Zone1 Is America Going the Way of 1933 Germany?


Nov 14, 2012
It is according to Dr. Frager and here is why:

"The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) released data that shows the number of Anti-Semitic incidents in the United States has increased by 361% since October 7th, 2023. This includes assault, vandalism, harassment, protest/action, and divestment resolutions. In terms of university campuses Anti-Semitic incidents has increased 477%. The top ten Universities include: Columbia, Univ, of Michigan, Harvard, UC, Berkeley, UCLA, Rutgers, Standord, Cornell, Univ. of Washington and Univ. of North Carolina. Cornell just allowed Associate Professor of History Russell Rickford back to teaching. He had called Hamas’ massacre of Jews on October 7th “exhilarating”. Once re-instated he immediately joined an anti-Israel protest.

In 1933 Germany, hundreds of laws were enacted to exclude Jews from public life, the professions and public education. It happened gradually. Nazi propaganda aimed to demonize the Jewish population so as to make the Germans indifferent to their plight. Hamas propaganda has essentially done the same thing regarding the savagery and brutality carried out against Israel on October 7th. Unfortunately many of Generation Z have bought into their lies and misinformation. This has been shocking. This is what makes the thought that America can go the way of 1933 Germany not so far fetched."

In a curious way, we have become like Weimar Republic Germany. America has become a disgusting country where debauchery, homosexuality, transgenderism, and a lack of morals has run rampant. Except for the fact the antisemitism is being violently-expressed by the left, not the right. By the same communistic element Hitler first sought to destroy.
There sure are similarities, though minor right now.

This racism is not just Jews, though they have been targeted in particular since Oct 7th. It goes against Christians, and males of all nationalities really.

In Germany they passed laws to limit Jews in government etc. We have some pushing DEI, quotas at schools and corporations over merit. Some outwardly speaking ill about people of European and Jewish backgrounds.

This is a recipe for losing, Germany learned that when they lost some bright scientists who were Jewish among other vocations.

There will be even more anti-semitism over time as more people from nations that are adversarial to Jews migrant to the U.S and the rest of the West and their populations grow at a faster rate. It's just basic math.

I don't think we will ever see what happened in Europe in the 1940s, but there is without question prejudices and in some cases even death of people based on their race or religion. All riled up by the radical left, as they were in Germany.
In a curious way, we have become like Weimar Republic Germany. America has become a disgusting country where debauchery, homosexuality, transgenderism, and a lack of morals has run rampant. Except for the fact the antisemitism is being violently-expressed by the left, not the right. By the same communistic element Hitler first sought to destroy.
Yes, all that shit is by the left. I wonder if they actually do have any real points anymore. Lunatics ripe for the mental home. If they would have been like this in the 20th century, they would not even exist anymore.
In a curious way, we have become like Weimar Republic Germany. America has become a disgusting country where debauchery, homosexuality, transgenderism, and a lack of morals has run rampant. Except for the fact the antisemitism is being violently-expressed by the left, not the right. By the same communistic element Hitler first sought to destroy.
But the demofascists are trying to turn us into a full on police state in a damned hurry.
In a curious way, we have become like Weimar Republic Germany. America has become a disgusting country where debauchery, homosexuality, transgenderism, and a lack of morals has run rampant. Except for the fact the antisemitism is being violently-expressed by the left, not the right. By the same communistic element Hitler first sought to destroy.

I agree .It is an interesting "Discrepancy " and somehow counter intuitive versus recent History .
I do not wish to repeat my own beliefs and give you acid indigestion, but I suspect the near term will place the very identity of Jewishness under the greatest ever pressure and even lead to your people being excluded from the rest of us for some time . With most of "You" also wishing that , if only in atonement .

But I am prepared to make you an exception if you donate towards my non profit charity which I launch next wek .
That would require a large federal force. A centralized police is of course easier to guide. Towards an oppression force.
Biden and Kamala just hired 89000 new IRS agents and rumor has it they want to arm them.

They want to raise about $5 trillion in revenue, but don't worry, it won't effect you negatively in any way cuz they will just tax the bad guys and none of those expenses will be passed down you YOU!

The Citing of the WEIMAR REPUBLIC as the forerunner to the current wave of
Antisemitism in the USA is "too little and too late"----the Forerunner is
more like second through fifth century ROME
98% of the Anti Semitism here is from the Pro Arab / Pro Iran Anti Israel Far Left & Left
HERE, that is true. The antisemitism that I experienced as a child in the 1950s was (try to cope) christian/republican. My neighbors never heard of "arabs".
Even in the 60s----"arab" and "hindu" was the same (with jews thrown in
as their 'apologists') <<<< that was AMERICANA before the 'beatles'

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