Imagine if Harris had 5 kids with 3 different men and cheated on every husband she's ever been with!

You know what's dumb about this entire thread. For the last 30 years, everyone knew that Trump loved the ladies. They new his business dealings and failures. His married life and the news of his married life was nothing more than b and c level celebrity news. Until, he decided to run for POTUS. Then, the no shits given life style that Trump lived (which is NO different than every other fuckin' celebrity that the dems seem to love and love their endorsements), now all of sudden is pushed to the forefront and the 10 year smear campaign against him begins, and has been non-stop from the media.

But, here is why this whole thread is dumb. Trump won in 2016, to the shock of millions. The smear campaign didn't work. Some of you on this board act as if Trump never served his first four years when you present this type of information via Memes. You pretend this information about Trump will persuade Trump's fans, IT WON'T. They don't give two rats asses about his personal life.

The morality argument was thrown out the door with Clinton when the Dems and the Clintonites argued that Bill's personal life was of no one's business. The man lied to the nation on live TV and to Congress. But you lefties didn't care. And now you think Republicans care about Melania, who Trump was banging, who he banged, get the fuck out.
Lot of projection here.

Calling a model a soft porn star, to defend kameltoes sleeping her way to advance her career…sad

Melania was an illegal immigrant being pimped out by sex traffickers to rich old men. The pictures don't lie, asshole.

What's "sad" is that you have no qualms about calling a decent woman a "whore" because she had an affair with an older married man, while calling Melania "classy" when did she the exact same thing. Melania was doing nude modeling with other women. That's porn, pure and simple.

Trump's grandfather was a pimp, and Trump has been involved with hookers and sex trade workers all of his life. No morality whatsoever.
Melania was an illegal immigrant being pimped out by sex traffickers to rich old men. The pictures don't lie, asshole.

What's "sad" is that you have no qualms about calling a decent woman a "whore" because she had an affair with an older married man, while calling Melania "classy" when did she the exact same thing. Melania was doing nude modeling with other women. That's porn, pure and simple.

Trump's grandfather was a pimp, and Trump has been involved with hookers and sex trade workers all of his life. No morality whatsoever.
wow, you guys are weird sickos.
You know what's dumb about this entire thread. For the last 30 years, everyone knew that Trump loved the ladies. They new his business dealings and failures. His married life and the news of his married life was nothing more than b and c level celebrity news. Until, he decided to run for POTUS. Then, the no shits given life style that Trump lived (which is NO different than every other fuckin' celebrity that the dems seem to love and love their endorsements), now all of sudden is pushed to the forefront and the 10 year smear campaign against him begins, and has been non-stop from the media.

But, here is why this whole thread is dumb. Trump won in 2016, to the shock of millions. The smear campaign didn't work. Some of you on this board act as if Trump never served his first four years when you present this type of information via Memes. You pretend this information about Trump will persuade Trump's fans, IT WON'T. They don't give two rats asses about his personal life.

The morality argument was thrown out the door with Clinton when the Dems and the Clintonites argued that Bill's personal life was of no one's business. The man lied to the nation on live TV and to Congress. But you lefties didn't care. And now you think Republicans care about Melania, who Trump was banging, who he banged, get the fuck out.

That's a whole lotta words to say that you can't see any difference between the criminality, incompetence, and flagrant stupidity of Donald Trump and pointing out the FACTS that he's gone bankrupt 7 times, has lost more money than anyone in the history of the world, told 30,000 lies to the American people, killed 1.2 million people in his failed covid response, and crashed the economy and then tried to overthrow the government when the American people voted his ass out of office, a "smear campaign"?????

The American people are seeing that your Emperor is a crazy old man who's a danger to nation and you call that a "smear campaign".
That's a whole lotta words to say that you can't see any difference between the criminality, incompetence, and flagrant stupidity of Donald Trump and pointing out the FACTS that he's gone bankrupt 7 times, has lost more money than anyone in the history of the world, told 30,000 lies to the American people, killed 1.2 million people in his failed covid response, and crashed the economy and then tried to overthrow the government when the American people voted his ass out of office, a "smear campaign"?????

The American people are seeing that your Emperor is a crazy old man who's a danger to nation and you call that a "smear campaign".
Not my emperor. But, if I were to say that you worship the empress or emperor of your party, is that any different. Nope. You'd simp the candidate that the Dem party throws out there as if they were the second coming of Christ.

And to your reply I'll reply with this "No one cares". It didn't matter in 2015-2016 when Trump won. It's not gonna matter to Trump's fans today. So keep posting all these terrible things about Trump. It doesn't matter.

Don't act like you give a shit about morality when you vote for this pig of a man.

Kamala's family photo of her husband -

th (4).jpeg
UK here - There are as many different reasons the way folk vote as there are folk on the planet. I remember Nick Clegg on TV asking one of his constituents his reasons to vote leave with Brexit, "If we leave, I hope house prices collapse so I can get on the property ladder".

Someone on here is voting purely on the abortion issue.

I vote based on past policies, results, and political orientation, so I've only voted once in my life for Labour and every other time on voted Tory, apart from twice on UKIP, and once on BNP for a laugh. If I voted this time, it would have been Reform. If I lived in the US, I would vote Republican because I consider the Democrats damage/erode America, the same as Labour here with the UK.

Don't act like you give a shit about morality when you vote for this pig of a man.

My opinion is that they would delicately suggest that she was a bit loose. But it would be awkward for them because they look down on that sort of thing. And of course trump doesnt like personal attacks.

Don't act like you give a shit about morality when you vote for this pig of a man.

All pearl-clutchy and hand-wringy over a dude who had side pieces.

Meanwhile, you're supporting a woman who only got as far as she has, because she is a LITERAL
side piece.

The irony shakes every corner of the multiverse.

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