In Defense of Israel


VIP Member
May 6, 2014
Author: Denis McShane

"One of Britain's favorite TV stars, Maureen Lipman, has written a splendid splutter of anger about her beloved Labour Party to explain why after 50 years of loyal Labour membership she would not vote for its leader, Ed Miliband following the symbolic and over-hyped vote in the House of Commons by Labour MPs on recognizing Palestine.

Her article in the monthly Standpoint journal (the only serious U.K. political-literary magazine without a permanent disfiguring bias against Israel) is fun to read. She complains about Miliband, a secular Jew, eating a bacon roll on television. She protests that as the world wakes up to what Islamist terror means in the form of IS beheading anyone it doesn’t like, surely Britain’s Labour Party doesn’t have to turn its back on a country that is daily confronted with terrorist attacks and has to live with a permanent global campaign to deny its right to exist.

She concludes: “Come election day (in May 2015) I shall give my vote to another party. Almost any other party. Until my party is led by mensches.’ So the question arises: Which U.K. party can Maureen vote for?

If Labour (and Tory) MPs voting for recognition for Palestine - outside the bounds of negotiated two-state settlement - was bad enough, what does Maureen make of Conservative leader David Cameron describing Gaza as a 'prison camp', even though it had long been evacuated by Ariel Sharon and handed over to Palestinians? Was Cameron wise to enter into an alliance in 2009 with Polish MEPs whose leader had said: "I will say sorry for what happened to the Jews in Poland when the Jews apologize for what they did to Poles"?

Speaking on the BBC's The World At One Sir Alan Duncan, a senior Tory MP and former minister, supported the vote to recognize a Palestinian state and said that U.S. policy on Israel was controlled by "financial interests." He didn't quite say Jews - but we got the message.

On to the U.K.’s third-largest parliamentary party and coalition partner in the current Tory-led government. Might Maureen vote for the Liberal Democrat Party, home to a peer, Jenny Tonge, who has out-Hamassed Hamas propagandists in support of attacks on Israel? The Liberal Democrats currently boast an MP - David Ward - who said he would fire rockets into Israel. Naturally the Lib Dem leader and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg did not discipline him.

Alternatively Maureen can vote for the Greens, whose MP and former leader, Caroline Lucas, blamed the murder of Jews in Mumbai on Israel and who has been consistently hostile to the right of Israel to live free of terror attacks.

Then there is UKIP, whose leader, Nigel Farage, has forged an alliance in the European Parliament with Poland’s Congress of the New Right, an openly anti-Jewish Polish party whose leader talks of the 'Holocaust industry."

Moving even further toward the fringes, there is the Respect Party, whose single MP is Saddam Hussein’s old chum, George Galloway. He has been calling for Israeli-free cities in the U.K.. Anyone remember who first used the term Judenfrei?

The Scottish Nationalists’ anti-Israel positions are well-known and the SNP boss, Alex Salmond, has called for an arms embargo on Israel. As Scotland’s First Minister has done nothing to stop anti-Jewish campus attacks in Edinburgh University.


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Dear dear. No party happy to be overtly supportive of Israel? The Shape Of Things To Come, really.

And for an extra laugh, who is this stern supporter of Israel:
Denis McShane's Wikipedia entry:

Denis MacShane is a British former Labour Party politician and a convicted fraudster.

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Looks like the Israeli tools are running away from this debate. Reminds me of the cowards in the Israeli military who are good only for beating up children.


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