Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

Yes, we all know that.
That was when Nature and the Earth's tilt/wobble/ Milankovitch Cycles/ Solar Forcing caused the warming.

But we know by direct measurement that is NOT causing the warming Now. We also know by direct measurement GHGs ARE the cause now.

We WERE going along quite naturally until the Human Industrial Revolution CO2 SPIKE.
(take note Samofvt)

View attachment 1016323

Even Sick Ding knows it's true after years of this, but he's a SICK little OCD case Crazier than 'Greenland-EMH.'


So what is your point? This is a small time slice of the earth's history. If you expand the timeline to 500 Million Years BP, you will see other interesting observations. Plus, we must consider that these data points are by proxy, not direct measurements.

The best current thinking (reviewed and published) about inter-glacial temperature swings is that the temperature changes by about 11 deg C. The figure you present may be as accurate and factual as anyone can produce. I don't know. It shows that we have just barely crested over the mid-point of the temperature swing. Your interpretation of what it means is getting you bogged down in this conspiracy that there is something wrong and that mankind is to blame.

So what is your point? This is a small time slice of the earth's history. If you expand the timeline to 500 Million Years BP, you will see other interesting observations. Plus, we must consider that these data points are by proxy, not direct measurements.

The best current thinking (reviewed and published) about inter-glacial temperature swings is that the temperature changes by about 11 deg C. The figure you present may be as accurate and factual as anyone can produce. I don't know. It shows that we have just barely crested over the mid-point of the temperature swing. Your interpretation of what it means is getting you bogged down in this conspiracy that there is something wrong and that mankind is to blame.

Asked and answered

I will interject concerning 'a specific example of the type of climate disinformation': "ALL OF IT".

Not one shred of scientific rationality behind these false claims that "CO2" is bad. Here, I present facts, not emotions:

View attachment 1015888
Asked and answered Loony Boy.

Your graphic's source says it's from 'integrityvermont' a Vanity website of "Seth Adam Manley." It doesn't deal with the current issue at all.

In Fact:

π“π‘πž 𝐏π₯𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞: π“π‘πž π‹πšπ¬π­ π“π’π¦πž π„πšπ«π­π‘ 𝐑𝐚𝐝 >πŸ’πŸŽπŸŽ 𝐩𝐩𝐦 𝐨𝐟 π€π­π¦π¨π¬π©π‘πžπ«π’πœ π‚πŽπŸ
"The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago... Although the sun's force was about the same, 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚 π₯𝐞𝐯𝐞π₯𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 πŸπŸ“ 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐞𝐫 and Arctic summer temperatures were 14Β° higher than the present day."
Royal Meteorological Society, 2019

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

The Pliocene: >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2


"His graph says is "Optimal for Plants" - 1200-2000 PPM CO2 - the poles would likely Melt and sea level at 240' Higher.
Which is Not Optimal for humans.. or NYC, London, Florida, East coast, Gulf Coast, and the world largest city Shanghai (13') which is already just waiting overflow at current level when the lag catches up.



I've already put up Sea Level for 400PPM we just blew thru in a century. (50')

We are in the oven waiting for the full consequences now. It takes time to melt.
(and we've gone up in CO2 100+x faster than nature typically would.)

at 2000 PPM.. 5x current clearly we are talking hugely more/complete.
(Google 'Climate Sensitivity')
Like the pole-Less dinosaur world of 200 Million yrs ago. (2000-3000 PPM)
No Polls.
Complete melt.
FYI (and Your welcome) 240' is the complete melt number/FACT I'm sure you did NOT know because you are a low IQ denier who never thought about the consequences of anything but your goofy politics.


Asked and answered

Asked and answered Loony Boy.

Your graphic's source says it's from 'integrityvermont' a Vanity website of "Seth Adam Manley." It doesn't deal with the current issue at all.

In Fact:

π“π‘πž 𝐏π₯𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞: π“π‘πž π‹πšπ¬π­ π“π’π¦πž π„πšπ«π­π‘ 𝐑𝐚𝐝 >πŸ’πŸŽπŸŽ 𝐩𝐩𝐦 𝐨𝐟 π€π­π¦π¨π¬π©π‘πžπ«π’πœ π‚πŽπŸ
"The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago... Although the sun's force was about the same, 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚 π₯𝐞𝐯𝐞π₯𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 πŸπŸ“ 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐞𝐫 and Arctic summer temperatures were 14Β° higher than the present day."
Royal Meteorological Society, 2019

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2

The Pliocene: >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2


"His graph says is "Optimal for Plants" - 1200-2000 PPM CO2 - the poles would likely Melt and sea level at 240' Higher.
Which is Not Optimal for humans.. or NYC, London, Florida, East coast, Gulf Coast, and the world largest city Shanghai (13') which is already just waiting overflow at current level when the lag catches up.



