Indiana Jones: Siberian Gold


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a fun Indiana Jones fanfiction about the adventurous quest for lost Siberian gold, belonging once to Genghis Khan and then extracted from gold mining and transported by Alexander Kolchak's famous gold train near the Urals. There were Cossacks and gold hunters and pirates and explorers involved in that era, the Eastern European ancient rendition of the California Gold Rush of the 1800s in America! This work of fiction is loosely inspired by actual history and is not a source for actual historical records. Enjoy (and thanks for reading),


The land of Siberia had a rich and sometimes cold history. There were tides of explorers and conquerers, fortune hunters, pirates, and warlords. The Cossacks rode through on their Russian horses from the Urals as well as others before the Russian empire was established. Under Tsar Nicholas, there was much gold to be had in Siberia and Russia, thanks to mining and hoarding. The Mongolian conquerer Genghis Khan found a heap of gold and hid it in the ground, before it was extracted and possibly hid somewhere in Siberia, which is the subject of our great adventure.


Indiana Jones, professor of history and literature at the University of Moscow, is now set to go on an incredible quest for the fabled lost gold of Siberia, hidden somewhere by wither Nicholas, Khan, or the Russian empire admiral Alexander Kolchak. Indiana knows of the great Kolchak Gold Train which carried gold mined and then transported through Siberia, and perhaps it was linked to the Transsiberian Railroad. Indiana wants to procure this precious gold before it falls into the hands of non-academic people who might seek to corrupt the rich and turbulent history of folkloric Siberia, a place often overlooked by modern scholars and academics. Indiana Jones is set to travel to Siberia.


INDIANA JONES: I've obtained a special Genghis Khan treasure-map, which suggests the lost gold is hidden in a tower somewhere!


Genghis Khan was now clown! He was a mighty Mongolian explorer-conquerer. He found great amounts of gold perhaps in Siberia and then hid it in the ground somewhere in Siberia, where it was later discovered perhaps by gold-rush miners, some operating under the offices of Alexander Kolchak of the future Russian empire. Genghis Khan wanted his gold fortune acquisitions and hoarding to reflect his general scope of territorial adventures, maybe to see what kind of daring fool would seek to find it in the future.


Indiana Jones hooked up with the Siberian tour-guide and scholar Elka and learned she too was intrigued by gold links between the Mongol era and the Cossack transitions and the Russian empire era. She too has been studying the weight of Kolchak's Gold Train and wants to confirm Indiana's theory that the lost Siberian gold is hidden in a tower somewhere in Siberia. Elka is smart and athletic, which is handy, since the hidden gold may require some booby-trap evasion underground. However, she remains excited alongside her newfound friend Indiana Jones!


Siberia is cold and unrelenting, and were it not for this gold adventure tale, we might think it's not worth the travel or education.


INDIANA: I'm certain the Kolchak-Khan gold is hidden beneatht his tower in Siberia, Elka.
ELKA: How'd you know, Indiana?
INDIANA: Call it a hunch, darling.
ELKA: Well, then, let's go.
INDIANA: We have to be quick and quiet.
ELKA: Lest we draw in spies, eh?


The gold mining and rush era of Siberia under Tsar Nicholas and Alexander Kolchak was quite a period. There was hard work and fortunes to be found. Everything was in the service of the empire, but there were pirates seeking to make serious money. Maybe that's why the daring Genghis Khan hid gold in the ground, to flower some offbeat dystopian stories.


TSAR NICHOLAS: I don't want some random nomad to find this precious Siberian gold, so I've buried it under the Earth.


INDIANA JONES: Kolchak's gold train must've required some base of operations, which is why I think it's somewhere underground.


ELKA: Kolchak's gold train transported so much gold across Siberia and in service of the empire that it's now a real relic.


In fact, Indiana read some of the literature surrounding Kolchak's Siberian gold for the empire before embarking on this very dangerous quest. There's lots of pride at stake, and no one wants to be remembered as a crude pirate or over-eager gold-hunter. That's what makes Siberian gold such a fabled source of great historical revisionist folklore. Indiana has to be extremely careful, especially since he's fallen in love with his female aide Elka.


Indiana and Elka get into protective gear and masks and start to bury themselves in the tunnels beneath the Siberian tower they've found. They're wary of the booby-traps and discover there's a huge underground maze with various strange ejecting arrows, which they carefully avoid by following a narrow designated path, laid out only for those earnest enough to consider this labyrinth a site of great exploratory balance. Indiana however is the ideal dancer for this mission.


ELKA: We've found it, we've found the damn Siberian gold, Indiana!


As Indiana and Elka make their way out of the deep underground labyrinth beneath the Siberian tower, they're aware that above-ground may be waiting government soldiers inspecting to see if there's any nomadic gold-hunter who's stumbled upon the sacred tower with historical value. That's why Indiana and Elka decide to tunnel sideways and come out some distance away from the tower with the gold they've extracted, about $30 million worth of ancient Siberian gold from beneath the Earth itself.


ELKA: I love you!
INDIANA: We'll ensure this gold is sanctified in historical records.
ELKA: We've done a dioramic job.
INDIANA: It's been its worth in drawn gold.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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