IRS Fires 6,000 Workers as Trump Slashes Government


Diamond Member
Mar 27, 2012
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An executive at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service told staffers Thursday about 6,000 employees would be fired, a person familiar with the matter said, in a move that would eliminate roughly 6% of the agency's workforce in the midst of the critical tax-filing season.

All I can say to that is -- Sorry Mods. Hope this doesn't break the "Clean Start" rule but.......

Every large bureaucracy has AT LEAST ten percent fat. That is, ten percent of the workforce - if it is the RIGHT ten percent - can be jettisoned without impacting the business. In fact, ninety days later, the survivors will be wondering what the fuck the departed 10% were doing all day.

My assessment is based on having worked for not only the U.S. Department of Defense (8 years), but also several other large organizations, and going through cutbacks like this, including being one of the innocent victims.

Frankly, I find it nauseating that when government workers lose their jobs like this it is deemed by the Media as a catastrophe, while in the real world it is no big deal - except for the affected individuals, of course.
All this is more important than cleaning out the departments, lowering personnel costs, etc.

It's letting government workers know -- "You are not invulnerable. You can and you will be replaced if you don't do your job"

Every day I went to work, I understood that my Company could replace me any time they were in the mood. Everybody knows that -- Except goobermint works. Which is why they treat Public like shit. They do. We all know they do.

I think what OMB is doing will change all that.

The LAST people who should treat us poorly is government workers.
All this is more important than cleaning out the departments, lowering personnel costs, etc.

It's letting government workers know -- "You are not invulnerable. You can and you will be replaced if you don't do your job"

Every day I went to work, I understood that my Company could replace me any time they were in the mood. Everybody knows that -- Except goobermint works. Which is why they treat Public like shit. They do. We all know they do.

I think what OMB is doing will change all that.

The LAST people who should treat us poorly is government workers.
Has nothing to do with performance.

Every large bureaucracy has AT LEAST ten percent fat. That is, ten percent of the workforce - if it is the RIGHT ten percent - can be jettisoned without impacting the business. In fact, ninety days later, the survivors will be wondering what the fuck the departed 10% were doing all day.

My assessment is based on having worked for not only the U.S. Department of Defense (8 years), but also several other large organizations, and going through cutbacks like this, including being one of the innocent victims.

Frankly, I find it nauseating that when government workers lose their jobs like this it is deemed by the Media as a catastrophe, while in the real world it is no big deal - except for the affected individuals, of course.
True dat. Before goobermint motors (aka GM/Generic Motors) went belly up and ripped-off the American People for 20 BILLION Dollars, you could go to their HQ Bldg and find at least 20% of the people in it wandering aimlessly, doing nothing. Except trying to look busy. You could also find a lot of guys that were former Football Players at UM and Mich State. More Mich than State.

I've been in several large HQs and they're all about the same. Difference is -- They have competition, Generic Motors has Ford, Toyodor, Honda,, etc. That's changing. You don't see as much of it. It still happens but not as much.

They're all working for the goobermint..... For now.

The goobermint has no competition. If you don't like the US Goobermint, where do you go?

If Generic Motors pisses you off, you can go to a half-dozen other very good manufacturers.

Where do you go if the US Goobermint over-charges you and doesn't do what they say they will do??
Our government is the largest business in the US and it produces NOTHING.
Let the cuts begin.

The IRS is getting a feel for what we as citizens have been feeling since the IRS inception.
They don't seem to like it very much.....imagine that.

Well the good thing with illegals being sent packing the misplaced IRS workers have job opportunities
Has nothing to do with performance.

Unnecessary workers are unnecessary regardless of their performance. But a wise manager, if it is necessary to lay off unnecessary workers, will retain those who are most efficient, effective, productive.

And barring that, it has been the custom to let go those with the least seniority in the organization.

An executive at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service told staffers Thursday about 6,000 employees would be fired, a person familiar with the matter said, in a move that would eliminate roughly 6% of the agency's workforce in the midst of the critical tax-filing season.

All I can say to that is -- Sorry Mods. Hope this doesn't break the "Clean Start" rule but.......
What do you call 6,000 fired IRS employees?
A good start

6K down, 94K to go.
Unnecessary workers are unnecessary regardless of their performance. But a wise manager, if it is necessary to lay off unnecessary workers, will retain those who are most efficient, effective, productive.

And barring that, it has been the custom to let go those with the least seniority in the organization.
Given the stated reason was false to begin with, they give us little confidence that the layoffs were made after consideration of who is and isn’t necessary.

This is further supported by the many people who have had to be rehired to their prior positions.

An executive at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service told staffers Thursday about 6,000 employees would be fired, a person familiar with the matter said, in a move that would eliminate roughly 6% of the agency's workforce in the midst of the critical tax-filing season.

All I can say to that is -- Sorry Mods. Hope this doesn't break the "Clean Start" rule but.......


Why is this part left out?
Given the stated reason was false to begin with, they give us little confidence that the layoffs were made after consideration of who is and isn’t necessary.

This is further supported by the many people who have had to be rehired to their prior positions.
Why do you want a government bloated with unnecessary workers, ineffectiveness, inefficiency, incompetence, waste, fraud and corruption?

Show your evidence--with a credible source please--that the workers to be laid off are necessary/essential and you might have a reasonable argument. Otherwise you're just trolling and spewing the assigned talking points to criticize everything whether or not the criticism has any merit.
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