Inside the GOP dirty Tricks World

The Democrats pulled the Dirtiest Trick of All Time against Trump in 2016.

When their allies at NBC and in the Bush Family decided to hold onto the Access Hollywood tapes until they thought that Trump would have no way to respond was pathetic.

IMHO, any other Republican would have been destroyed by the AH tapes. But Trump is no baby face, and fought fire with fire. Donald J. Trump learned from Ric Flair, the self proclaimed "dirtiest player in the game".
That you would brag about this..shows us more about yo than you might realize.

Again..the article is of interest because it explores the new paradigm of social it is exploited by political operatives..that it uses republican operatives for its example...really does not matter..except to the knee-jerk folks..who, in fact, are the focus of the article!

For many, many years, the Republicans sat back as Babyfaces and didn't respond in kind to Liberal attacks.

And it hurt them. Pantywaists like McCain and Romney were considered to be Literally Hitler. And they were pathetic losers.

Trump has changed the playbook, he responds in kind back to them. And the result was the upset schlonging of Crooked Hillary in 2016.

But you know what. It isn't likely to happen, but if Trump were to be unable to run next year for any reason, the R's would probably be left with Ultramoderate Bill Weld as the candidate. Mr. Weld would be savaged just as much as the next incarnation of Genghis Fucking Khan, regardless of how much love they show for him now.


Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.
What is it with you tin-foil hat types and Chicago??

The Democrats pulled the Dirtiest Trick of All Time against Trump in 2016.

When their allies at NBC and in the Bush Family decided to hold onto the Access Hollywood tapes until they thought that Trump would have no way to respond was pathetic.

IMHO, any other Republican would have been destroyed by the AH tapes. But Trump is no baby face, and fought fire with fire. Donald J. Trump learned from Ric Flair, the self proclaimed "dirtiest player in the game".
That you would brag about this..shows us more about yo than you might realize.

Again..the article is of interest because it explores the new paradigm of social it is exploited by political operatives..that it uses republican operatives for its example...really does not matter..except to the knee-jerk folks..who, in fact, are the focus of the article!

For many, many years, the Republicans sat back as Babyfaces and didn't respond in kind to Liberal attacks.

And it hurt them. Pantywaists like McCain and Romney were considered to be Literally Hitler. And they were pathetic losers.

Trump has changed the playbook, he responds in kind back to them. And the result was the upset schlonging of Crooked Hillary in 2016.

But you know what. It isn't likely to happen, but if Trump were to be unable to run next year for any reason, the R's would probably be left with Ultramoderate Bill Weld as the candidate. Mr. Weld would be savaged just as much as the next incarnation of Genghis Fucking Khan, regardless of how much love they show for him now.


Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.

It was Mayor Anton Cermak, the first in an unbroken stream of Democratic mayors since 1931, who created what would became known as the infamous "Democratic Machine," said Bob Crawford, a now-retired journalist who covered city politics for decades for WBBM-AM and was considered the dean of the City Hall press corps. The Machine ensured voters picked the right candidates, and the people who worked in it weren't shy about using money, bribes or fake identities to get votes for Democrats.

Through decades of organization, the Machine would become a "monolithic political organization that crisscrossed racial and ethnic boundaries in the city," Crawford said. The Machine's operators took advantage of cynicism among voters, who figured they at least had clean water and other necessities thanks to the Machine-backed candidates, leading to systemic fraud, Crawford said.

In fact, Robert F. Kennedy once said Daley was "the whole ballgame" — meaning if candidates had Daley and his Machine on their side, they could carry all of Illinois, Crawford said.

Notably, the Daley-era Machine has been said to have "stolen" the presidential election for JFK, Robert's older brother, through voter fraud. (Republicans in suburban Lake and DuPage counties tried to steal the vote, too, Crawford and Simpson said, and they think Kennedy probably would have won Illinois anyway.
The Democrats pulled the Dirtiest Trick of All Time against Trump in 2016.

When their allies at NBC and in the Bush Family decided to hold onto the Access Hollywood tapes until they thought that Trump would have no way to respond was pathetic.

