I'm A Bit Disappointed In Trump

How many companies has trump run into the ground?
If you knew economics and free enterprise capitalism you'd know there is no guaranties. About 3 out of 5 start-ups fail within the first three years. It's not like they can just tap the taxpayers, raise debt, etc. which is the solutions we get from the obama's, biden's,and K.Harris' of the DumbocRATs.

As I said, D. leadership of last couple+ decades have no free enterprise business experience, so don't have a clue on wealth creation (Makers). They only have experience as Takers and Fakers.

Your question would strongly suggest in are in the same league as they are = clueless!
I was responding to someone who said trump is a great businessman. Your response had nothing to do with what we were talking about, traitor.
Another sign you are clueless!
Or just doing the usual Dem./Leftist tactic of blatant lying.

I didn't say he was "great", I said he had "experience" in wealth making while the Dems don't. The Dem's POTUS offerings of recent decades only have experience as wealth Takers and Fakers.
From your link: "Trump's budget is merely a request to Congress, which has the authority to craft and approve federal budgets. The budget proposal is unlikely to be mirrored by the federal legislature."

You don't read very well, do you?
Which part of presidents suggesting and signing budgets do you not get?
From your link: "Trump's budget is merely a request to Congress, which has the authority to craft and approve federal budgets. The budget proposal is unlikely to be mirrored by the federal legislature."

You don't read very well, do you?
Every budget a president sends to Congress is a request.

You missed the point. Trump asked for the most spending in the history of our country.

Anyone who bleevs the GOP or Trump are fiscally responsible is incredibly stupid, considering all the evidence to the contrary right in front of their faces.
I acknowledge that he shouldn't have worded it the way he did but you guys will complain if Trump farts in public. 🙄

That's why he needs to hire his own private security.

True, maybe he just does a better job of hiding it.

More like destroy America.

And probably would much rather be golfing and relaxing right now but unfortunately he knows that isn't possible for the time being.

Why does the idea of Trump golfing upset you so much?

Well it depends on the candidate. If it was somebody like JFK I'd say go for it, if it was somebody like most of the democrats in power are today I would agree with you.
Remember how Orange Dopetard raaaaaaaaaanted that "I'll be up every night till midnight working for you"! Riiiiiiight.

Come to find out he lounged around on his ass in his pj's till the crack of noon in the W.H. residence watching cable news like Fox & MSNBC. Plus he cost the taayer's millions of dollars to fly him & his tribe to MAL countless times so he could park his ass on a golf cart.

Trump was the laziest s.o.b. to ever be elected as the Fake POTUS.

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