Is Immigration OK? Should We Allow Immigrants Into The US? I NEED FEEDBACK!!

Holly (IDS)

Dec 3, 2014
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on immigration? Should we still allow immigrants into the US? What should we do with the illegal immigrants?
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Normally the whole reason for someone coming here as an immigrant is to get out of a bad situation and to make money to send back to their family or to pay for their family to join them here. So if an Illegal immigrant is caught here, shouldn't they be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to apply for citizenship here too?
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on immigration? Should we still allow immigrants into the US? What should we do with the illegal immigrants?

How odd, another topic started about the same thing from another supposed student doing a school project.
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Normally the whole reason for someone coming here as an immigrant is to get out of a bad situation and to make money to send back to their family or to pay for their family to join them here. So if an Illegal immigrant is caught here, shouldn't they be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to apply for citizenship here too?

Um no.. They had no right to come here illegally for the reasons you stated.
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Normally the whole reason for someone coming here as an immigrant is to get out of a bad situation and to make money to send back to their family or to pay for their family to join them here. So if an Illegal immigrant is caught here, shouldn't they be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to apply for citizenship here too?

Why should they be given the benefit of the doubt? They committed a crime as their first action coming here. There is a process to be a legal immigrant. If they chose not to use it, why should they be rewarded? Also, I don't give a shit why they came here illegally. Would you let the children of a bank robber keep the stolen money if the reason for it being stolen was to get out of a bad economic situation?
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Normally the whole reason for someone coming here as an immigrant is to get out of a bad situation and to make money to send back to their family or to pay for their family to join them here. So if an Illegal immigrant is caught here, shouldn't they be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to apply for citizenship here too?

Um no.. They had no right to come here illegally for the reasons you stated.

Apparently, Holly is one of those to whom the bleeding heart professors/teahers got to and convinced her that someone coming here for the rights reasons can be allowed to get by doing it the wrong way.
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Normally the whole reason for someone coming here as an immigrant is to get out of a bad situation and to make money to send back to their family or to pay for their family to join them here. So if an Illegal immigrant is caught here, shouldn't they be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to apply for citizenship here too?
Normally, the reason for immigration is to enhance society with productive, self-supporting people. And when language and cultural barriers start becoming problematic, we suspend immigration.

Immigration is not for the benefit of émigrés and their home countries. It's for the benefit or your own country.
Anyone that had family come here or came here themselves as a legal immigrant would be hypocrite if they opposed legal immigration. As far as criminal immigrant, I'd ship them back to country of origin and send the bill to that country.
Normally the whole reason for someone coming here as an immigrant is to get out of a bad situation and to make money to send back to their family or to pay for their family to join them here. So if an Illegal immigrant is caught here, shouldn't they be given the benefit of the doubt and be allowed to apply for citizenship here too?
Normally, the reason for immigration is to enhance society with productive, self-supporting people. And when language and cultural barriers start becoming problematic, we suspend immigration.

Immigration is not for the benefit of émigrés and their home countries. It's for the benefit or your own country.

It's a shame that people like Holly seem to think that if someone can come up with a reason as to why they did something, committing a crime to do it is OK and they should be left alone.
Hi, my name is Holly and I'm doing a school project on what I've learned in my class and I need your help!!! PLEASE keep ALL your responses and comments clean and educated so I can turn your feedback into my professor.
What are your opinions on immigration? Should we still allow immigrants into the US? What should we do with the illegal immigrants?
If they enter legally yes. Illegals need to be deported.
There were no immigration restrictions prior to 1875. The founding generation certainly had no problem with it. Immigrants were important constituents for the early Republican party, which passed the Homestead Act on their behalf.

Just a little historical perspective...
There were no immigration restrictions prior to 1875. The founding generation certainly had no problem with it. Immigrants were important constituents for the early Republican party, which passed the Homestead Act on their behalf.

Just a little historical perspective...

Yes, that's why it is called "history". We have had to implement immigration laws/quotas for the obvious reasons. Our population grew immensely and we were no longer a wide open frontier with an abundance of jobs and resources. Republicans don't have a problem with legal immigration in reasonable numbers to fit the above criteria.
legal immigration -- good!
Illegal immigration -- bad!

Feel free to quote me on this.
legal immigration -- good!
Illegal immigration -- bad!

Feel free to quote me on this.
Before 1860 - legal immigration good
Now - legal immigration bad

Here is one of the reasons ALL immigration is bad (since Holly mentioned remittances)

The GOP could pass a bill to outlaw the sending of remittances out of the US. This $123 Billion/year extracted out of the US economy, and re-inserted into the economies of the immigrants' home countries is the biggest pillaging of a nation's wealth in human history. The Vikings would be envious. Would be interesting to see how Obama would try to wiggle out of blame for a veto of that.

It would be tantamount to saying it's OK for these countries to impose a 21st century style of imperialism upon us, and rip us off for massive amounts of money. Open admission of treason.

Here's what the top international burglars are pocketing from us >>

Worst imperializing countries are >>

1. Mexico - $22.8 Billion/year

2. China - $13 Billion/year

3. India - $11.9 Billion/year

4. Phillipines - $10.6 Billion/year
There sure are a lot of emotional fools with no understanding of economics (or much else) around here.

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