Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

That’s hilarious. And you didn’t even know what a cat does…..maybe you don’t know the difference between toxins and greenhouse gasses ? Cats help remove toxins, not greenhouse gasses…..get a life.
The rest of your babble is just an admission you’re weak on biology.

Cats help remove toxins, not greenhouse gasses…..get a life.

Liar. Catalytic converters reduce nitrogen oxides which are potent greenhouse gases.

Cats help remove toxins, not greenhouse gasses…..get a life.

Liar. Catalytic converters reduce nitrogen oxides which are potent greenhouse gases.

AI Overview

A catalytic converter is a part of a car's exhaust system that reduces harmful emissions by converting them into less toxic substances:

  • What it does
    A catalytic converter filters out harmful byproducts in exhaust gases and burns them up. It does this by routing the gases through a honeycomb structure coated with precious metals that trigger chemical reactions.

  • What it converts
    A catalytic converter converts toxic pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons into less toxic emissions like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor.

  • Where it's located
    A catalytic converter is usually found near the engine, about a third of the way down the exhaust system underneath the vehicle.

  • Why it's important
    A catalytic converter improves a car's efficiency and helps reduce the number of toxic pollutants emitted into the air.

  • How to maintain it
    A well-maintained car can extend the life of the catalytic converter, which can help avoid costly repairs or replacements.
Catalytic converters became more popular in the mid-1970s after the US Environmental Protection Agency began regulating vehicle emissions. Federal law doesn't require a catalytic converter on cars made before 1974

Converting nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and nitrogen doesn't help global warming.
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AI Overview

A catalytic converter is a part of a car's exhaust system that reduces harmful emissions by converting them into less toxic substances:

  • What it does
    A catalytic converter filters out harmful byproducts in exhaust gases and burns them up. It does this by routing the gases through a honeycomb structure coated with precious metals that trigger chemical reactions.

  • What it converts
    A catalytic converter converts toxic pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons into less toxic emissions like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor.

  • Where it's located
    A catalytic converter is usually found near the engine, about a third of the way down the exhaust system underneath the vehicle.

  • Why it's important
    A catalytic converter improves a car's efficiency and helps reduce the number of toxic pollutants emitted into the air.

  • How to maintain it
    A well-maintained car can extend the life of the catalytic converter, which can help avoid costly repairs or replacements.
Catalytic converters became more popular in the mid-1970s after the US Environmental Protection Agency began regulating vehicle emissions. Federal law doesn't require a catalytic converter on cars made before 1974

Converting nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and nitrogen doesn't help re global warming.

Converting nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and nitrogen doesn't help re global warming.

Is nitrous oxide a strong greenhouse gas?


Darn it Crick, the sciense says you're wrong.

Why don't AGW believers believe in the science?
Converting nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and nitrogen doesn't help re global warming.

Is nitrous oxide a strong greenhouse gas?

View attachment 1018104

Darn it Crick, the sciense says you're wrong.

Why don't AGW believers believe in the science?
You got me.
Yes, the climate of our planet is changing, it has been changing for millions of years, We are not causing it, we cannot stop it, we cannot slow it, what we can do is adapt to whatever comes as humanity has always done.
AI Overview

A catalytic converter is a part of a car's exhaust system that reduces harmful emissions by converting them into less toxic substances:

  • What it does
    A catalytic converter filters out harmful byproducts in exhaust gases and burns them up. It does this by routing the gases through a honeycomb structure coated with precious metals that trigger chemical reactions.

  • What it converts
    A catalytic converter converts toxic pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons into less toxic emissions like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor.

  • Where it's located
    A catalytic converter is usually found near the engine, about a third of the way down the exhaust system underneath the vehicle.

  • Why it's important
    A catalytic converter improves a car's efficiency and helps reduce the number of toxic pollutants emitted into the air.

  • How to maintain it
    A well-maintained car can extend the life of the catalytic converter, which can help avoid costly repairs or replacements.
Catalytic converters became more popular in the mid-1970s after the US Environmental Protection Agency began regulating vehicle emissions. Federal law doesn't require a catalytic converter on cars made before 1974

Converting nitrous oxide and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and nitrogen doesn't help global warming.
Yup. Cats are meant to reduce the the effects of harmful TOXIC gasses, not greenhouse gases.
Toxic gasses are poisonous to human beings. Green house gasses are harmful to the environment . Big difference. But our bogus nimrod science illiterate friends don’t know the deference.
Yes, the climate of our planet is changing, it has been changing for millions of years, We are not causing it, we cannot stop it, we cannot slow it, what we can do is adapt to whatever comes as humanity has always done.

Tectonic plate movement... to be more specific...
According to highly correlated satellite and balloon data, it would cause NO WARMING since Co2 does nothing...
Of course you can’t give the data and no warming in the atmosphere is useless foolish. It only warms at or near the surface . You’ve been told this three times fraud.
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Of course you can’t give the data and no warming in the atmosphere is useless foolish. It only warms at or near the surface . You’ve been told this three times fraud.

The latest climate "revisionist history"

Where is Co2??

a) the atmosphere
b) up your ass
Where did you copy that from ?

From the greatest climate expert of our time...

From the greatest climate expert of our time...

Wow, the message board…
Lies on top of lies…..
The latest climate "revisionist history"

Where is Co2??

a) the atmosphere
b) up your ass
Dufus. CO2 doesn’t warm the atmosphere illiterate. Co2 remits IR which is absorbed at the surface and generates heat there you clown. You never heard of an IR heater ? You babbling imbecile. No wonder you’re so imbecilic.

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