"I'm not afraid to fight you"...Man confronts Sean Spicer, says he called him the n-word

blacks/''etc'' on USMB call people cowards also
you can see why they commit more murder/rape/etc per capita
How much of a badass was 14 year old Sean Spicer? This sounds like a lying black democrat.
Dems are desperate. They are targeting anyone remotely associated with Trump
Brass knuckles attack puts state senate candidate in hospital

Got anything not two years old? Interesting back story to that assault as well. It is still not clear if it was politically motivated. Based on the amount of corruption in that area I think it had something to do with the school system.

"Now he has hope to finally seek justice against his attacker. But there's a problem, last year Ojeda filed a complaint against the attorney for the Logan County Board of Education. Ojeda, an ROTC instructor for the Logan County Schools, says attorney Shana Thompson illegally released his W-2 tax forms shortly before the primary election. Thompson responded to the Lawyer Disciplinary Board saying what she did was legal.

"It was given out and it was couched as being given under the FOIA. And the WV FOIA specifically exempts things like that," Chris Stratton explained. The long time colleague is assisting on Ojeda's legal team. They're waiting on a response from the Disciplinary Board.

Thompson is no longer an attorney for the Logan County Schools. But now, Thompson is the Assistant Prosecutor on his case against Jonathan Porter, the man accused of attacking Ojeda.

"I gave the prosecuting attorney a phone call and I said, I want you to know, I'm taking her to court," Ojeda recalled saying to Prosecuting Attorney John Bennett of Thompson.

Also, Thompson's father is the judge assigned to the case. Ojeda feels this is conflict of interested, and he'll never get a fair chance in court."

UPDATE: Jonathan Porter Back in Jail after Judge Denies Bond
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