In Late Push To Help Trump, Nebraska GOP Might Take An Electoral Vote Away From Kamala Harris

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Trump's allies want the state to move to a winner-take-all system for its Electoral College votes to make it harder for Harris to win.

With eight weeks to go until Election Day, Nebraska Republicans are considering passing a law to change how the state distributes its electoral votes in a bid to deny Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris any vote from the state.

Nebraska is one of two states, along with Maine, that does not allocate all of its electoral votes to the overall winner of the state. Instead, it provides two electoral votes for the statewide winner and then one vote for each of its three congressional districts.

The state’s 2nd Congressional District, centered on Omaha and its suburbs, has swung toward Democrats since former President Donald Trump was elected in 2016. Trump only narrowly won the district after GOP nominee Mitt Romney won it comfortably in 2012. In 2020, President Joe Biden won the district and its one electoral vote by 6.5%. The most recent polling of the district shows Harris with a similar lead to Biden’s 2020 margin.

The push to change Nebraska’s electoral vote allocation is being led by GOP Gov. Jim Pillen and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Graham flew to the state to lobby state lawmakers at the governor’s mansion on Wednesday.

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In Late Push To Help Trump, Nebraska GOP Might Take An Electoral Vote Away From Kamala Harris

Sure seems dirty to me! And why is Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) involved? What do you think?
It can't get any harder for the ho to win Lakookta.

He may be a conservative but he has more dignity and honour than his colleagues or the wretched governer of that backward state.

Its amazing how low the GOP will stoop to win one seat.

Trump is irked by this and the state senator can now look foreard to death threats and threats to rape his wife and daughters. Its the maga way,
He was on MSNBC... Might not agree with him on a lot of things but he wants to represent his people and he wants them to be heard...

In that he is doing a good job...

By having the single vote alone he says it makes $50m for his community and he said everyone should be doing it... The more competitive your district them more attention you get...

Very Smart, really helps turn out and more democratic...
Nebraska looks like it has a solution to the democracy deicit but they want to change it.
We hear that only votes in some states count. This is the answer.
Perversely it might benefit the GOP more.
Didn't know they had already voted in Nebraska. How many people voted for her?
View attachment 1015329

Trump's allies want the state to move to a winner-take-all system for its Electoral College votes to make it harder for Harris to win.

With eight weeks to go until Election Day, Nebraska Republicans are considering passing a law to change how the state distributes its electoral votes in a bid to deny Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris any vote from the state.

Nebraska is one of two states, along with Maine, that does not allocate all of its electoral votes to the overall winner of the state. Instead, it provides two electoral votes for the statewide winner and then one vote for each of its three congressional districts.

The state’s 2nd Congressional District, centered on Omaha and its suburbs, has swung toward Democrats since former President Donald Trump was elected in 2016. Trump only narrowly won the district after GOP nominee Mitt Romney won it comfortably in 2012. In 2020, President Joe Biden won the district and its one electoral vote by 6.5%. The most recent polling of the district shows Harris with a similar lead to Biden’s 2020 margin.

The push to change Nebraska’s electoral vote allocation is being led by GOP Gov. Jim Pillen and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Graham flew to the state to lobby state lawmakers at the governor’s mansion on Wednesday.

More at the link below...

In Late Push To Help Trump, Nebraska GOP Might Take An Electoral Vote Away From Kamala Harris

Sure seems dirty to me! And why is Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) involved? What do you think?
Why is it only dirty when Republicans change the laws before an election to make it easier for their party to win? Don't you remember all the last-minute law changes in 2020 designed to make it easier for Quid Pro Joe to limp across the line?
Nothing wrong with this effort at all.

Why not give ALL of Nebraska's electoral votes to the winner?

I remember the libs bitching against proposals to split up California's EV's proportionately, I think they even rallied against it.
Nebraska looks like it has a solution to the democracy deicit but they want to change it.
We hear that only votes in some states count. This is the answer.
Perversely it might benefit the GOP more.
So I presume Nebraska is :
3 votes by District winner (Congressional Seat allocation)
2 Votes for overall state winner (Senate Seat allocation)

Not a bad system...

Would prefer the State Senate votes to be shared by proportion of vote.
<33% - Receive 0
33% - 66% - Receive 1
66% - Receive 2

Suddenly a lot of states are forcing Candidates to earn their vote.

Vermont, Wyoming and West Virgina would be the only states not to split there Senate allocation..

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