In Order to Cut U.S. military spending dramatically would you be willing to......

thank you--now we are COMPETING with South Korea--if we had not gone in there, it would be like the North ---
I dont mind fair competition and thats what we have with japan and south korea

both of whom are not strong enough to stand up to china without our help

but if we cut and run from asia the US will not be strong enough to stand up to china, japan, and korea - not to mention germany and russia, iran and others - by ourselves
SO---you are saying South Korea, etc will be bullied by China??!!!!
Actually, the UN (and technically the U.S.) has already “decided”: Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan is not recognized as an independent nation.

its recognizes the communists as the government of the mainland

following the 1949 civil war the Nationalists fled to Taiwan and for 20 years were recognized as the rulers of ch8na

but that was unsustainable if I recall red china was admitted to the UN about 1972.

now the popular opinion in Taiwan is moving toward independence.

something the communists are opposed to

if that happens it could lead to war
What war? Taiwan would last 4 minutes. Or do you want Americans to lose their legs there

How does the PLA get the 100 miles across the ocean to Taiwan? Walk on water?
With missiles you 4 year old military scholar, many of which that might be just offshore waiting from say a few miles?

Are you really this stupid
those missiles can do EVERYTHING!!!! WOW---
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2
missiles didn't end WW2--surely did not end the war on Germany
The earlier cousins of nuclear missiles were bombs where the warhead is dropped from a plane, and WW2 did not end in Germany simpleton
you fkd up again--big time --I knew you would
you give ONE example!!!!!!!!!! and that's the ONLY ONE!!
...there have been HUNDREDS of wars/conflicts since then---no nukes!!!
AND --AND---many of those involved countries with nukes
.as I've stated in another post, hypothesizing about nukes/carriers/etc like you people do is unrealistic
Actually the last war or wars is not an example of the next. So again you are stuck in the past. So go watch Midway again for the 90th time
you fk up--AGAIN---hahahahahhahahahahaha must be blind/etc--nukes have NOT been used since 1945--and there have been HUNDREDS of conflicts/wars--and you think the ''''next '' one will be different????!!! hahahahahahhahaha
possible----but not likely at all
There you go again quoting WW2 as though it matters.

I was going to start a quantum entanglement discussion with you however you would turn it into the first use of the enigma in WW2
only ONE war [ out of hundreds ] with a nuke---and you do know that the nuke was used in the very last days----!!!
so, it wasn't an atomic-nuke war but a conventional one
You bet that the enemy loves you

Just take your meds
Yes, we can see by the condition the US is in now how he is saving it...
We are doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances

trump has delivered a vaccine in astonishing, record time

with your hero's the democrats in charge it would have taken years
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2, so tell us how would Taiwan fight China? Without Americans losing their legs as the ignorant war mongers like you just LOVE
Do you really believe china would nuke taiwan into a pile of rubble?

what would be the point?

without people taiwan is just a rock in the ocean
Last edited:
you are mistaken

America needs allies and Koreans are among the best

If we are paying to protect them, they are leeches, not allies.

We are not paying to protect them, you idiot. We are paying to protect our own interests in the area. You reason like a small child.
So, you pay. Your tax dollars for another pointless B-52 overflight. And whores. Mostly whores. The soldiers want entertainment. For "interests" you wouldn´t be concerned with even if there is nothing else to bother with on earth.

Get a new prescription for your glasses.
but you said it !!!
If I take it back will remove your teeth from my ankle?

upon further reflection I dont think china will need to station troops on US mainland soil to control our every move
..the US had the greatest/biggest/bases/etc military ever in the 60s, 70s, etc---and what did it get us economically???
Iran toyed with us in 1979-a big FU to the US
etc many examples
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2, so tell us how would Taiwan fight China? Without Americans losing their legs as the ignorant war mongers like you just LOVE
Do you really believe china would nuke taiwan into a pile of rubble?

what would be the point?

without people taiwan is just a rock on the ocean
he's playing his PC games
Actually, the UN (and technically the U.S.) has already “decided”: Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan is not recognized as an independent nation.

its recognizes the communists as the government of the mainland

following the 1949 civil war the Nationalists fled to Taiwan and for 20 years were recognized as the rulers of ch8na

but that was unsustainable if I recall red china was admitted to the UN about 1972.

now the popular opinion in Taiwan is moving toward independence.

something the communists are opposed to

if that happens it could lead to war
What war? Taiwan would last 4 minutes. Or do you want Americans to lose their legs there

How does the PLA get the 100 miles across the ocean to Taiwan? Walk on water?
With missiles you 4 year old military scholar, many of which that might be just offshore waiting from say a few miles?