I've already put up Sea Level for 400PPM we just blew thru in a century. (50')

We are in the oven waiting for the full consequences now. It takes time to melt.
(and we've gone up in CO2 100+x faster than nature typically would.)

at 2000 PPM.. 5x current clearly we are talking hugely more/complete.
(Google 'Climate Sensitivity')
Like the pole-Less dinosaur world of 200 Million yrs ago. (2000-3000 PPM)
No Polls.
Complete melt.
FYI (and Your welcome) 240' is the complete melt number/FACT I'm sure you did NOT know because you are a low IQ denier who never thought about the consequences of anything but your goofy politics.


π“π‘πž π‹πšπ¬π­ π“π’π¦πž π„πšπ«π­π‘ 𝐑𝐚𝐝 >πŸ’πŸŽπŸŽ 𝐩𝐩𝐦 𝐨𝐟 π€π­π¦π¨π¬π©π‘πžπ«π’πœ π‚πŽπŸ the planet cooled. :lol:

And we can see "Natural" warming and cooling BEFORE the UNNATURAL Human Industrial Revolution SPIKE:


Show us another one of these 150 Year Spikes (now even higher/thru the top of this 15 yr old Graph) as above, or S-T-F-U.

Gameover #9673.

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Why is there no glacier on Alaska?

The land has to get to within 600 miles of the pole. That is where the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt in the summer and hence starts to stack. Greenland just got there, Alaska isn't there.

And we can see "Natural" warming and cooling BEFORE the UNNATURAL Human Industrial Revolution SPIKE:

View attachment 1017065

Show us another one of these 150 Year Spikes (now even higher/thru the top of this 15 yr old Graph) as above, or S-T-F-U.

Gameover #9673.

If CO2 is all that powerful why can’t it perform its magical warming in any controlled lab experiment?

Beaker 1: Earth atmosphere with CO2 at 280PPM showing temperature of x

Beakers 2: Earth atmosphere with CO2 at 420PPM showing temperature at x + some non-imaginary number

This way you can show us reducing from 420 to 415PPM would cause a drop in temperature of x

That’s science

But you never do that

Instead you demand that we have Faith in your beliefs
If CO2 is all that powerful why can’t it perform its magical warming in any controlled lab experiment?

Beaker 1: Earth atmosphere with CO2 at 280PPM showing temperature of x

Beakers 2: Earth atmosphere with CO2 at 420PPM showing temperature at x + some non-imaginary number

This way you can show us reducing from 420 to 415PPM would cause a drop in temperature of x

That’s science

But you never do that

Instead you demand that we have Faith in your beliefs
Just Google 'CO2 jar experiment' you Stupid MFer.
Oh, and add some water vapor and Methane.
Then some bleach... and drink it... or apply it topically to your gaping head wound.
I thought you controlled for CH4 and H2O in your non-existent lab experiments showing the horrific heat trapping abilities of the additional 140ppm CO2 monster?
According to deniers….
Now wait. Al Gore is master minding the whole conspiracy. He couldn’t get elected so he’s instead controlling the entire science world to commit the biggest fraud known to man kind, even bigger than the ozone layer and…there is no such thing as pollution….nope, it’s all a conspiracy. Car exhaust fumes are rose petals and do no harm.
Al Gore couldn't "master mind" a wet dream. Are you REALLY this stupid? The ozone "hole" WAS a scam as we now know for certain. Let's look at the progression of the CO2 scam. Some "scientists" decided that leaded gasoline was causing kids to lose brain function so we forced oil companies to come up with "unleaded" gasoline, lowering the octane rating of gas causing engine damage from knocking and pinging. We came up with re-formulated gasoline to solve that problem so those same "scientists" told us that CO exhaust was killing people and causing severe smog in the cities so we came up with another (expensive) "solution" by demanding cat converters for all gasoline engined autos. Cat converters change exhaust from mostly CO to CO2 and water vapor with a small amount of H2SO4...ALL of which are so-called "greenhouse gasses." NOW we're warned that these greenhouse gasses are going to cause the oceans to boil and wipe us all out so we have to switch to EVs. I call Bullshit!
Al Gore couldn't "master mind" a wet dream. Are you REALLY this stupid? The ozone "hole" WAS a scam as we now know for certain. Let's look at the progression of the CO2 scam. Some "scientists" decided that leaded gasoline was causing kids to lose brain function so we forced oil companies to come up with "unleaded" gasoline, lowering the octane rating of gas causing engine damage from knocking and pinging. We came up with re-formulated gasoline to solve that problem so those same "scientists" told us that CO exhaust was killing people and causing severe smog in the cities so we came up with another (expensive) "solution" by demanding cat converters for all gasoline engined autos. Cat converters change exhaust from mostly CO to CO2 and water vapor with a small amount of H2SO4...ALL of which are so-called "greenhouse gasses." NOW we're warned that these greenhouse gasses are going to cause the oceans to boil and wipe us all out so we have to switch to EVs. I call Bullshit!
One long paragraph of babble.
Math is hard for you, I know

