In The 21st Century Leftists, Blacks, and College Students Have a Monoply on Rioting


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
In The 21st Century Leftists, Blacks, and College Students Have a Monoply on Rioting

There's been a lot of talk about rioting around the forum so I figured I would tally up all of the riots of the 21st Century to see if I can establish a trend. I pulled the below riots from Wikipedia. List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia . For those of you wondering why there are so many black mob attacks missing, evidently the usual black mob attack doesn't count as rioting/civil unrest because they did it for no other reason then to have some fun or steal some loot and they lasted for only a few minutes to a few hours without a major police presence. My findings are the following.

In the 21st Century United States there have been

1 Cuban Riot
1 Puerto Rican Riot
7 College Student Riots
14 Leftist Riots
10 Black Riots

The Data

21st century

Puerto Ricans
College Students
College Students
College Students

College Students
  • 2010 – University of Maryland basketball disturbance 2010, College Park, Maryland, March 3 following a game; 28 arrested.
College Students
College Students
  • 2010 – Oakland Protest riot, Nov. 5, Police made more than 150 arrests as a crowd broke windows and knocked down fences, protesting sentence of former BART officer in shooting of Oscar Grant on New Years Day 2009 see BART Police shooting of Oscar Grant., Oakland, California
College Students
  • 2011 – Occupy Wall Street Oakland Protests Riots. October. Protesters shattered windows, set fires, and plastered buildings with graffiti. Riot police fired heavy amounts of tear gas on the protesters.
  • 2012 – NATO 2012 Chicago Summit May. Conflict between riot police. Dozens of demonstrators clubbed and arrested.
  • 2012 – Anaheim police shooting and protests, July 28. Violence erupted after multiple shootings in the neighborhood by police that included unarmed Manuel Diaz. 24 people were arrested
  • 2013 – Seattle May Day Protest Riots, May 1st, 17 Arrested as Seattle May Day Protests Turn Violent.
College Students
  • 2014 – New York City/Berkeley, California – After prosecutors and a grand jury refused to indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, many people protested against it in New York City and other cities, some of them causing unrest. In New York, several people were arrested for assault on a police officer, and in Berkeley, multiple people were arrested for looting and vandalizing.
  • 2015 – Baltimore, MD – Mass looting amid riot protesting the death of Freddy Gray. 35 people have been arrested and 15 police officers injured, 7 seriously. Baltimore Orioles home game against the Chicago White Sox on April 27 postponed due to danger of looters. National outrage over looting CVS and other establishments as well as the burning down of a senior center.
The Left is demonic. One puppeteer, several actors under its sway. It's why they all sound the same.

Indeed, they're still using chants from a hundred years ago. The leftists clinched fist and the black power fist all started with the Bolshevik fist Bolsheviks - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia . And they think they have new ideas. A brief history of the clenched fist image



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In order for your claim to be true, all riots would have had to have been carried out by groups who are leftist, black, AND college students. If each group does not fit all three criteria, then your claim fails. Because leftists can include blacks and non blacks, and college students as well as not college students. Blacks can include leftists and rightists, as well as college students and non college students. And college students can include rightists and leftists, and blacks and non blacks.
The fact that 99% of rioters are 16-25 years old does not mean that 99% of 16-25 year olds are rioters.

Wikipedia is never a good source. But it'll do for the purposes of this forum.
In order for your claim to be true, all riots would have had to have been carried out by groups who are leftist, black, AND college students. If each group does not fit all three criteria, then your claim fails. Because leftists can include blacks and non blacks, and college students as well as not college students. Blacks can include leftists and rightists, as well as college students and non college students. And college students can include rightists and leftists, and blacks and non blacks.

Most leftist and college riots are overwhelmingly white and liberal. I will grant you that. Black rioters are simply black rioters with some sort of grievance they use as an excuse for destroying their own neighborhood. Would you prefer I call them thugs?

Wikipedia is never a good source. But it'll do for the purposes of this forum.
You sure?
I guess that pointing military weapons at BLM agents isn't considered civil unrest :rolleyes:

Wikipedia is never a good source. But it'll do for the purposes of this forum.
You sure?

Yes, Wikipedia in this instance is good enough.
Most leftist and college riots are overwhelmingly white and liberal. I will grant you that. Black rioters are simply black rioters with some sort of grievance they use as an excuse for destroying their own neighborhood. Would you prefer I call them thugs?

I would prefer you not make logically absurd statements.

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