Immigrants are bad whether legal or illegal

If you consider that its best for the children I’m sure you would make the sacrifice
Nope. It's best for the children to have their grandparents.

And if these are the people we pick to be immigrants, to be American citizens, as you say...merit based immigration, then we need to treat them with respect....their parents are immediate family, and should be allowed to come after they get their own citizenship. Remember, those parents of his or hers, reared them to be responsible people.... that's why we chose them, to come here....they merited it.
Nope. It's best for the children to have their grandparents.
In a war zone like Lebanon?

Or countries with few if any civil rights?

Or a less than world class economy?

You are no longer being serious and are now just being argumentative

And one more thing that is sure to displease you

Immigrants should get permanent lifetime green cards but not citizenship

Only natural born children should be citizens
Democrats are making a big deal over nothing. They're using a technicality. These people are not like us. Deport them all.

---Vance slammed for vowing to call legal immigrants illegal---

Trump and Vance exposed themselves as racists. Americans don't approve of racists.
In a war zone like Lebanon?

Or countries with few if any civil rights?

Or a less than world class economy?

You are no longer being serious and are now just being argumentative
I don't think we are talking about the same thing?

I am talking about merit based immigration, not asylum seekers....
I don't think we are talking about the same thing?

I am talking about merit based immigration, not asylum seekers....
I am talking about merit based immigration

Libs may not agree, but America is still a very attractive country and we want the best to come here

But not the sort of chain immigration thanks to the 1965 ted kennedy law that resulted in millions of not so wonderful relatives of the original person

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