In three days everything changed


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Warnings have been being given for several months about this new genetically created corona virus but in three days it went from a nothing burger to supposedly panic city. Even at that the News doesn't get it right. This Bloomberg article claims now that there is no direct connection between the cases in Iran and China, I call total BS! First reported dead in Iran was a teacher/professor. Iran let all of its Chinese students back into Iran without taking any precautions and Iranian citizens were all over twitter complaining about their incompetent idiots in their government; with pictures and all insuring that they were dedicated com-padres of the Chinese CCP and stood with them the Iranian regime made its claim to fame.

So now we have a bunch of true anti-American (regardless of them being born here) conspiracy theorist insinuating that this corona crap is all a big plot of the US against its enemies. We also have severe fascist idiot regimes who tried to bury the dead without incident due to their own ignorance with a medical disaster on their hands and of course its those darn American infidels are causing all of their problems.

An unconfirmed report 20 already dead in one Iranian hospital yesterday or day before but it wasn't reported on MSM so of course MSM just gonna ignore all that.

Information sent out to all by a WHO guru (what a comforting thought right?):
...“The cases that we see that are not linked to China are very worrisome,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters at a press briefing in Geneva. The window of opportunity to stop the spread in countries outside China is “really narrowing,” he said......More @ Bloomberg article link Italy Reports 1 Death as Cases Outside China Rise: Virus Update

Tedros Adhanom - Wikipedia
an Ethiopian politician, academic, who has been Director-General of the World Health Organization since 2017.
Born‎: ‎March 3, 1965 (age 54); ‎Asmara, Eritrea
Political affiliations‎
Tigray People's Liberation Front - Wikipedia
Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front

WHO EMRO | WHO Director-General visits Saudi Arabia | News | Media centre
Im not worried.If you think it's some sort of biological weapon, it's not very effective.
It is in China... its killed over 50,000 by some reports.
A younger Chinese film maker, his sister and the two parents they took care of all died from it. I was going to share that on here yesterday but got busy and didn't get it done.
The US is not above playing dirty- just an FYI-
I think this hits right on the money in this case.

Gates & Xi.PNG
Im not worried.If you think it's some sort of biological weapon, it's not very effective.
It is in China... its killed over 50,000 by some reports.
A younger Chinese film maker, his sister and the two parents they took care of all died from it. I was going to share that on here yesterday but got busy and didn't get it done.
I think you might find this a good read. Your not the only one who thinks the corona virus was manufactured. To many changes to the virus to be a mutation.

Epidimiologist; Corona Virus is not a naturally occuring virus...
Im not worried.If you think it's some sort of biological weapon, it's not very effective.
It is in China... its killed over 50,000 by some reports.
A younger Chinese film maker, his sister and the two parents they took care of all died from it. I was going to share that on here yesterday but got busy and didn't get it done.
I think you might find this a good read. Your not the only one who thinks the corona virus was manufactured. To many changes to the virus to be a mutation.

Epidimiologist; Corona Virus is not a naturally occuring virus...
Thank you. I've been watching it all since Mindwars shared it last month. Order some more naturals I had not gotten yet in our lil bag of goodies for the medicine essentials etc. so we'd have them on hand just in case. I hate having pneumonia or anything like it.
Trending on twitter- Older UK couple moved to a nice hospital off of the cruise ship and then removed to an inferior hospital within Japan. Their daughter is pleading for help.
stephen abel on Twitter
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