I'm A Bit Disappointed In Trump

Are you talking about how JD Vance said that he hated how school shootings are a fact of life?
Indeed I am.

What a stupid thing to say.

This is the expected dumbfuckery from gun humpers who refuse to try to prevent school shootings in any way but reacting to them with more guns.
He shouldn't have to quit golfing at his own golf course, that's just letting the left win. He should fire secret service members not doing their jobs and hire a much better and stronger security team. I guess that he's just doing what he believes is best though.

Of course you aren't disappointed the blob lies right to you face. Over and over and over.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

Donald Trump Spent Almost A Year Playing Golf During Presidency

Nearly a third of the days he’s been president, Trump has visited a Trump-branded property

Conholes are disappointed because Trumpy decided to lose his mind right before the election.
No what's stupid is that you twisted that comment around and took it entirely out of context.
No, even in context, it's a very stupid thing to say.

I do not resign myself to accepting school.shootings as a fact of life.

You and JD Vance can go right ahead.
No what's stupid is that you twisted that comment around and took it entirely out of context.
Those were Vance's exact words.

But Trump is even worse:

“It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But we have to get over it – we have to move forward.”
Those were Vance's exact words.

But Trump is even worse:

“It’s just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But we have to get over it – we have to move forward.”
That's what a piece of slime he is.

"It's just horrible" was Trump's hedging, for what he actually wanted to say.

(Which was, shut the fuck up about it already, I have something to say about who is wronging ME.)

A normal person who is not a malignant, sociopathic narcissist has that (it's just horrible) as their primary thought.
Unfortunately they are though because they do happen. However, if at least some of the staff in schools were armed there would be much less of them.
Why is that? Schools have armed guards already. Teachers could only react to gunshots heard somewhere in the school. You have prevented zero school shooting incidents.

But you have definitely.made it more.likely that guns fall into the wrong hands inside a school or in the parking lot, and that teachers shoot at each other, and that cops shoot at them, etc etc

Few teachers want to carry guns anyway.

I think were going to have to do a lot better than this idea. Not that we can't or shouldn't. We will just need much more.
That's what a piece of slime he is.

"It's just horrible" was Trump's hedging, for what he actually wanted to say.

(Which was, shut the fuck up about it already, I have something to say about who is wronging ME.)

Wrong!! He wasn't actually saying to get over it the way you were as I just looked it up. He meant get over it by moving past it, not actually to stop grieving all those who perished.
you people and your overly emotional lives. How the fuck do you live being 100% emotion and no logic at all?
They don't. Not unless you call being constantly miserable and full of hate "living".

Even if Trump wins and creates a 500 year GQP dictatorship, these worthless fucks will still be complaining about the "evil libs".
Wrong!! He wasn't actually saying to get over it the way you were as I just looked it up. He meant get over it by moving past it, not actually to stop grieving all those who perished.
Yes, he is always such a nuanced man.

Come on.

What he did was change the subject to his criminal cases. And the big mean conspiracy against him.
He shouldn't have to quit golfing at his own golf course, that's just letting the left win. He should fire secret service members not doing their jobs and hire a much better and stronger security team. I guess that he's just doing what he believes is best though.

This is why the government should be limited on how to tax us. When they can bankrupt someone proving their innocence, they have too much money.

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