Zone1 Is God the Ruler of the Universe?

Is God the ruler of the Universe? If so, why hasn't He done anything with the rest of it?
What if God created the entire universe just to create earth and those who live there?

Got a problem with that?

If so, why?
The latest science is saying that our universe and our big bang, is only one in an infinite number of universes. Sort of like a bubble in a bubble bath.

And fwiw, there was no beginning and there will be no end.
What if God created the entire universe just to create earth and those who live there?

Got a problem with that?

If so, why?
The problem with your solution is that it does not comport with idea of an anthropomorphic deity. Why would God create an entire universe if his sole interest was the planet Earth? And how would he have a human "image" before Earth was created? It seems to me that a truly omnipotent God would not bind himself to such terrestrial constraints.
The problem with your solution is that it does not comport with idea of an anthropomorphic deity. Why would God create an entire universe if his sole interest was the planet Earth? And how would he have a human "image" before Earth was created? It seems to me that a truly omnipotent God would not bind himself to such terrestrial constraints.
The original understanding of earth being the center of the universe is the obvious answer. The stars in the sky were believed to be something other than what they've been established by science to actually be. Some even fell to earth!
The problem with your solution is that it does not comport with idea of an anthropomorphic deity. Why would God create an entire universe if his sole interest was the planet Earth? And how would he have a human "image" before Earth was created? It seems to me that a truly omnipotent God would not bind himself to such terrestrial constraints.
In an attempt to instill humility into the human race?

If so, it did not work very well.
In an attempt to instill humility into the human race?

If so, it did not work very well.

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."

But if you can't see the stars for the city lights there's no awe or wonder.
... there was no beginning ...

If the universe expands - and as far as we know currently it is so and always it was so - then it was once very very very little. And "before" it was very very very little in the first plank-time there was no before. So perhaps if there was no before there was indeed no beginning. Whatelse to say in terms of natural science? Looks like nothing was "before" including this "before". Within the universe nothing comes from nothing - but the universe on its own came from nothing - that's all what we are able to say; not much - nearly nothing. Nevertheless: Why exists not only nothing in this expanding universe? Why is something? Makes this any sense? If we all would not exist the universe could not ask such stupid questions - from which we do not even know how intelligent or how stupid are such questions at all.
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The problem with your solution is that it does not comport with idea of an anthropomorphic deity.

God is not "antropomorph". He is the creator of the whole universe including all life. His children are "god"-omorph, are human. But not everything what human beings are doing is human or godly.

Why would God create an entire universe if his sole interest was the planet Earth?

Perhaps because he loves all and every life and life needs a whole universe to exist.

And how would he have a human "image" before Earth was created?

Sorry - but you on your own are a "humanist" - even a bad one. Not biological human beings are in the centre of the belief in god - but spiritual human beings. And if you take a look at the history of mankind then spiritual human beings have many forms. But that's nonsense when you ask a cat - because god is a cat how every cat knows. (But a cat on her own perhaps never would say so. We say so about cats. The moment we say so we make them to human beings with a cat-character.)

It seems to me that a truly omnipotent God would not bind himself to such terrestrial constraints.

Love binds, isn't it? And god is love. Love is not terrestrial - as less as natural laws are terrestrial. Or do you not think that Astronoms love stars? Like Marylin Monroe for example who not did do suicide.

PS: The difference between cats and dogs is by the way what they think about human beings. Dogs think: "They give me something to eat - They may be gods!" Cats think:"They give me something to eat - I may be god!"
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