IMHO, any other Republican would have been destroyed by the AH tapes. But Trump is no baby face, and fought fire with fire. Donald J. Trump learned from Ric Flair, the self proclaimed "dirtiest player in the game".
That you would brag about this..shows us more about yo than you might realize.

Again..the article is of interest because it explores the new paradigm of social it is exploited by political operatives..that it uses republican operatives for its example...really does not matter..except to the knee-jerk folks..who, in fact, are the focus of the article!

For many, many years, the Republicans sat back as Babyfaces and didn't respond in kind to Liberal attacks.

And it hurt them. Pantywaists like McCain and Romney were considered to be Literally Hitler. And they were pathetic losers.

Trump has changed the playbook, he responds in kind back to them. And the result was the upset schlonging of Crooked Hillary in 2016.

But you know what. It isn't likely to happen, but if Trump were to be unable to run next year for any reason, the R's would probably be left with Ultramoderate Bill Weld as the candidate. Mr. Weld would be savaged just as much as the next incarnation of Genghis Fucking Khan, regardless of how much love they show for him now.


Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.

It was Mayor Anton Cermak, the first in an unbroken stream of Democratic mayors since 1931, who created what would became known as the infamous "Democratic Machine," said Bob Crawford, a now-retired journalist who covered city politics for decades for WBBM-AM and was considered the dean of the City Hall press corps. The Machine ensured voters picked the right candidates, and the people who worked in it weren't shy about using money, bribes or fake identities to get votes for Democrats.

Through decades of organization, the Machine would become a "monolithic political organization that crisscrossed racial and ethnic boundaries in the city," Crawford said. The Machine's operators took advantage of cynicism among voters, who figured they at least had clean water and other necessities thanks to the Machine-backed candidates, leading to systemic fraud, Crawford said.
Nice copy and paste--remind me again about what that has to do with the OP?

Just for do know that the Democrats of that time..would be the Republicans of this probably think that is false history..right?
That you would brag about this..shows us more about yo than you might realize.

Again..the article is of interest because it explores the new paradigm of social it is exploited by political operatives..that it uses republican operatives for its example...really does not matter..except to the knee-jerk folks..who, in fact, are the focus of the article!

For many, many years, the Republicans sat back as Babyfaces and didn't respond in kind to Liberal attacks.

And it hurt them. Pantywaists like McCain and Romney were considered to be Literally Hitler. And they were pathetic losers.

Trump has changed the playbook, he responds in kind back to them. And the result was the upset schlonging of Crooked Hillary in 2016.

But you know what. It isn't likely to happen, but if Trump were to be unable to run next year for any reason, the R's would probably be left with Ultramoderate Bill Weld as the candidate. Mr. Weld would be savaged just as much as the next incarnation of Genghis Fucking Khan, regardless of how much love they show for him now.


Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.

It was Mayor Anton Cermak, the first in an unbroken stream of Democratic mayors since 1931, who created what would became known as the infamous "Democratic Machine," said Bob Crawford, a now-retired journalist who covered city politics for decades for WBBM-AM and was considered the dean of the City Hall press corps. The Machine ensured voters picked the right candidates, and the people who worked in it weren't shy about using money, bribes or fake identities to get votes for Democrats.

Through decades of organization, the Machine would become a "monolithic political organization that crisscrossed racial and ethnic boundaries in the city," Crawford said. The Machine's operators took advantage of cynicism among voters, who figured they at least had clean water and other necessities thanks to the Machine-backed candidates, leading to systemic fraud, Crawford said.
Nice copy and paste--remind me again about what that has to do with the OP?

Just for do know that the Democrats of that time..would be the Republicans of this probably think that is false history..right?

Chicago Investigation Finds Dead People Voting Years After Their Death

Well, investigators at the local CBS station found that “119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade” after they merged the “Chicago Board of Election voter histories with the death master file from the Social Security Administration.”
Gee it's as if the demoquacks have never ever smeared
How's like no one reads English i have said multiple times that all politics is dirty..and that D and R are the same in this...if you had read the might recognize the real subject.
Gee it's as if the demoquacks have never ever smeared
How's like no one reads English i have said multiple times that all politics is dirty..and that D and R are the same in this...if you had read the might recognize the real subject.

