If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

$291 whole dollars a month at the maximum? $73 a week?
That's a lot of money for food.

No one begrudges SNAP recipients that money, but don't turn around and hand us the healthcare costs due to your irresponsible eating habits as well.
Damn, I wish I had known that. I been eating ground beef and potatoes and spending way more than $300 a month!
I just added up my food costs for last month including McD's, and lots of ice cream and donuts, $185.

I eat 3 dozen donuts per month and at least 2 gallons of ice cream. I must admit that I have gained about 5 pounds recently, so I'm cutting back on the ice cream. That will lower my food costs by $20 per month.

Conservatives : Want Small government to leave them alone as they are the embodiment of "Rugged Individualism" They do things by themselves and depend on nobody

Racicals : Want Large government so they can live off of government programs and soft careers . They are the embodiment of " Collective Dependence ". They live under the motto " It Takes A VIllage".

Today, the standoff is not between Conservatives vs Radicals,,,,it is GLOBALIST VS NATIONALIST and politically, it is NEOCONS vs NEOLIBERALS.
I just added up my food costs for last month including McD's, and lots of ice cream and donuts, $185.

I eat 3 dozen donuts per month and at least 2 gallons of ice cream. I must admit that I have gained about 5 pounds recently, so I'm cutting back on the ice cream. That will lower my food costs by $20 per month.
I don't track my food cost like you but since I took my dad in my food cost actually went down. With him here I cook something every day. By myself I would just order something and get it delivered.
Under Trump, the costs were much lower. You’re looking at homes under Trump that were $175,000 and under Biden are now $300,000 or more. The mortgage rate was 2.5% under Trump and over 7% under Biden.

The top concern right now for most Americans is the economy and the high cost of living. And this is why Trump will win in November.

Sad to see some Democrats hate poor people. Democrats used to champion the middle class and work for a great economy. Like the post World War II economic boom. Now Democrats cater to race, foreign wars and gender division. They Probably do this as a distraction to our economy.
And 14% unemployment!
If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

Suze Orman Says 'If You're Struggling Financially, It's Your Fault'​

Quit blaming the government. That is not conservative values. MAGA are not conservatives. They are a group of whiners who expect Donald Trump will take care of all their problems.

Easy for her to say. While that can often be true, Democrats make American's situations worse. Just look at the darkest blue states, which have the most income inequality, the most wealth inequality, the most poor, the most people having to be on government programs, the most social injustice, and the most homelessness. Everything Democrats do backfires.
Easy for her to say. While that can often be true, Democrats make American's situations worse. Just look at the darkest blue states, which have the most income inequality, the most wealth inequality, the most poor, the most people having to be on government programs, the most social injustice, and the most homelessness. Everything Democrats do backfires.
Excuse maker. Always someone else's fault. The MAGA way.
The lack of education is the main reason people struggle financially. You gotta continue your education to stay on top in your profession.
I agree. It can be educating yourself on a trade.
Motivated people find a way. Excuse makers do not.
Suze Orman is a financial advisor does not speak for Trump or MAGA.
Suze Orman definitely does not speak for Trump and MAGA.
Trump and MAGA blame others for all their problems. They are poor victims.
With that attitude they will never be successful.
You decided to hide behind Suze Orman to throw in your own negative words about conservatives and it makes no sense what you are saying. Your words are twisted :eusa_naughty:
I see conservative values as being accountable for yourself. We all have to deal with the unfairness of life. Don't be a victim. Don't look to others to solve your problem.
That is not MAGA
I just added up my food costs for last month including McD's, and lots of ice cream and donuts, $185.

I eat 3 dozen donuts per month and at least 2 gallons of ice cream. I must admit that I have gained about 5 pounds recently, so I'm cutting back on the ice cream. That will lower my food costs by $20 per month.
So groceries aren't expensive then?
Under Trump, the costs were much lower. You’re looking at homes under Trump that were $175,000 and under Biden are now $300,000 or more. The mortgage rate was 2.5% under Trump and over 7% under Biden.

The top concern right now for most Americans is the economy and the high cost of living. And this is why Trump will win in November.

Sad to see some Democrats hate poor people. Democrats used to champion the middle class and work for a great economy. Like the post World War II economic boom. Now Democrats cater to race, foreign wars and gender division. They Probably do this as a distraction to our economy.
Trump had nothing to do with the economy – indeed, Trump was the benefactor of President Obama’s strong economy, which Trump inherited.
Easy for her to say. While that can often be true, Democrats make American's situations worse. Just look at the darkest blue states, which have the most income inequality, the most wealth inequality, the most poor, the most people having to be on government programs, the most social injustice, and the most homelessness. Everything Democrats do backfires.
I did know the Gulf Coast MAGA states were now blue.
Suze Orman definitely does not speak for Trump and MAGA.
Trump and MAGA blame others for all their problems. They are poor victims.
With that attitude they will never be successful.
If that were true, a good percentage of government buildings would be smoldering. And Progressives are far ahead in the destruction game. If people elected on the Republican side were exactly like Progressive politicians, every riot would be changed into insurrections. And since rights are reduced on that charge the prisons would be filled with all of the insurrectionists in all of the cities including the ones in D.C. that were not Jan.6. We are the Republican Party away from dictatorship since Progs are already there. Arresting the surfer over Covid was a disgrace. That is what you are. And there are Republican areas the same. Unfortunately, people affected never forget. Many simmer and it affects the community when more people are needed to rally during a not so good time. There are different percentages of people in most neighborhoods/communities that will not be in a positive way, and it is proven.

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