Indian Warrior Knows Divine Providence


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
The founding of America was a miracle in so many ways. Our small fledgling country defeated the mightiest military power on earth. Here is a description of one of those many miracles. "In God We Trust"

George Washington – The Bulletproof Soldier

At the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, George Washington rode his horse before his soldiers as they walked toward the approaching British troops. When the sides were only 30 yards apart, Washington turned his back to the British, removed his hat and ordered his men, “Fire.” Washington was not touched, and Americans defeated the British troops.

In 1770, at the request of the governor of Virginia, George Washington led a small party in the Ohio wilderness to survey lands. While they camped in the woods near the Kanawha River, a small group of peaceful Indians entered their camp. Though surprised, Washington stood and greeted them politely. It became clear to Washington that the leader was an elderly man—the Grand Sachem, as he was called. And it soon became clear that the Grand Sachem, after hearing that Washington was in the territory, had traveled quite a distance to lay eyes on him.

At this time in history, Washington was not the man of fame he would one day become. Indeed, the Revolution and his role in it were still years away. But as the chief began to speak, Washington realized why he had come looking for him.

The Bulletproof Soldier

“I am a chief and ruler over my tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the great lakes and to the far blue mountains. I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle.” The chief signaled to Washington, and Washington understood instantly. Though only 23 years old when this great battle took place during the French and Indian War, Washington had fought bravely and had even been commissioned as a colonel.

The Grand Sachem recounted, “By the waters of the Monongahela, we met the soldiers of the King beyond the Seas, who came to drive from the land my French Brothers. . . . Like a blind wolf they walked into our trap. . . . It was a day when the white man’s blood mixed with the streams of our forests, and ’twas then I first beheld this Chief.”

After pointing to Washington, the old man continued, “I, who can bring the leaping squirrel from the top of the highest tree with a single shot, fired at this warrior more times than I have fingers. Our bullets killed his horse, knocked the war bonnet from his head, pierced his clothes, but ’twas in vain; a Power mightier far than we shielded him from harm.”

After a brief pause, the old Indian opened his mouth again to make his concluding remarks, or, better said, his concluding prophecy:

“The Great Spirit protects that man and guides his destinies. He will become the chief of many nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of heaven and who can never die in battle.”

After this same battle, Washington had put his own thoughts on paper. “By the miraculous care of Providence,” he wrote, “I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat and two horses shot under me and yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me.”

Indeed, the Lord was preserving Washington for a specific purpose—to ensure the establishment of a nation where the restored gospel could come forth and flourish. And heaven would not let him fail.
The founding of America was a miracle in so many ways. Our small fledgling country defeated the mightiest military power on earth. Here is a description of one of those many miracles. "In God We Trust"

George Washington – The Bulletproof Soldier

At the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, George Washington rode his horse before his soldiers as they walked toward the approaching British troops. When the sides were only 30 yards apart, Washington turned his back to the British, removed his hat and ordered his men, “Fire.” Washington was not touched, and Americans defeated the British troops.

In 1770, at the request of the governor of Virginia, George Washington led a small party in the Ohio wilderness to survey lands. While they camped in the woods near the Kanawha River, a small group of peaceful Indians entered their camp. Though surprised, Washington stood and greeted them politely. It became clear to Washington that the leader was an elderly man—the Grand Sachem, as he was called. And it soon became clear that the Grand Sachem, after hearing that Washington was in the territory, had traveled quite a distance to lay eyes on him.

At this time in history, Washington was not the man of fame he would one day become. Indeed, the Revolution and his role in it were still years away. But as the chief began to speak, Washington realized why he had come looking for him.

The Bulletproof Soldier

“I am a chief and ruler over my tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the great lakes and to the far blue mountains. I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle.” The chief signaled to Washington, and Washington understood instantly. Though only 23 years old when this great battle took place during the French and Indian War, Washington had fought bravely and had even been commissioned as a colonel.

The Grand Sachem recounted, “By the waters of the Monongahela, we met the soldiers of the King beyond the Seas, who came to drive from the land my French Brothers. . . . Like a blind wolf they walked into our trap. . . . It was a day when the white man’s blood mixed with the streams of our forests, and ’twas then I first beheld this Chief.”

After pointing to Washington, the old man continued, “I, who can bring the leaping squirrel from the top of the highest tree with a single shot, fired at this warrior more times than I have fingers. Our bullets killed his horse, knocked the war bonnet from his head, pierced his clothes, but ’twas in vain; a Power mightier far than we shielded him from harm.”