I don't read your garbage....but I suggest you reread your own thread title. No mention of quack smearing, eh?
Gee it's as if the demoquacks have never ever smeared
How's like no one reads English i have said multiple times that all politics is dirty..and that D and R are the same in this...if you had read the might recognize the real subject.

I don't read your garbage....but I suggest you reread your own thread title. No mention of quack smearing, eh?
Uh...thank you for the compliment..but I did not write the article. Appreciate your affirmation of the articles premise..that some people live in their own echo-chamber...and reject anything that might disagree with their preconceived notions.

How do you feel...knowing that these people use a mindless tool?
The Democrats pulled the Dirtiest Trick of All Time against Trump in 2016.

When their allies at NBC and in the Bush Family decided to hold onto the Access Hollywood tapes until they thought that Trump would have no way to respond was pathetic.

IMHO, any other Republican would have been destroyed by the AH tapes. But Trump is no baby face, and fought fire with fire. Donald J. Trump learned from Ric Flair, the self proclaimed "dirtiest player in the game".
That you would brag about this..shows us more about yo than you might realize.

Again..the article is of interest because it explores the new paradigm of social it is exploited by political operatives..that it uses republican operatives for its example...really does not matter..except to the knee-jerk folks..who, in fact, are the focus of the article!

For many, many years, the Republicans sat back as Babyfaces and didn't respond in kind to Liberal attacks.

And it hurt them. Pantywaists like McCain and Romney were considered to be Literally Hitler. And they were pathetic losers.

Trump has changed the playbook, he responds in kind back to them. And the result was the upset schlonging of Crooked Hillary in 2016.

But you know what. It isn't likely to happen, but if Trump were to be unable to run next year for any reason, the R's would probably be left with Ultramoderate Bill Weld as the candidate. Mr. Weld would be savaged just as much as the next incarnation of Genghis Fucking Khan, regardless of how much love they show for him now.


Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.
What is it with you tin-foil hat types and Chicago??


The Dirtiest Presidential Campaign Ever? Not Even Close!

During the historic debates between Steohen Douglas and the man who would become one of the nation’s most revered presidents, Abraham Lincoln, Douglas accused Lincoln of being a drunk—stating that the future emancipator could “ruin more liquor than all the boys in town together.
Dirty political tricks have been going on since the beginning of time. Funny how each side only sees the other sides fault. Then you have a guy that claims he isn't a Democrat blame only the Republicans?

Propaganda and lies on both sides seem to be the norm anymore.
Gee it's as if the demoquacks have never ever smeared
How's like no one reads English i have said multiple times that all politics is dirty..and that D and R are the same in this...if you had read the might recognize the real subject.

I don't read your garbage....but I suggest you reread your own thread title. No mention of quack smearing, eh?
Uh...thank you for the compliment..but I did not write the article. Appreciate your affirmation of the articles premise..that some people live in their own echo-chamber...and reject anything that might disagree with their preconceived notions.

How do you feel...knowing that these people use a mindless tool?

Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton's campaign blamed 'Russian state actors' on the email leak

  • Nick Allen
25 JULY 2016 • 6:11 AM

Hillary Clinton's coronation as the Democratic presidential candidate was set to be overshadowed by walkouts and sit-ins amid fresh allegations of dirty tricks against her left-wing rival Bernie Sanders.

On the eve of the party's convention in Philadelphia 20,000 emails were made public by Wikileaks showing supposedly neutral senior party officials tried to undermine Mr Sanders's insurgent left-wing campaign by publicly portraying him as an atheist.
This is some good stuff---a lot of it is pertaining to some of the posters here:

Meet the GOP operatives who aim to smear the 2020 Democrats — but keep bungling it

"As it turns out, the truth or falsity of a Burkman-Wohl-concocted story is merely an inconvenience. Let the media’s “puritanical” fact-checkers puzzle it out: That’s the view of this twosome who fancy themselves as sub rosa players in the 2020 presidential contest and busy themselves trafficking in Internet rumors they hope will damage Democratic candidates.
Like notorious dirty tricksters before them, they operate in a realm where it matters little whether their claims are proved — they hardly ever are — but only whether they somehow slip into a corpuscle or two of the national bloodstream. But today it’s a more dangerous game: They operate in an era when notions about truth and fiction have been upended and in which many Americans get their information from self-affirming, partisan silos, making their brand of political cyberwarfare hyper-relevant.
Though he wasn’t involved, Wohl speaks admiringly of the fringe effort to undermine Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign with loopy claims that the Texas Republican’s father was involved in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
“That was good stuff,” Wohl says. “That was brilliant.”"


