I'm A Bit Disappointed In Trump

He shouldn't have to quit golfing at his own golf course, that's just letting the left win. He should fire secret service members not doing their jobs and hire a much better and stronger security team. I guess that he's just doing what he believes is best though.

Trump runs his own show.

black lightfoot hell.jpg
He has not business running for President.
He has more business running than either Biden, Harris, or other DumbocRATs with no business experience at all.

At least Trump has a clue on making profit. Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris, et al only know how to fleece the taxpayers by scamming the federal treasury. Their supporters are only a step behind being similar parasites. Such as you also it would seem.
At least Trump has a clue on making profit. Clinton, Obama, Biden, Harris, et al only know how to fleece the taxpayers by scamming the federal treasury.
I have some bad news for you.

Trump ran up $8 trillion in debt in HALF the time it took Obama.

He shouldn't have to quit golfing at his own golf course, that's just letting the left win. He should fire secret service members not doing their jobs and hire a much better and stronger security team. I guess that he's just doing what he believes is best though.

You have no idea what it's like being a person that people want killed or jailed. He's probably traumatized.
I have some bad news for you.

Trump ran up $8 trillion in debt in HALF the time it took Obama.

My news for you, idiot, is that it is Congress that runs up the debt.

Trump(or any POTUS) is coerced into either sign off on their excess or decline and shut down Federal guv'mint, resulting in higher expense once it restarts.

BTW, Obama inflation is part of the factor in making the number seem greater than it is.

But being a non-productive parasite that you are, you wouldn't understand that anyway. Komrade!
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My news for you, idiot, is that it is Congress that runs up the debt.
And yet you hypocrites always blame Obama for every penny of debt run up on his watch.

Nice try.

Also, Trump had a Republican Congress for his first two years.

Trump is coerced into either sign off on their excess or decline and shut down Federal guv'mint, resulting in higher expense once it restarts.
Horseshit. Total horseshit.

Trump proposes record-high $4.7 trillion budget

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

BTW, Obama inflation is part of the factor in making the number seem greater than it is.
Wow. You are seriously innumerate. Your spending today is not affected by yesterday's inflation. It is affected by the current inflation.

Are you going to blame Biden's overspending on Trump's inflation???
And yet you hypocrites always blame Obama for every penny of debt run up on his watch.

Nice try.

Horseshit. Total horseshit.

Trump proposes record-high $4.7 trillion budget

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

Wow. You are seriously innumerate. Your spending today is not affected by yesterday's inflation. It is affected by the current inflation.

Are you going to blame Biden's overspending on Trump's inflation???
What part of Congress sets the budget do you fail to grasp?
Remember how Trump was going to pay off the debt? He doubled the deficit and added $8 trillion instead.

Trump achieved nothing except a tax break for himself.

Trump failed to pass a promised infrastructure bill. Biden got it done.

Trump failed to repeal and replace Obamacare with something "beautiful". The quickest way to piss off a Trumptard in the early years was to ask them to show me the Obamacare replacement. These dipshits never even asked Trump to produce one! Talk about BEGGING to be lied to! Trump knows his cult. He reads them like a map.

Trump failed to build the wall, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for it. And now he is telling the Republicans not to dare pass a border bill while he is out of power. It's the only thing he has to hammer Biden with, but now he and the GOP own the border in their refusal to pass a bill.

He failed to grow the economy by the promised 4 to 6 percent.

He failed to achieve his promised $4,000 pay raise for workers.

He failed to bring down drug prices as promised. Biden got it done.

He utterly failed to drain the swamp, and enlarged and widened it instead, creating the most corrupt Administration since Harding.

He failed to provide maternity leave, as promised, to women whose employers didn't provided that benefit.

He failed to bring back coal jobs as promised.

He failed to release his tax returns as promised. Now we know why.

He failed to protect American steel jobs as promised.

He alienated our allies and sucked up to communist dictators and thugs.

He added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, contributing to the current inflation.

He failed to decrease our trade deficits with China in Mexico as he promised. Instead, he widened the trade deficit with China and Mexico to record levels.

His far left protectionist tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers. And you can tell tariffs are far left because Biden is repeating this idiotic mistake and kept them in place!

Trump spent more time golfing than Obama, despite saying he would "not have time to go golf" during the campaign. He spent nearly a third of his term golfing.

He lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. An achievement not seen since the last businessman president, Herbert Hoover.

And for these reasons, the American people kicked his incompetent game show host balls over the moon.

Now THAT is what a scam looks like!

Worst. President. EVAH!

Because of his colossal stupidity, ignorance, incompetence, and ego, Donald Trump is responsible for the deaths of a million Americans.

And you want this maniac BACK!?!?!

Just look how unfuckingbelievably STUPID this dumbass is:

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”

Trump now says he wasn’t kidding when he told officials to slow down coronavirus testing, contradicting staff

“I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down please,’ ” the President had said.

Only someone as big an idiot as Trump would want this dumb shit back in the White House.

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