Irony: Are todays Democrats who tell us ‘we need illegals or our economy will collapse’ the same who told us we needed black slaves in 1950?

Democrats are the party of slavery and the KKK. Now they are communism BLM and ANTIFA. Piece of shit anti-American degenerates. MAGA
Republicans authored the Corwin Amendment. Go look it up then shut up about Democrats and slavery. And since you want to play stupid, Republicans are the party of reparations. So why do democrats support reparations now and Republicans don't?

MAGA is unamerican.
You descend from illegal immigrnts. America was not founded in 1492 and your ancestors had no right to invade ad wage war on other humans. Nobody invaded Europe and that land mass was not owned either. So just stop trying to justify theft becuse it was done by whites.
hahaha…keep trying.
The Spaniards invaded the world and you never talk shit about them…how many EBT cards have Spaniards sent you over your lifetime?
Republicans authored the Corwin Amendment. Go look it up then shut up about Democrats and slavery. And since you want to play stupid, Republicans are the party of reparations. So why do democrats support reparations now and Republicans don't?

MAGA is unamerican.
Democrats talk a good game about "reparations" because it buys votes, not because blacks are ever going to get any reparations. Nor should they - nobody alive today was ever a slave, nor a slave holder.

In short: WORK SMARTER- make your own way in life and quit trying to take other's money - people who have been smarter, and made better decisions. Money already is redistributed to the poor (and it should be, there can't be unlimited capitalism either). But quit trying to steal from others.
Weird huh…stack people on top of one another, build a massive underclass of disgusting poverty stricken illegals, deal with off the charts level of crime, a divided citizenry that hates each-other and inequalities like seen nowhere else in the nation and TA-DA you too can have one of those awesome blues states.
This nation has never been united dumb ass descendant of illegal immigrants.

The Blues States are the ones paying the bills right now, Red States are the ones with there hands out taking money... The exception is when a State finds Oil or Gas and they can avoid while they are extracting.

So no one needs economic from the guys that ideology has made them poor, why don't we follow the richer states model and see what they say.
I'll go you one better. If criminal aliens contribute so much, lets gather them all up from red states and ship them to blue, Los Angeles, Denver, New York and Martha's Vinyard.
This nation has never been united dumb ass descendant of illegal immigrants.
Hmmm…when I’m in all Caucasian, all Christian, all heterosexual Montana or Lake Havasu, AZ we sure seem united to me.
Republicans authored the Corwin Amendment. Go look it up then shut up about Democrats and slavery. And since you want to play stupid, Republicans are the party of reparations. So why do democrats support reparations now and Republicans don't?

MAGA is unamerican.
I don't support reparations. We have already done enough to help minorities. Democrats are the party of slavery. Get used to it
Republicans authored the Corwin Amendment. Go look it up then shut up about Democrats and slavery. And since you want to play stupid, Republicans are the party of reparations. So why do democrats support reparations now and Republicans don't?

MAGA is unamerican.
MAGA are American Patriots. We believe in prosperity, equality and the rule of law. Democrats are the party of slavery and unequal treatment under the law.

At the time of the Civil War, all slaveholders were Democrats, or at least no one has found an exception at this time. And the Democratic Party was the party of Jim Crow, as well.
Democrats talk a good game about "reparations" because it buys votes, not because blacks are ever going to get any reparations. Nor should they - nobody alive today was ever a slave, nor a slave holder.

In short: WORK SMARTER- make your own way in life and quit trying to take other's money - people who have been smarter, and made better decisions. Money already is redistributed to the poor (and it should be, there can't be unlimited capitalism either). But quit trying to steal from others.
We should get the same 8 handouts whites have been given since America was founded.

Handouts that were given out of tax money blacks put into the pot, or because of our free labor. Don't give me any lecture white boy. Whites don't have what they do because of
any of the things you said. Whites have stoen from everybody, so shut the fuck up with this dishonest garbage.

Stop pretending reparations are only for slavery or that they have not been paid in modern times to groups for things that happened at the same time. In short, white sdidn't wor harder at anything but dishonesty, so nobody wants to here your opinion. White men owe blacks, hispanics, native Americans Asians from China, and white women reparations. You bitches have stolen or denied everybody but yourselves of equal opportunity and now your punk asses started this MAGA crap to whine because we're tired of your bullshit..

You reap what you sow white boy. That is a spiritual law. Spiritual law supercedes mans little constitution. And so you either pay up, or watch what you created with your dishonesty get destroyed.
I don't support reparations. We have already done enough to help minorities. Democrats are the party of slavery. Get used to it
No one GAD what you don't support. Whites have received the equivalent of over 1 quintilion dollars worth of government handouts in the 20th century alone.

That's money blacks put into the pot that we didn't get.

So until we get that amount of help, not enough has been done. So get used to hearing this.
hahaha…keep trying.
The Spaniards invaded the world and you never talk shit about them…how many EBT cards have Spaniards sent you over your lifetime?
I've never used an EBT card white boy. So just stop trying to defect and take responsibiity for what whites have done. Spaniards are white.
No one GAD what you don't support. Whites have received the equivalent of over 1 quintilion dollars worth of government handouts in the 20th century alone.

That's money blacks put into the pot that we didn't get.

So until we get that amount of help, not enough has been done. So get used to hearing this.
No one GAD what you don't support. Whites have received the equivalent of over 1 quintilion dollars worth of government handouts in the 20th century alone.

That's money blacks put into the pot that we didn't get.

So until we get that amount of help, not enough has been done. So get used to hearing this.
Fuck you and your reparations. I'm not paying for your bullshit. You can just sink into the Quagmire that the Democrats have poured for you as far as I care.
I've never used an EBT card white boy. So just stop trying to defect and take responsibiity for what whites have done. Spaniards are white.
But yet you want reparations from us. LOL good luck with that. I'm not paying shit to you. Earn it yourself
Fuck you and your reparations. I'm not paying for your bullshit. You can just sink into the Quagmire that the Democrats have poured for you as far as I care.
The case for reparations is against the government. The same government that has taken from me, my parents, my grandparents, my great grandparents, etc., in order to gve your white asses what you have right now.
But yet you want reparations from us. LOL good luck with that. I'm not paying shit to you. Earn it yourself
But yet you live on money we put in the pot and never got what whites were given. The case is against the governments of this country. You have no say.
The case for reparations is against the government. The same government that has taken from me, my parents, my grandparents, my great grandparents, etc., in order to gve your white asses what you have right now.
You sound kind of bitter. Maybe you should get up off your ass and go earn some money
But yet you live on money we put in the pot and never got what whites were given. The case is against the governments of this country. You have no say.
My taxes will not go to reparations for you. Again, go earn your way.

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