more government, bigger government ‘conservative values’ would have traditionally opposed.

Today, more than 50 years later, conservativism has become illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, and fundamentally fascist – of which Trump and the Trump Cult are a product.
Well, if you have a whole household on it (generational welfare) it adds-up real fuckin' quick.

My butcher says the best cuts of meat are bought by the EBT crowd as soon as their cards are recharged. He loves that time of month.
Of course he does.

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