Inside the GOP dirty Tricks World

This is some good stuff---a lot of it is pertaining to some of the posters here:

Meet the GOP operatives who aim to smear the 2020 Democrats — but keep bungling it

"As it turns out, the truth or falsity of a Burkman-Wohl-concocted story is merely an inconvenience. Let the media’s “puritanical” fact-checkers puzzle it out: That’s the view of this twosome who fancy themselves as sub rosa players in the 2020 presidential contest and busy themselves trafficking in Internet rumors they hope will damage Democratic candidates.
Like notorious dirty tricksters before them, they operate in a realm where it matters little whether their claims are proved — they hardly ever are — but only whether they somehow slip into a corpuscle or two of the national bloodstream. But today it’s a more dangerous game: They operate in an era when notions about truth and fiction have been upended and in which many Americans get their information from self-affirming, partisan silos, making their brand of political cyberwarfare hyper-relevant.
Though he wasn’t involved, Wohl speaks admiringly of the fringe effort to undermine Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential campaign with loopy claims that the Texas Republican’s father was involved in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.
“That was good stuff,” Wohl says. “That was brilliant.”"


Well, their not telling lies form the wells of the house and senate like the commie politicians like Reid, Nazi Palousey and soooooooo many others. And then being echoed 24/7 by the commie pravada called the MSM.


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