Looks like projection to me. Democrats and progs do this 24/7. I haven't even heard of the Burkman-Wohl story, but I'll bet Russian collusion/Trump is racist lives up your butt 24/7.
Without dirty tricks, what are Republicans going to run on? Policy?
Gee it's as if the demoquacks have never ever smeared
How's like no one reads English i have said multiple times that all politics is dirty..and that D and R are the same in this...if you had read the might recognize the real subject.

I don't read your garbage....but I suggest you reread your own thread title. No mention of quack smearing, eh?
Uh...thank you for the compliment..but I did not write the article. Appreciate your affirmation of the articles premise..that some people live in their own echo-chamber...and reject anything that might disagree with their preconceived notions.

How do you feel...knowing that these people use a mindless tool?

Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton's campaign blamed 'Russian state actors' on the email leak

  • Nick Allen
25 JULY 2016 • 6:11 AM

Hillary Clinton's coronation as the Democratic presidential candidate was set to be overshadowed by walkouts and sit-ins amid fresh allegations of dirty tricks against her left-wing rival Bernie Sanders.

On the eve of the party's convention in Philadelphia 20,000 emails were made public by Wikileaks showing supposedly neutral senior party officials tried to undermine Mr Sanders's insurgent left-wing campaign by publicly portraying him as an atheist.
I don’t even know why anyone even cares. Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat.

Republicans don’t let non-Republicans run in the Republican Party.

Why should the Democrats allow non-Democrats to run in the Democratic Party?
This is some good stuff---a lot of it is pertaining to some of the posters here:

Meet the GOP operatives who aim to smear the 2020 Democrats — but keep bungling it

"As it turns out, the truth or falsity of a Burkman-Wohl-concocted story is merely an inconvenience. Let the media’s “puritanical” fact-checkers puzzle it out: That’s the view of this twosome who fancy themselves as sub rosa players in the 2020 presidential contest and busy themselves trafficking in Internet rumors they hope will damage Democratic candidates.
Like notorious dirty tricksters before them, they operate in a realm where it matters little whether their claims are proved — they hardly ever are — but only whether they somehow slip into a corpuscle or two of the national bloodstream. But today it’s a more dangerous game: They operate in an era when notions about truth and fiction have been upended and in which many Americans get their information from self-affirming, partisan silos, making their brand of political cyberwarfare hyper-relevant.
Though he wasn’t involved, Wohl speaks admiringly of the fringe effort to undermine Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign with loopy claims that the Texas Republican’s father was involved in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
“That was good stuff,” Wohl says. “That was brilliant.”"


LefTard Logic:
GOP’ers spreading rumors in cyberspace = “dirty tricks”
Democrats begging wetbacks to invade America for votes = Not a “dirty trick”
You peeps can not be taken seriously.
When you think I'm a 'left' are incorrect. I also believe that your conclusion that anyone is begging 'wetbacks' to invade is pretty damn stupid.

Also..the idea that, "the other guy does it' excuses nothing..I guess you missed Ethics 101. LOL!

You peeps can not be taken seriously!

Only an ignorant fool could / would believe that Mexicrats aren't encouraging an illegal invasion.
This isn't really an issue of "the other guy does it"'s about the meaningless events that you weirdos believe trump very meaningful events.
I suppose you could link us to all your bitching about Mexicrats luring in vote 'manufactures' from other know, to maintain some credibility and all?
That you would brag about this..shows us more about yo than you might realize.

Again..the article is of interest because it explores the new paradigm of social it is exploited by political operatives..that it uses republican operatives for its example...really does not matter..except to the knee-jerk folks..who, in fact, are the focus of the article!

