Irony: Are todays Democrats who tell us ‘we need illegals or our economy will collapse’ the same who told us we needed black slaves in 1950?

All heterosexual Montana or Lake Havesu?

You’re really that deluded?
If it’s there you wouldn’t know it…You won’t find a Prius with a purple hair person wearing a mask all alone inside, no Resist or rainbow stickers on autos, no Butch feminazis to be found.
Sounds like total REAL American shitholes to you abnormal unconventionals huh?
If it’s there you wouldn’t know it…You won’t find a Prius with a purple hair person wearing a mask all alone inside, no Resist or rainbow stickers on autos, no Butch feminazis to be found.
Sounds like total REAL American shitholes to you abnormal unconventionals huh?
Dude, there’s gays and Prius’ and scary purple hair everywhere.

It must suck to be so isolated from reality
Dude, there’s gays and Prius’ and scary purple hair everywhere.

It must suck to be so isolated from reality
Nope…only in dirty, disgusting, diverse, dangerous, divided blue shitholes…Weird huh, the common denominators are coincidental I’m sure.
Dude, there’s gays and Prius’ and scary purple hair everywhere.

It must suck to be so isolated from reality
Remember….the “reality” Libs have concocted is actually a destructive Twilight Zone to conventional folks.
And $35 trillion in debt,
GOP don't give a hang about debt... Donnie increased spending and the deficit and you said nothing...
Lay off the crocodile tears...
and off the charts level of crime,
Crime is down...

RW media reporting on crime is at an all time high I say...
Migrants have lower crime thaan general population.
and shit wages for blue collar work,
So you now support Unions arguing for better wages????
Donnie was laughing last month about firing people who go on strike.
and four week waits for a doctors appointment,
Yep... I hear Trump has been working on a health plan for 8 years... Now he has a 'Concept of a Plan'...
If fairness Trump said that with a straight face, while everyone laughed at him.
and the destruction of our public school system,
GOP are the ones that want to cut the education dept. How do you think that would work?
Ever think why Teachers who know something about education vote democrat.
and 2 hours of traffic to drive 35 miles…Damn, I’m really gonna miss the cockroaches.
Are you seriously blaming Democrats for Traffic? Lets go:
Who has done nothing for infrastructure investment? Trump promised and did nothing.
No plan on Public Transport... Over relaince on Cars, that is all GOP...

BrokerLoser, We get it... You were told to blame Democrats for everyting bad in the world and you don't question that...
I have an even better question: why aren't welfare recipients doing those jobs? We should eliminate the welfare system and hold the underclass down with a draconian criminal system. Then we would enjoy considerable tax savings and have an easy time policing our borders.
GOP don't give a hang about debt... Donnie increased spending and the deficit and you said nothing...
Lay off the crocodile tears...

Crime is down...

RW media reporting on crime is at an all time high I say...
Migrants have lower crime thaan general population.

So you now support Unions arguing for better wages????
Donnie was laughing last month about firing people who go on strike.

Yep... I hear Trump has been working on a health plan for 8 years... Now he has a 'Concept of a Plan'...
If fairness Trump said that with a straight face, while everyone laughed at him.

GOP are the ones that want to cut the education dept. How do you think that would work?
Ever think why Teachers who know something about education vote democrat.

Are you seriously blaming Democrats for Traffic? Lets go:
Who has done nothing for infrastructure investment? Trump promised and did nothing.
No plan on Public Transport... Over relaince on Cars, that is all GOP...

BrokerLoser, We get it... You were told to blame Democrats for everyting bad in the world and you don't question that...
Obama did just as bad and you said nothing.

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