Is anyone gonna stop drinking Bud Light?

well good for them. I guess the proof will be 'in the PUDding'.

There is a reason Miller stopped sponsoring S&M fairs in San Francisco, the ones where faggots were taking toddlers dressed up in leather fetish gear to watch all the perverts and deviants do their thing in public streets, including urinating on each other and other Fun Faggot Pastimes.
yeah it does. cause you have a great deal of difficulty determining just what IS important.
hardly, I am at the age where I know it isn't that important and you are being led by despicable people who have to keep you buzy while they rape and pillage the nation.
There is a reason Miller stopped sponsoring S&M fairs in San Francisco, the ones where faggots were taking toddlers dressed up in leather fetish gear to watch all the perverts and deviants do their thing in public streets, including urinating on each other and other Fun Faggot Pastimes.
That sounds like a Metalica concert in the 1990s.
There is a reason Miller stopped sponsoring S&M fairs in San Francisco, the ones where faggots were taking toddlers dressed up in leather fetish gear to watch all the perverts and deviants do their thing in public streets, including urinating on each other and other Fun Faggot Pastimes.
There is a reason Miller stopped sponsoring S&M fairs in San Francisco, the ones where faggots were taking toddlers dressed up in leather fetish gear to watch all the perverts and deviants do their thing in public streets, including urinating on each other and other Fun Faggot Pastimes.
You sure know about all of this too well. You been fudgepacking?
hardly, I am at the age where I know it isn't that important and you are being led by despicable people who have to keep you buzy while they rape and pillage the nation.
I'd like to know where i'm raping and pillaging seein' the mess the biden regime has made out of the economy. I'd hardly expect someone who supports baby murder, child amputations and perversion to make such an accusation. But then...the left feels empowered to do just about anything these days.
Why are you against gays? Is it that your a bible thumping moron or what? The kids? Please the kids are fine. It's 2023, wake up!

lol drug overdoses, suicides, and sexual fetishism has skyrocketed since faggots have been allowed to groom children in public schools.

Of course that qualifies as 'fine' according to sick freaks.
I'd like to know where i'm raping and pillaging seein' the mess the biden regime has made out of the economy. I'd hardly expect someone who supports baby murder, child amputations and perversion to make such an accusation. But then...the left feels empowered to do just about anything these days.
Yeah, you are a billionaire now, congrats. :auiqs.jpg:
We know now they support homosexuals which will trigger the right wing nut jobs. How many of you will stop drinking it?
I can't say I will because I never cared much for the crap before.

However, I have seen reports in the last few days where the demand for it at establishments has decreased significantly.

At the range on Thursdays a friend of mine brought several cases that he had at home and used it for shooting practice with his Class III M-16.
I can't say I will because I never cared much for the crap before.

However, I have seen reports in the last few days where the demand for it at establishments has decreased significantly.

At the range on Thursdays a friend of mine brought several cases that he had at home and used it for shooting practice with his Class III M-16.
Sounds like your friend is a gun nut.
You sure know about all of this too well. You been fudgepacking?

Another tip off a mentally ill freak is properly indoctrinated with propaganda is the old stupid reverse pop psychology gimmick. First they scream for attention, like the OP posted by this gimp, then they snivel when they get it. lol lame idiocy is a hallmark.

See more stupid PR gimmicks here, all from Antonio Gramsci's culture war tactics.

Emil here has already parroted several, let's see how many more the faggot throws out. lol
Another tip off a mentally ill freak is properly indoctrinated with propaganda is the old stupid reverse pop psychology gimmick. First they scream for attention, like the OP posted by this gimp, then they snivel when they get it. lol lame idiocy is a hallmark.

See more stupid PR gimmicks here, all from Antonio Gramsci's culture war tactics.

Emil here has already parroted several, let's see how many more the faggot throws out. lol
Yep this guy is definitely a gay. Lol so do your parents know?

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