I'm A Bit Disappointed In Trump

Or declines and let's Federal Government shut-down since it usually is presented just days before end of fiscal year.
Blackmail of a sorts.
I see you are deliberately blinding yourself to the fact Trump proposed the biggest spending budget in history.

And you are deliberately blinding yourself to the fact he demanded more stimulus spending than even the Democrats wanted.

You are seriously, seriously deluded if you bleev Trump or the Republicans are fiscally responsible.

It constantly amazes me there are people still stupid enough to bleev it.

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


He shouldn't have to quit golfing at his own golf course, that's just letting the left win. He should fire secret service members not doing their jobs and hire a much better and stronger security team. I guess that he's just doing what he believes is best though.

Be ready for Kamala, she will destroy convicted rapist, criminal, traitor, donald thug...

He legitimately plays a lot of golf. He is NOT a "legit player". He's an old man playing old man golf.
He legitimately likes to play a lot of golf. You leftists just can't stand it that he would enjoy himself, and seeth with envy. Sad but at the same time humorous. Such emptiness in between your ears. LOL
He legitimately likes to play a lot of golf. You leftists just can't stand it that he would enjoy himself, and seeth with envy. Sad but at the same time humorous. Such emptiness in between your ears. LOL
Yea, we remember when as the Fake POTUS he flew to MAL practically every weekend on the taxpayer's dime to ride his fat lazy ass around on a golf cart.

Trump is breathing air other's could use.
Yea, we remember when as the Fake POTUS he flew to MAL practically every weekend on the taxpayer's dime to ride his fat lazy ass around on a golf cart.

Trump is breathing air other's could use.
All the while he was doing a great job as president. You sure are wrong a lot.

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