After a brief pause, the old Indian opened his mouth again to make his concluding remarks, or, better said, his concluding prophecy:

“The Great Spirit protects that man and guides his destinies. He will become the chief of many nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of heaven and who can never die in battle.”

After this same battle, Washington had put his own thoughts on paper. “By the miraculous care of Providence,” he wrote, “I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat and two horses shot under me and yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me.”

Indeed, the Lord was preserving Washington for a specific purpose—to ensure the establishment of a nation where the restored gospel could come forth and flourish. And heaven would not let him fail.
September 11, 1777, an army of 12,500 British troops who had recently landed at the northern end of the Chesapeake Bay marched through Pennsylvania toward the patriot capital of Philadelphia. Covering their flank, a detachment of green-clad British marksmen hid in the woods along Brandywine Creek, near Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, and kept a lookout for American forces led by General George Washington. Suddenly a cavalry officer dressed in the flamboyant uniform of a European hussar rode into view, followed by a senior American officer wearing a high-cocked hat.

Captain Patrick Ferguson, a 33-year-old Scotsman reputed to be the finest shot in the British army, commanded the British marksmen, who were equipped with fast-firing, breech-loading rifles of Ferguson’s own design. He whispered to three of his best riflemen to creep forward and pick off the unsuspecting officers. But before the men were in place, he felt disgust at the idea of such an ambush, and ordered them not to fire. He shouted to the American officer, who was riding a bay horse. The American looked his way for a moment, and turned to ride on. Ferguson called again, this time leveling his rifle toward the officer. The American glanced back before slowly cantering away.

The founding of America was a miracle in so many ways. Our small fledgling country defeated the mightiest military power on earth. Here is a description of one of those many miracles. "In God We Trust"

George Washington – The Bulletproof Soldier

At the Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, George Washington rode his horse before his soldiers as they walked toward the approaching British troops. When the sides were only 30 yards apart, Washington turned his back to the British, removed his hat and ordered his men, “Fire.” Washington was not touched, and Americans defeated the British troops.

In 1770, at the request of the governor of Virginia, George Washington led a small party in the Ohio wilderness to survey lands. While they camped in the woods near the Kanawha River, a small group of peaceful Indians entered their camp. Though surprised, Washington stood and greeted them politely. It became clear to Washington that the leader was an elderly man—the Grand Sachem, as he was called. And it soon became clear that the Grand Sachem, after hearing that Washington was in the territory, had traveled quite a distance to lay eyes on him.

At this time in history, Washington was not the man of fame he would one day become. Indeed, the Revolution and his role in it were still years away. But as the chief began to speak, Washington realized why he had come looking for him.

The Bulletproof Soldier

“I am a chief and ruler over my tribes. My influence extends to the waters of the great lakes and to the far blue mountains. I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle.” The chief signaled to Washington, and Washington understood instantly. Though only 23 years old when this great battle took place during the French and Indian War, Washington had fought bravely and had even been commissioned as a colonel.

The Grand Sachem recounted, “By the waters of the Monongahela, we met the soldiers of the King beyond the Seas, who came to drive from the land my French Brothers. . . . Like a blind wolf they walked into our trap. . . . It was a day when the white man’s blood mixed with the streams of our forests, and ’twas then I first beheld this Chief.”

After pointing to Washington, the old man continued, “I, who can bring the leaping squirrel from the top of the highest tree with a single shot, fired at this warrior more times than I have fingers. Our bullets killed his horse, knocked the war bonnet from his head, pierced his clothes, but ’twas in vain; a Power mightier far than we shielded him from harm.”

After a brief pause, the old Indian opened his mouth again to make his concluding remarks, or, better said, his concluding prophecy:

“The Great Spirit protects that man and guides his destinies. He will become the chief of many nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of heaven and who can never die in battle.”

After this same battle, Washington had put his own thoughts on paper. “By the miraculous care of Providence,” he wrote, “I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat and two horses shot under me and yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me.”

Indeed, the Lord was preserving Washington for a specific purpose—to ensure the establishment of a nation where the restored gospel could come forth and flourish. And heaven would not let him fail.
The Battle for Yorktown won the Revolutionary War, Marques de Laffite was there. We are here said General of the Army Blackjack Pershing when US troops disembarked in France.

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