Immigrant Teen Claims He Was Mistreated By Border Officials

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Rapists and murderers get treated better than this. This is the closest thing I've seen to a real live "FEMA camp" that the paranoid cranks have been warning about for years.

I'd like to say it's hard to believe this is the USA, but today, it really isn't.

“I walked 30 minutes to the immigration station where I was placed in a big room with 200 children aged 10 and up,” Saul told the caucus. “The room was very cold, I was shivering the whole time. There weren’t any beds. They gave us nylon which barely kept us warm and they gave us cold ham sandwiches twice a day. I was very hungry because it wasn’t enough food.”

Saul claimed that officials handcuffed some children outside the room if they didn’t behave well.

“The whole time I was there children were crying,” he said.

The immigrant teen explained that he felt mistreated during his six days at an immigration detention center, stating there was only one bathroom for 200 people.

“My time in the ice boxes was the worst experience of my life. I hardly slept for six days,” Saul testified. “The lights were on for 24 hours a day and they didn’t allow us to sleep because they came in every 2 hours to count how many children were there.”

Immigrant Teen Claims He Was Mistreated By Border Officials: ?My Time In The Ice Boxes Was Worst Experience Of My Life? « CBS DC
If you don't like it go the hell back where you came from. This is just the beginning of the complaint to come.
"Immigrant"? Please. ILLEGAL immigrant.

Give him two ham sandwiches to go right back to where he came from.
The worst experience of his life? Then he was never running away from violence at all. Pack him up and send him back for lying.
Rapists and murderers get treated better than this. This is the closest thing I've seen to a real live "FEMA camp" that the paranoid cranks have been warning about for years.

I'd like to say it's hard to believe this is the USA, but today, it really isn't.

“I walked 30 minutes to the immigration station where I was placed in a big room with 200 children aged 10 and up,” Saul told the caucus. “The room was very cold, I was shivering the whole time. There weren’t any beds. They gave us nylon which barely kept us warm and they gave us cold ham sandwiches twice a day. I was very hungry because it wasn’t enough food.”

Saul claimed that officials handcuffed some children outside the room if they didn’t behave well.

“The whole time I was there children were crying,” he said.

The immigrant teen explained that he felt mistreated during his six days at an immigration detention center, stating there was only one bathroom for 200 people.

“My time in the ice boxes was the worst experience of my life. I hardly slept for six days,” Saul testified. “The lights were on for 24 hours a day and they didn’t allow us to sleep because they came in every 2 hours to count how many children were there.”

Immigrant Teen Claims He Was Mistreated By Border Officials: ?My Time In The Ice Boxes Was Worst Experience Of My Life? « CBS DC

What she said was probably true. We say pictures and there were too many there for beds for everyone. They had to sleep on the floor. The ham sandwiches weren't warmed up. Neither are the ham sandwiches I eat. I doubt if it was that cold with human bodies in such close proximity.

What was worse, the violence they left or the inconveniences the found here in the US? If a bus was leaving to return to their home country, would they get aboard? We would welcome their decision to leave. Then, perhaps we could accommodate the rest with beds. No one promised them a paradise...or did they?
He's 15, old enough to be a cartel fighter. Send him back. It was better where he came from.

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