I’m more worried about HR5038 than the impeachment sham


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019
HR 5038 is an amnesty bill for 1.5 plus illegal aliens

It wont become law as long as trump is president but it may If dems retake the white house

H.R. 5038 – The Farm Workforce Modernization Act

Creates a Pathway to Citizenship for Over 1.5 Million Illegal Alien Farmworkers. Anywhere from 1.5 to 2.1 million illegal aliens working in agriculture will become eligible for a new immigration status called Certified Agricultural Worker (CAW). The bill shields CAW and even CAW-eligible aliens from deportation.

Second-Class Status for CAW Workers. CAW aliens can eventually apply for green cards through an archaic system that resembles indentured servitude. Aliens who worked in agriculture for at least 10 year before the bill’s enactment must work under CAW status for at least 4 additional years before applying for a green card. Alternatively, aliens who worked for less than 10 years before enactment must work at least 8 more years under CAW status. It is unclear how aliens would prove their length of employment and presents the opportunity for widespread fraud.

Encourages Further Illegal immigration. Like all amnesties, this bill would encourage further illegal immigration into the United States. Further, it does not address agricultural labor needs in the future. A better bill would focus on expanding agriculture’s access to labor-saving technology. An amnesty today does not solve the labor needs of tomorrow, and we will face this same predicament down the road.
The bill shows how the Democrats will legislate nothing, unless a portion of the bill supports their agenda of open borders.

The unforeseen consequence of the bill is that those workers who stick with the program and eventually earn green cards will not remain on the farms, but will use their full work authorization to find better-paying employment.

Agriculture will find itself itself back at square one, even going back to hiring undocumented workers.
I do not support allowing them in permanently, but I certainly would have no problem creating a pathway for farm workers to be here for extended periods without eligibility for citizenship unless they are also standing in the other line simultaneously.
In the days when things worked we had the Bracero program where migrant workers were brought in during harvest season and then had to return to Mexico to collect their money.
Lol republicans love amnesty bills.
Trump has stated he supports amnesty too.
Folks, we got to stop voting for people that give illegals incentive. If we stop that, they will stop coming.
When are republicans gonna pass that bill that makes jail sentences mandatory for major corporations who hire illegal aliens?? Never??


Until you start jailing employers, all of this talk about illegal aliens is just a porn fetish for racist xenophobes.
When are republicans gonna pass that bill that makes jail sentences mandatory for major corporations who hire illegal aliens?? Never??


Until you start jailing employers, all of this talk about illegal aliens is just a porn fetish for racist xenophobes.
Really bringing it down on employers is a MUST. But the duopoly loves illegals.
The chamber of commerce loves illegals.
When are republicans gonna pass that bill that makes jail sentences mandatory for major corporations who hire illegal aliens?? Never??


Until you start jailing employers, all of this talk about illegal aliens is just a porn fetish for racist xenophobes.
Got a link to show us where they KNOWINGLY violate the law?
Lol republicans love amnesty bills.
Trump has stated he supports amnesty too.
Folks, we got to stop voting for people that give illegals incentive. If we stop that, they will stop coming.
Liar. Only Progressive/establishment Republicans. All Democrats endorse the invasion

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