If you don't have enough money, it is your fault

Like the mayor that told elderly citizens to get a reverse mortgage to pay their property taxes. Anyone over the age of 60 shouldn't pay property taxes.
I see conservative values as being accountable for yourself. We all have to deal with the unfairness of life. Don't be a victim. Don't look to others to solve your problem.
That is not MAGA
We do need others. We need others to hire us. Even the potential millionaires need agents to get them hired. We still need others to do business with us if we have our own businesses.

Do you know that one of God's blessings he bestows on us is for others to give to us. When we give unto God He lets us know that it be returned back to us by other human beings as favors, jobs, connections, ideas, etc... We are our brothers and sisters keepers.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
We do need others. We need others to hire us. Even the potential millionaires need agents to get them hired. We still need others to do business with us if we have our own businesses.

Do you know that one of God's blessings he bestows on us is for others to give to us. When we give unto God He lets us know that it be returned back to us by other human beings as favors, jobs, connections, ideas, etc... We are our brothers and sisters keepers.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.
I do agree with you.
I am trying to make a point to MAGA followers who crticize anyone taking money from the government. They are worse than people they criticize.

I feel we need to provide for those who cannot make it on their own. It is those who are capable and still rely on the government when they do not need to. They are taking from those who are in need.
Donald Trump is one of those people. Many MAGA followers are those people.
They need to clean up their own house before they criticize others
I do agree with you.
I am trying to make a point to MAGA followers who crticize anyone taking money from the government. They are worse than people they criticize.

I feel we need to provide for those who cannot make it on their own. It is those who are capable and still rely on the government when they do not need to. They are taking from those who are in need.
Donald Trump is one of those people. Many MAGA followers are those people.
They need to clean up their own house before they criticize others
You fail to criticize Kamala. She is deserving of a ton of your criticism. Look at California. Just look at it with homeless people all over the place and Kamala did NOTHING TO HELP THEM. Even as VP she has NOT helped them, and that's her state.

That leads me to believe your only purpose and focus is to criticize Trump.
Unemployed on Trump's watch.
I was never unemployed under Trump's watch. The ones unemployed under the pandemic were compensated. Well maybe not blue cities that kept their people unemployed to make Trump look bad before the election. It was funny biden when biden took credit for job creation, when all they did was go back to work.
So groceries aren't expensive then?
Food is cheap in America.
So groceries aren't expensive then?
They don't have to be, as I've demonstrated. Sans the ice cream my food bill would be $165/month. Eliminate the donuts and it's $150/month. Swap the McD's for homemade sandwiches and it's $145/month. And this without trying to save on the other foods that I buy.
You fail to criticize Kamala. She is deserving of a ton of your criticism. Look at California. Just look at it with homeless people all over the place and Kamala did NOTHING TO HELP THEM. Even as VP she has NOT helped them, and that's her state.

That leads me to believe your only purpose and focus is to criticize Trump.
That will be most of America if she is president.
Under Trump at least I could afford surf and turf.
Shop around for sales.
If you are paying full price, then that's on you.

And if you are talking about Surf and turf at the restaurant, that's always been more expensive then cooking it yourself.

I just got a 2 pound salmon filet from Costco, $22, It made me 4 Salmon meals.
Shop around for sales.
If you are paying full price, then that's on you.

And if you are talking about Surf and turf at the restaurant, that's always been more expensive then cooking it yourself.

I just got a 2 pound salmon filet from Costco, $22, It made me 4 Salmon meals.
Why should I suffer because the president is a dumbass. Inflation is killing everyone, I can't wait till he is president again.

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