280PPM is parts per million

280/1,000,000 of CO2
That’s hilarious
Inert gas makes up the bulk of the atmosphere while greenhouse gasses are in the minority. Even a mental midget knows that. Yet green house gasses like CO2 are most effective reemitting IR radiation which makes them green house gasses to begin with, science illiterate. I know that’s way too much fact for you to comprehend.
Al Gore couldn't "master mind" a wet dream. Are you REALLY this stupid? The ozone "hole" WAS a scam as we now know for certain. Let's look at the progression of the CO2 scam. Some "scientists" decided that leaded gasoline was causing kids to lose brain function so we forced oil companies to come up with "unleaded" gasoline, lowering the octane rating of gas causing engine damage from knocking and pinging. We came up with re-formulated gasoline to solve that problem so those same "scientists" told us that CO exhaust was killing people and causing severe smog in the cities so we came up with another (expensive) "solution" by demanding cat converters for all gasoline engined autos. Cat converters change exhaust from mostly CO to CO2 and water vapor with a small amount of H2SO4...ALL of which are so-called "greenhouse gasses." NOW we're warned that these greenhouse gasses are going to cause the oceans to boil and wipe us all out so we have to switch to EVs. I call Bullshit!
Rest assure dufus, if it wasn’t for catalytic converters you’d still be going back to Midas muffler shops every year to replace your shit ass non Stainless steel exhaust system components. Are you that fking old you can’t remember what a price of shit autos were before pollution controls ? Probably not.
Cats save lives but don’t prevent BS artist like yourself from pretending you know shit about automobiles.
That’s hilarious
Inert gas makes up the bulk of the atmosphere while greenhouse gasses are in the minority. Even a mental midget knows that. Yet green house gasses like CO2 are most effective reemitting IR radiation which makes them green house gasses to begin with, science illiterate. I know that’s way too much fact for you to comprehend.
They’re β€œmost effective” but there’s never any lab work demonstrating any temperature increase to CO2 at these minuscule levels

Why is that?

Maybe they’re not as effective as the β€œredistribute wealth through climate change” cabal keep saying?
Rest assure dufus, if it wasn’t for catalytic converters you’d still be going back to Midas muffler shops every year to replace your shit ass non Stainless steel exhaust system components. Are you that fking old you can’t remember what a price of shit autos were before pollution controls ? Probably not.
Cats save lives but don’t prevent BS artist like yourself from pretending you know shit about automobiles.
I'm 82 years old you moron and I'd wager that I know almost INFINITELY more about automobiles than you'll ever know. I know that cat converters caused thousands of grass fires--and destroyed cars and trucks--because they generate such high heat...actually higher than that caused by fuel COMBUSTION. Vehicles with cat converters were once BANNED from operating in oil fields because of that.
I'm 82 years old you moron and I'd wager that I know almost INFINITELY more about automobiles than you'll ever know. I know that cat converters caused thousands of grass fires--and destroyed cars and trucks--because they generate such high heat...actually higher than that caused by fuel COMBUSTION. Vehicles with cat converters were once BANNED from operating in oil fields because of that.
That’s hilarious. And you didn’t even know what a cat does…..maybe you don’t know the difference between toxins and greenhouse gasses ? Cats help remove toxins, not greenhouse gasses…..get a life.
The rest of your babble is just an admission you’re weak on biology.

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