Imbeciles and Monsters: Donbass and Ukraine


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
It can be argued both Gaza and Donbass are illegally occupied territories fighting for popular autonomy, and both struggles are the result of US monsters and imbeciles meddling in the domestic politics on the opposite side of the planet.

MARCH 22, 2024

Free Gaza and Free the Donbas Too!


"Palestine and the Donbas are both ethnically diverse but culturally distinct regions that have found themselves gift-wrapped and handed over to nations that they never asked to be a part of in the first place.

"Palestine had long been a barely governed patch of desert on the outskirts of the Ottoman Empire before the British and the Americans stole it and arbitrarily proclaimed it to be a homeland for European migrants.

"Similarly, the Donbas had been a region of Russia going back to the 1700s before the Bolsheviks made a unilateral decision to make it a part of their new Ukrainian Soviet Republic in 1922 only to have Ukraine take it with them when they unilaterally left the Soviet Union in 1992..."

"As you can see, most people on both the left and the right only seem to know one half of the story but most of them have also been lured into this bipolar ignorance by a corrupt partisan circus that has turned even actual f***ing warfare into just another theater for the culture war."
The people of the Donbass have chosen Russia. It can't be helped when Russia is providing peace, protectiion, and big improvements to the infrastructure. The Ukraine ignored the breakaway regions for too long.

This determines the outcome of the war and it's true of the Crimea too.

And fwiw, the same is happening in Cuba too, as China and Russia break the US embargoes there.

Maybe Trump can make the same miracles work in NK?
The people of the Donbass have chosen Russia. It can't be helped when Russia is providing peace, protectiion, and big improvements to the infrastructure. The Ukraine ignored the breakaway regions for too long.

This determines the outcome of the war and it's true of the Crimea too.

And fwiw, the same is happening in Cuba too, as China and Russia break the US embargoes there.

Maybe Trump can make the same miracles work in NK?
China and Russia had 185 allies on their side regarding US embargo against Cuba:

General Assembly votes overwhelmingly against US Cuba embargo.

"The UN General Assembly on Thursday voted by a large margin against the United States’ economic and trade embargo against Cuba, first imposed in 1960.

"A total of 187 States voted for the resolution put forward each year against the embargo with only the US and Israel voting against and Ukraine abstaining."

I'm unsure how Koreans currently feel about reunification, but Trump has been the only POTUS since 1945 to make a meaningful attempt at reuniting that peninsula.

DECEMBER 31, 2002

A Pop Quiz on Korea


"6. In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

"a. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR
b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state
c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea"
China and Russia had 185 allies on their side regarding US embargo against Cuba:

General Assembly votes overwhelmingly against US Cuba embargo.

"The UN General Assembly on Thursday voted by a large margin against the United States’ economic and trade embargo against Cuba, first imposed in 1960.

"A total of 187 States voted for the resolution put forward each year against the embargo with only the US and Israel voting against and Ukraine abstaining."

I'm unsure how Koreans currently feel about reunification, but Trump has been the only POTUS since 1945 to make a meaningful attempt at reuniting that peninsula.
Trump doesn't have any real plans to re-unite Korea.
Anything he accomplished when he was the pres only strengthened N.K.
China will wait it out until SK comes to NK asking for negotiations.

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