Zone1 Is America Going the Way of 1933 Germany?

"The naming of the Americas, or America, occurred shortly after Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the Americas in 1492. It is generally accepted that the name derives from Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian explorer, who explored the new continents in the following years on behalf of Spain and Portugal, with the name given by German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller. However, some have suggested other explanations, including being named after the Amerrisque mountain range in Nicaragua, or after Richard Amerike, a merchant from Bristol, England."

Twaffler is a bad source, nobody there does any fact checking.
No, we don't have the troubles that caused Hitler to gain power.
Hitler said he was going to make himself dictator before being elected.
The people wanted him to be dictator.
The savings of the middle class was wiped out by the Weimar Republic hyperinflation.
And middle class jobs made less money than skilled laborers because the Weimar Republic set wages.
We have nothing like that.

(From here.)
There sure are similarities, though minor right now.

This racism is not just Jews, though they have been targeted in particular since Oct 7th. It goes against Christians, and males of all nationalities really.

In Germany they passed laws to limit Jews in government etc. We have some pushing DEI, quotas at schools and corporations over merit. Some outwardly speaking ill about people of European and Jewish backgrounds.

This is a recipe for losing, Germany learned that when they lost some bright scientists who were Jewish among other vocations.

There will be even more anti-semitism over time as more people from nations that are adversarial to Jews migrant to the U.S and the rest of the West and their populations grow at a faster rate. It's just basic math.

I don't think we will ever see what happened in Europe in the 1940s, but there is without question prejudices and in some cases even death of people based on their race or religion. All riled up by the radical left, as they were in Germany.
It is very interesting that several people have noted that ANTI-SEMITISM in both the USA and Britain increased as a result of October 7 2023. The INSPIRATION to violence against jews was the OBJECTIVE of the islamic action of that day.----rape and murder and mutilation and pillage is presented as inspiring in the Koran---that it inspired hundreds of thousands of USA and British youth is notable

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