Are you really this stupid
those missiles can do EVERYTHING!!!! WOW---
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2
missiles didn't end WW2--surely did not end the war on Germany
The earlier cousins of nuclear missiles were bombs where the warhead is dropped from a plane, and WW2 did not end in Germany simpleton
you fkd up again--big time --I knew you would
you give ONE example!!!!!!!!!! and that's the ONLY ONE!!
...there have been HUNDREDS of wars/conflicts since then---no nukes!!!
AND --AND---many of those involved countries with nukes
.as I've stated in another post, hypothesizing about nukes/carriers/etc like you people do is unrealistic
Actually the last war or wars is not an example of the next. So again you are stuck in the past. So go watch Midway again for the 90th time
you fk up--AGAIN---hahahahahhahahahahaha must be blind/etc--nukes have NOT been used since 1945--and there have been HUNDREDS of conflicts/wars--and you think the ''''next '' one will be different????!!! hahahahahahhahaha
possible----but not likely at all
There you go again quoting WW2 as though it matters.

I was going to start a quantum entanglement discussion with you however you would turn it into the first use of the enigma in WW2
only ONE war [ out of hundreds ] with a nuke---and you do know that the nuke was used in the very last days----!!!
so, it wasn't an atomic-nuke war but a conventional one
You bet that the enemy loves you

Just take your meds
If dealing with China. You bet, they are even under the ocean

You do know this I presume
Actually, the UN (and technically the U.S.) has already “decided”: Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan is not recognized as an independent nation.

its recognizes the communists as the government of the mainland

following the 1949 civil war the Nationalists fled to Taiwan and for 20 years were recognized as the rulers of ch8na

but that was unsustainable if I recall red china was admitted to the UN about 1972.

now the popular opinion in Taiwan is moving toward independence.

something the communists are opposed to

if that happens it could lead to war
What war? Taiwan would last 4 minutes. Or do you want Americans to lose their legs there

How does the PLA get the 100 miles across the ocean to Taiwan? Walk on water?
With missiles you 4 year old military scholar, many of which that might be just offshore waiting from say a few miles?

Are you really this stupid
those missiles can do EVERYTHING!!!! WOW---
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2
missiles didn't end WW2--surely did not end the war on Germany
The earlier cousins of nuclear missiles were bombs where the warhead is dropped from a plane, and WW2 did not end in Germany simpleton
you fkd up again--big time --I knew you would
you give ONE example!!!!!!!!!! and that's the ONLY ONE!!
...there have been HUNDREDS of wars/conflicts since then---no nukes!!!
AND --AND---many of those involved countries with nukes
.as I've stated in another post, hypothesizing about nukes/carriers/etc like you people do is unrealistic
Actually the last war or wars is not an example of the next. So again you are stuck in the past. So go watch Midway again for the 90th time
you fk up--AGAIN---hahahahahhahahahahaha must be blind/etc--nukes have NOT been used since 1945--and there have been HUNDREDS of conflicts/wars--and you think the ''''next '' one will be different????!!! hahahahahahhahaha
possible----but not likely at all
There you go again quoting WW2 as though it matters.

I was going to start a quantum entanglement discussion with you however you would turn it into the first use of the enigma in WW2
only ONE war [ out of hundreds ] with a nuke---and you do know that the nuke was used in the very last days----!!!
so, it wasn't an atomic-nuke war but a conventional one
You bet that the enemy loves you

Just take your meds
If dealing with China. You bet, they are even under the ocean

You do know this I presume
LIKE a Jame Bond movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahahahahahah
Thunderball and this one:
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2, so tell us how would Taiwan fight China? Without Americans losing their legs as the ignorant war mongers like you just LOVE
Do you really believe china would nuke taiwan into a pile of rubble?

what would be the point?

without people taiwan is just a rock on the ocean
Well one small strategic nuke, with fallout would pretty much prevent moronic Americans from invading. That said 500 non nuclear missiles would also be used. Do you think China that cooks dogs alive has too many morals to do this? And do you want your neighbor dying to protect the Taiwanese dog eaters?