For many, many years, the Republicans sat back as Babyfaces and didn't respond in kind to Liberal attacks.

And it hurt them. Pantywaists like McCain and Romney were considered to be Literally Hitler. And they were pathetic losers.

Trump has changed the playbook, he responds in kind back to them. And the result was the upset schlonging of Crooked Hillary in 2016.

But you know what. It isn't likely to happen, but if Trump were to be unable to run next year for any reason, the R's would probably be left with Ultramoderate Bill Weld as the candidate. Mr. Weld would be savaged just as much as the next incarnation of Genghis Fucking Khan, regardless of how much love they show for him now.


Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

Chicago And Rigged Elections? The History Is Even Crazier Than You've Heard

During the 1928 primary election, shootings and bombings were used to frighten and eliminate opponents. That election — which saw two political figures killed and 62 bombings, including one at the home of a senator and Cook County State's Attorney candidate — became known as the "Pineapple Primary," using the slang term "pineapple" for a grenade.
What is it with you tin-foil hat types and Chicago??


The Dirtiest Presidential Campaign Ever? Not Even Close!

During the historic debates between Steohen Douglas and the man who would become one of the nation’s most revered presidents, Abraham Lincoln, Douglas accused Lincoln of being a drunk—stating that the future emancipator could “ruin more liquor than all the boys in town together.

Silver vs. Gold: William Steinway's wedge issue of the 1896 election

The presidential campaign of 1896 was an emotional oneand much of the political maneuvering may look familiar to voters today. A key player in the political drama was a man whose name is associated more with pianos than hardball politics. Volunteer Researcher Larry Margasak explores piano manufacturer William Steinway's role in the 1896 campaign.

William Steinway had more than pianos on his mind as he strolled to his Third Avenue polling station in New York City, preparing to cast his presidential ballot on November 3, 1896. After arriving, he marked an X on the ballot, in a place where he had never done so before. Steinway's politics had just gone through a traumatic change.

"This is the first time in my Life that I voted any but the democratic ticket but this year the danger of democratic candidature of Wm. J. Bryan and the unlimited free coinage of silver is so great, that no true democrat can act otherwise than to vote for McKinley and sound money," Steinway wrote in his diary.

Gee it's as if the demoquacks have never ever smeared
How's like no one reads English i have said multiple times that all politics is dirty..and that D and R are the same in this...if you had read the might recognize the real subject.

I don't read your garbage....but I suggest you reread your own thread title. No mention of quack smearing, eh?
Uh...thank you for the compliment..but I did not write the article. Appreciate your affirmation of the articles premise..that some people live in their own echo-chamber...and reject anything that might disagree with their preconceived notions.

How do you feel...knowing that these people use a mindless tool?

Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton faces mass dissent over 'dirty tricks' on Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton's campaign blamed 'Russian state actors' on the email leak

  • Nick Allen
25 JULY 2016 • 6:11 AM

Hillary Clinton's coronation as the Democratic presidential candidate was set to be overshadowed by walkouts and sit-ins amid fresh allegations of dirty tricks against her left-wing rival Bernie Sanders.

On the eve of the party's convention in Philadelphia 20,000 emails were made public by Wikileaks showing supposedly neutral senior party officials tried to undermine Mr Sanders's insurgent left-wing campaign by publicly portraying him as an atheist.
I don’t even know why anyone even cares. Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat.

Republicans don’t let non-Republicans run in the Republican Party.

Why should the Democrats allow non-Democrats to run in the Democratic Party?

Say what? Trump was a liberal Democrat

635853512231271622-0b283a5a331d8fec94b3ffdd94e658ba (1).jpg
Dirty political tricks have been going on since the beginning of time. Funny how each side only sees the other sides fault. Then you have a guy that claims he isn't a Democrat blame only the Republicans?

Propaganda and lies on both sides seem to be the norm anymore.
Good grief...I blamed none...I just posted an article that revealed some of the machinations of the Repubs..of interest to me..because of the focus on the net..i guess i hit a nerve..LOL. I challenge you to find where i blamed anytime...along party lines. Did you actually read the article/ Or are you like the 80% who read the title..and immediately jerk their knees?

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