Fuck em all Taiwan is already part of China it means nothing
the US had the greatest/biggest/bases/etc military ever in the 60s, 70s, etc---and what did it get us economically???
Iran toyed with us in 1979-a big FU to the US
etc many examples
I think the US bases were a deterrent to the Soviet Union which was a definite threat in the 60-70s

that threat is largely ended which allows the germans to openly hate us again

but the world cannot exist with a power vacuum.

if the US is not enforcing order china will.

and no matter what you think of America, china is infinitely worse
Actually, the UN (and technically the U.S.) has already “decided”: Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan is not recognized as an independent nation.

its recognizes the communists as the government of the mainland

following the 1949 civil war the Nationalists fled to Taiwan and for 20 years were recognized as the rulers of ch8na

but that was unsustainable if I recall red china was admitted to the UN about 1972.

now the popular opinion in Taiwan is moving toward independence.

something the communists are opposed to

if that happens it could lead to war
What war? Taiwan would last 4 minutes. Or do you want Americans to lose their legs there

How does the PLA get the 100 miles across the ocean to Taiwan? Walk on water?
With missiles you 4 year old military scholar, many of which that might be just offshore waiting from say a few miles?

Are you really this stupid
those missiles can do EVERYTHING!!!! WOW---
Well their earlier cousins ended WW2
missiles didn't end WW2--surely did not end the war on Germany
The earlier cousins of nuclear missiles were bombs where the warhead is dropped from a plane, and WW2 did not end in Germany simpleton
you fkd up again--big time --I knew you would
you give ONE example!!!!!!!!!! and that's the ONLY ONE!!
...there have been HUNDREDS of wars/conflicts since then---no nukes!!!
AND --AND---many of those involved countries with nukes
.as I've stated in another post, hypothesizing about nukes/carriers/etc like you people do is unrealistic
Actually the last war or wars is not an example of the next. So again you are stuck in the past. So go watch Midway again for the 90th time
you fk up--AGAIN---hahahahahhahahahahaha must be blind/etc--nukes have NOT been used since 1945--and there have been HUNDREDS of conflicts/wars--and you think the ''''next '' one will be different????!!! hahahahahahhahaha
possible----but not likely at all
There you go again quoting WW2 as though it matters.

I was going to start a quantum entanglement discussion with you however you would turn it into the first use of the enigma in WW2
only ONE war [ out of hundreds ] with a nuke---and you do know that the nuke was used in the very last days----!!!
so, it wasn't an atomic-nuke war but a conventional one
You bet that the enemy loves you

Just take your meds
If dealing with China. You bet, they are even under the ocean

You do know this I presume
LIKE a Jame Bond movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahhahahahahahah
Thunderball and this one:
View attachment 415959
Still in the past, go watch Midway again kiddy
now the popular opinion in Taiwan is moving toward independence.

It is independent. Whether China likes it or not.
But Taiwan don't want to be "independent". They claim to control the whole China.

That was the nationalists who fled to Taiwan when they lost the Civil War. Chiang Kai Chek's Party.

But IIRC their party hasn't controlled Taiwan for a number of years now. The party that controls Taiwan today is made up of native Taiwanese. Unless the islands politics has shifted yet again.
Actually, the UN (and technically the U.S.) has already “decided”: Taiwan is part of China. Taiwan is not recognized as an independent nation.

its recognizes the communists as the government of the mainland

following the 1949 civil war the Nationalists fled to Taiwan and for 20 years were recognized as the rulers of ch8na

but that was unsustainable if I recall red china was admitted to the UN about 1972.

now the popular opinion in Taiwan is moving toward independence.

something the communists are opposed to

if that happens it could lead to war
What war? Taiwan would last 4 minutes. Or do you want Americans to lose their legs there

How does the PLA get the 100 miles across the ocean to Taiwan? Walk on water?
With missiles you 4 year old military scholar, many of which that might be just offshore waiting from say a few miles?

Are you really this stupid

You can't invade any place with just missiles.
Well one small strategic nuke, with fallout would pretty much prevent moronic Americans from invading.
That quote makes no sense

who is America supposed to be invading?
Yea the quote does make sense, not all nukes wipe out cities. In fact the Us Navy just equipped some missile subs with low yield nukes. So it makes sense to the educated

So small or low yield nukes have their purpose on the battlefield as no one wants to invade into the fallout

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